Facial cleansing with acids: hyaluronic, salicylic, lactic
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Beauticians believe that today there is almost no normal skin. The tendency to dryness or high fat content prevails. Normalize the condition of the skin are capable of procedures, including facial cleansing with acids. It is relevant for both sexes, for all ages and skin types. However, women are most interested.
Indications for the procedure
Special glands constantly secrete fat - to protect the skin from drying out and adverse external factors, to make the skin soft and supple. On the surface, this secret is mixed with dead scales of the epidermis. Normally, fat is secreted in the optimal volume, and cell renewal takes place independently. In case of violations, clogging of the respiratory pores with this mixture occurs.
- Under the influence of stresses, seasonal fluctuations, circadian and hormonal disorders, overfatigue, malfunctions occur: sebum is produced more, and renewal slows down. [1]
Most experts agree that hyperproliferation and impaired keratinization of the follicular epithelium in combination with hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands and the colonization of Propionibacterium acnes (P. Acnes) leads to the formation of clogged pores, which may be accompanied by varying degrees of inflammation. [2] There is also an opinion that acne-prone skin is in a state of constant subclinical inflammation, which can develop to varying degrees of severity when one or more of the previously mentioned pathomechanisms are superimposed. [3] In patients with acne, a change in barrier function and skin integrity has also been reported.[4]
The acidic pH of the stratum corneum is necessary for the optimal functioning of the skin's natural barrier system. Shifts in skin pH and, in turn, barrier dysfunction predispose the skin to inflammatory and infectious dermatoses, including acne vulgaris. [5]
The glands become clogged, enlarge, and plugs are formed in them, crowned with black dots on top - an oxidized lipid secretion. The skin is unable to cleanse itself from them. To remove the contents from the depths of the skin will not help any cosmetics. This becomes the main indication for a salon facial cleansing procedure - with acids or in another way.
Evidence in the literature shows the benefits of acidifying the surface of the skin with acne. Studies have shown that lowering the pH reduces the inflammatory response of TH2 and accelerates the restoration of barrier function, thereby preventing epidermal hyperproliferation.[6], [7]
With regular use of acids to cleanse the face in conditions preceding the appearance of acne, the symptoms and signs of skin irritation and the onset of inflammation and acne were lower than in alkaline soaps. [8]The phenomenon of acidification of the skin surface can help reduce the number of inflammatory papulopustules in acne-affected skin. [9]Studies have shown that regular use of acid agents reduces the pH of the skin surface and the amount of propionibacteria compared to neutral drugs.[10], [11]
This is our help to the skin. And after 30 years, cleaning, home or salon, helps to be proactive - delay the formation of wrinkles, dullness, and reduce skin turgor as far as possible.
The use of cosmetic acids is designed to smooth the upper layer of the skin, eliminate dirt, dead cells, excess fat. In the salons, fruit (malic, citric, citric), salicylic, oleic, glycolic, lactic, and retinolic acids are used.
In preparation for cleaning, it is recommended that you use fruit acid care products. They will also be needed in the rehabilitation period after acid peeling.
If the beautician advised cleansing the face with acids, then it should begin with thorough preparation - regardless of whether in the salon or at home. The difference is that in a cosmetic institution this will be done by a professional, and if you do it yourself, you should take care of the preparation personally.
Assessment of the skin condition of each person is mandatory before chemical peeling. The treating dermatologist should evaluate the patient for possible indications, find any contraindications, discuss the procedure in detail and evaluate the patient's expectations and the expectation of results. Potential risks of the procedure, as well as limitations, should be discussed. The patient's skin type should be evaluated according to Fitzpatrick's classification. The level of photodamage should also be assessed using the Glogau classification. Before chemical peeling, a detailed medical history and skin examination should be performed in all patients. The areas that need to be cleaned must be photographed, and should include a full face and front view. Informed consent must be signed prior to the peeling procedure.
Dermatologists use several schemes for preparing for peeling. Various combinations, including topical application of tretinoin, α-hydroxy acids, hydroquinone, kojic acid and low-activity steroids, are used to cleanse the skin before peeling. Patients should be advised to avoid smoking, minimize exposure to sunlight, and apply broad-spectrum sunscreens. Peeling preparation schemes differ with common acne, photo-damage, and hyperpigmentation, including melasma and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.[12]
2–4 weeks before the peeling procedure, local and systemic treatments can be prescribed for patients with acne vulgaris. Local antibiotics can be used daily and stopped 1 or 2 days before peeling. Broad-spectrum sunscreens (ultraviolet A and ultraviolet B) should be used often.
Skin is prepared in advance - about a day before the main procedure. At night, a scrub is used to effectively clean the surface. It is also better to cook the reading mixture before the start, so as not to waste expensive procedural time, calculated in minutes.
- With proper preparation, self-cleaning is not dangerous. Immediately before manipulation, the face must be wiped with a mild agent - milk or serum. Eyelids, eyebrows, lips protect against burns with cosmetic petroleum jelly.
The working mixture is applied immediately after wiping, listening to your own feelings. They should be within tolerance: slight tingling, itching. After seven to eight minutes, remove the mass with warm water.
There are various recommendations regarding the frequency of procedures. And this is understandable, because the skin of each person is distinguished by individual characteristics, on which these recommendations depend. Age, condition, type, gender, climate, environmental influences - these are the main factors that determine the number and frequency of sessions. The skin needs to be cleaned from once every 10 to once every 30 days.
Technique of the face cleansing acids
The attending physician must be a qualified dermatologist who has received adequate training in chemical peeling during postgraduate training in dermatology.
Those who want to conduct an independent face cleansing with acids should know about contraindications. So, no procedures can be done when the face is showered with inflammation, the skin is infected or injured. The rest of the time, the key to success is a correctly selected staff and all the operations that have been performed sequentially.
The technique is simple. The main thing is to consider the type of skin. For example, for dry and normal, a recipe with alpha hydroxy acids (AHA acids) is suitable:
- Take 2 liters. Lemon juice and cane sugar, pour a little yogurt into the solution. This mask contains a lot of citric, glycolic and lactic acids.
In the mid-1990s, the anti-aging effects of alpha hydroxy acids (ANA) were recognized by the cosmeceutical industry, which led to the proliferation of AAG-containing anti-aging products. [13]AHAs are a group of hydrophilic organic acids that contain a carboxylic acid group with an adjacent hydroxyl group in the alpha position. [14]The most commonly used AHAs are glycolic acid and lactic acid, although malic acid, citric acid, pyruvic acid, tartaric acid, and others have similar functions.[15]
The exact mechanism of action of AHA acids is still unknown, but the most widely accepted theory is that AHA removes calcium ions from epidermal cell adhesions by chelation. This leads to a weakening of intercellular adhesion, which has an exfoliating effect, causing the exfoliation of dead and dry cells. [16]Decreased calcium levels also contribute to further cell growth, while slowing down the differentiation of cells, thereby reducing the appearance of wrinkles and younger skin delact. AHAs can also increase the expression of collagen and hyaluronic acid genes in the dermis and epidermis, which in turn improves skin turgor and hydration.
She is held on her face for about eight minutes. And rinse off. Then immediately moisturize with a cream, which is subsequently used regularly, and is protected from ultraviolet radiation for a whole month.
Oily skin is always problematic. It also requires the use of BHA acids.
β-hydroxy acids (βHAs) are carboxylic acids having one hydroxyl group attached to the β-position of the carboxyl group. Raspberry and citric acid are representatives in this category. Citric acid is widely used in topical formulations as an antioxidant, and its anti-aging properties are well known. [17]
For cleaning, aspirin is dissolved in lemon juice, after 10 minutes it is removed from the face with a sponge moistened with soda water. The mask dries up acne, reduces the production of fat, removes accumulated dirt. This is a very effective treatment for acne and skin prone to acne. [18]
If everything is done correctly, and some comedones still do not evacuate, leave them alone for a while - until the next time. This means that they are not fully ripe. When these points are pressed, the contents fall into the skin layer, subsequently inflaming and leaving ugly scars.
Facial cleansing with acids at home
Acids are found in various products: sweet and sour milk, tomatoes, lemon, blueberries, grapes, other vegetables and fruits. To cleanse the face with acids, fruit juices, such as lemon, are most often used. The liquid just needs to be applied to the face and washed off after 10 minutes.
The procedure is completely safe and boils down to the removal of dead elements, the opening of pores and the evacuation of their contents. Performing facial cleansing with acids at home is quite possible, and it will cost much less than a cosmetologist. Important detail: less concentrated solutions are used at home, compared to the interior. This is done in order to avoid burns or other troubles in case of a possible mistake.
- With oily skin, you can no doubt resort to intense exposure. If the skin is delicate and thin or affected by foci of inflammation, then you need to act delicately or still turn to professionals.
Any cleaning starts with steaming. At home, it is traditionally done: they keep their covered heads over hot water, after 10 minutes they wet their face with a towel. It is useful to take grass infusion instead of water. You can take a shower with a gel for washing.
An effective substance for acid peeling is salicylic acid - one of the beta hydroxy acids. It penetrates deep into the pores, acts as an anti-inflammatory, fat-dissolving, desquamating element. In order to prevent an undesirable reaction, a test is done ahead of time on a tender area of the skin. If after a day the reaction does not follow, you can begin to cleanse your face.
- Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to protect the mucous membranes and sensitive areas with petroleum jelly (lubricate the eyebrows, eyelids, nostrils, lips).
Malleable softened skin is wiped with salicylic alcohol and treated from blackheads, whiteheads, greasy plugs. If necessary, you can use a needle. Defiant comedones do not touch until the next session.
After an aggressive procedure, it is important to properly care for the skin: wash with soft preparations, moisturize two to three times a day, and avoid sunlight. If signs of pigmentation or infection appear, this indicates the need for qualified help.
Facial cleansing with acetylsalicylic acid
Salicylic acid has been used to treat various skin diseases for over 2000 years. The ability of salicylic acid to exfoliate the stratum corneum makes it a good peeling agent. In particular, the comedolytic property of salicylic acid makes it a useful exfoliating treatment for acne patients. It is considered as a keratolytic agent, and in the role of a desmolytic agent because of its ability to destroy cellular compounds rather than destroy or lyse intercellular keratin filaments. [19]
Chemically, acetylsalicylic acid is 2-hydroxybenzoic acid or orthohydrobenzoic acid. Sources of salicylates include willow bark, sweet birch and pear leaves. However, it can also be synthesized artificially, in everyday life it is called aspirin. [20],
Salicylic acid is a fat-soluble agent, unlike α-hydroxy acids (such as glycolic acid), and therefore mixes with epidermal lipids and sebaceous lipids in the hair follicles, reduces sebum secretion in acne patients.
Facial cleansing with acetylsalicylic acid is used in the following cases:
- With a tendency to inflammation, acne of varying intensity.
- With increased sensitivity to temperature fluctuations and makeup.
- With oily, dull, unhealthy gloss, enlarged pores.
- With signs of wilting, a change in the contour.
The inclusion of aspirin in the recipes of mixtures for cleaning the face with acids gives them not only cosmetic, but also therapeutic properties. There is a cleansing of all the excess and disinfection of the skin, which minimizes the risk of infection (in the presence of inflamed acne and other foci). Masks based on acetylsalicylic acid normalize the secretion of fat, tighten pores, smooth the surface.
- Aspirin cleansing prevents hair ingrowth, activates metabolism, effectively and inexpensively treats acne and comedones when used independently. The addition of other active ingredients allows the drug to be used for various skin types.
It is important to maintain the recipe and procedure. Mixtures for oily and problematic skin are highly aggressive. One of the recipes recommends rubbing 6 tablets and mix the resulting powder with lemon juice. Apply a homogeneous mass to the entire face or problem areas for 15 minutes. Wash off with a sponge. After intensive cleansing, the skin requires intensive soothing. A herbal compress or ice is suitable.
With normal and dry skin, it should be actively softened (ground oatmeal, natural oils, honey). In all cases, it is imperative to use a pure, without impurities and additional components preparation.
Facial cleansing with acetylsalicylic acid and honey
The method of cleansing the face with acetylsalicylic acid and honey is suitable for self-fulfillment. The result is deep penetration, nutrition, and saturation with moisture. Facial cleansing with acid with honey has a double effect:
- Exfoliates unnecessary cells.
- Moisturizes, restores, optimizes the secretion of sebaceous glands.
Additional components can be introduced into the aspirin-honey mixture, taking into account the type of skin that will enhance the effect: oils, fruit juices, kefir, sea salt, cosmetic clay.
Simple recipes:
- 4 tablets mixed with a teaspoon of water and a few drops of honey;
- 3 crushed tablets mixed with 0.5 tsp. Water, the same amount of jojoba oil and a full spoon of honey; bring to a thick homogeneous state so that the mass does not spread over the face. Soak for about 20 minutes, remove gently, with gentle movements.
Overexposure can cause dryness and increased peeling. It is best to do the manipulation in the evening, so as not to go out in the sun until the skin is restored. Soothing masks, nourishing preparations are what the skin needs after cleansing the face with acid.
Salicylates are effective in the presence of pores, oily or aging skin. It is not recommended to use during pregnancy and lactation, as well as hypersensitivity to this category of chemicals. In case of damage, including minor ones, you should wait for their healing.
Side effects of salicylic acid peeling
- Prolonged erythema
- Intensive Exfoliation
- Crust formation
- Dryness
- Pigmentary dyschromia
- Systemic toxicity, salicylism
- Hypoglycemia
- Contact sensitization
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration classifies salicylic acid as a Category C. [21]The use of acetylsalicylic acid peels is not recommended during pregnancy because its structure is closely related to the structure of aspirin. The use of aspirin during pregnancy has been associated with miscarriage, birth defects, bleeding complications, and salicism. On the other hand, peeling using α-hydroxy acids is designated as category B and can be used safely during pregnancy.
Facial cleansing with fruit acids
A great way to rejuvenate and renew skin with a lasting effect is to cleanse your face with fruit acids. This is a gentle, atraumatic peeling, however, it is not recommended to do it on your own, because a mistake can be expensive. Dry cleaning of the face with acids is indicated for women after 35 to eliminate keratinization and age spots, rejuvenate and brighten the dermis, restore lipid balance, and fight acne.
For cleaning use natural or synthetic acids.
Alpha hydroxy acids (AHA) include glycolic acid (GA), citric acid (CA), malic acid (MA), tartaric acid (TA) and lactic acid (LA), which are all naturally occurring organic acids found in many foods and dairy sugars.
Citric acid, malic acid and lactic acid are important participants in the Krebs cycle and the cell fermentation process. Most studies of citric and malic acids focus on cell metabolism and the production of adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP). In a 1971 review article, Decker described the nature and regulation of energy metabolism in the epidermis [22]. Malic and citric acids are abundant in many fruits and their seeds, such as cocoa pods, grapes and blackberries [23]. Although many studies have studied the compounds of fruit extracts, few have examined the biological functions of pure MA and CA. In 1997, the US FDA showed that malic acid and citric acid were “generally recognized as safe” as food additives used as flavor enhancers, flavors, adjuvants, and pH control (US FDA 1997). Since then, CA and MA have been used as pH regulators and moisturizers (moisturizing agents) in cosmetic formulations [24]. However, in clinical trials, malic acid was recognized as an irritant.
In previous studies, Okano et al. And Hussein et al. Described the mechanisms by which glycolic kilosta can slow down photoaging of the skin: it increases the thickness of the epidermis, activates fibroblasts and increases dermal collagen. An increase in the density and thickness of collagen fibers occurs as a result of the ability of glycolic acid to accelerate the synthesis of collagen by fibroblasts, increasing the synthesis of glycosaminoglycans and collagen fibers. [25], [26]
Citric and lactic acids play different roles in relation to skin cells. One study showed that citric acid induces the proliferation of collagen I and procollagen II, while glycolic acid improves the epidermis and dermis, thereby confirming the usefulness of AHA for rejuvenating photo-damaged skin [27]. In addition, citric acid at a concentration of 20% can increase the thickness of the epidermis and the amount of glycosaminoglycans in sun-damaged skin. It has also been discovered that it increases the rate of skin renewal [28]and treats sun-damaged skin.
The procedure for the cosmetologist is as follows:
- assesses the condition of the epidermis, prescribes a course of manipulation;
- picks up an acid or mixture of acids;
- makes an allergy test;
- in the absence of reaction, cleanses the face with a special drug;
- applies the composition for a certain time;
- removes this compound;
- gives recommendations for further care.
Positive results occur after a course of sessions prescribed by a specialist (an average of 4-6 procedures at certain intervals). The course is recommended to be repeated annually, choosing a season with minimal solar activity. Tanning is not advisable either before or immediately after the procedures.
In the first months after cleansing, activities such as going to the bathhouse, a solarium, and cosmetic procedures are limited. The skin should be protected from weathering, ultraviolet radiation, mechanical stress, alcohol-containing cosmetics. Restrictions apply to the diet: salted and spicy foods are excluded for several weeks.
Salicylic Acid Face Cleansing
Salicylic acid is one of the best drugs for the treatment of acne, lightening post-acne and a number of medical and cosmetic procedures on the skin. It dissolves in fats, penetrates the pores and cleans them. It is an ingredient in many ointments, lotions, peels, and home masks. Face cleaning with salicylic acid is useful because the substance has at least a triple effect:
- antibacterial;
- desiccant;
- anti-inflammatory.
May help prevent, as well as reduce the number of UV-induced skin tumors. [29]
OTC treatment of acne with salicylic acid includes concentrations from 0.05% to 5%. Higher concentrations are reserved for salicylic acid and chemical peels. The “physiological” desquamation provided by salicylic acid makes the skin texture and appearance smoother and may create the illusion of reduced pore size. Unfortunately, lower concentrations of salicylic acid can provide only moderate desmolytic activity, which leads to minimal therapeutic effects. [30]
The chemical eliminates many problems: papules and pustules, spots and other pigmentation, comedones and increased fat content. In combination with glycolic acid, salicylic acid is able to completely clear the face of acne, if the situation is not running to the point where complex treatment is needed.
- Salicylic cleaning is available for independent use. However, it should be remembered that cleaning the face with acids, including the one mentioned, is not recommended for pregnant women and women with very dry, constantly flaky skin. Side effects are possible in other cases: hyperemia, itching, allergies, burns.
The procedure is carried out with a problematic, oily type of skin. In this case, redness is also possible, but it quickly disappears, leaving a smooth, healthy color and a cleaned surface. The procedure is as follows:
- Remove makeup residue, dust and other contaminants.
- Apply emollient.
- Wipe thoroughly with an antiseptic.
- Gently distribute the mass in problem areas.
- To sustain according to the instructions.
- Wash off with cool water.
- Cover your face with a cosmetic product, preferably based on aloe.
For trouble-free recovery, the following days should protect your face from sunlight and aggressive external factors. Salicylic acid peels are an effective and safe treatment for acne vulgaris. [31]
Hyaluronic Acid Face Cleansing
Hyaluronic acid is a favorite substance of cosmetologists. Hyaluronic acid face cleansing is just one of the procedures using a popular ingredient. Efficiency is explained by the fact that it is a structural component of the skin and connective tissue of the human body. Hyaluronic peeling has a double effect, because it not only removes dead epidermis, but also intensively nourishes new cells.
Hyaluronic acid (HA; also known as hyaluronate or hyaluronan) is a high molecular weight, negatively charged (polyanionic) polysaccharide and is naturally present in almost all tissues and fluids of vertebrates, including the extracellular matrix of the skin. Due to its complex interaction with matrix components and cells, HA plays a versatile role in the skin associated with both its physicochemical and biological properties. Hyaluronic acid is well known for its excellent water retention capacity. [32]In addition, it supports the architecture of the extracellular matrix tissue, regulates skin elasticity, participates in the migration and differentiation of cells during wound healing and inflammation, and can also act as an antioxidant by restricting the movement of reactive oxygen species. Finally, hyaluronic acid is used as a local system for delivering drugs to the skin.[33]
A recent study has shown that micro laser peeling with serum hyaluronic acid can be successfully used to rejuvenate the skin. [34]
Hyaluronic acid maintains an optimal water balance in the thickness of the skin. But, unfortunately, with age, the body ceases to cope with some functions, including the formation of a natural substance. Because of this, the skin “dries out”, becomes flabby and wrinkled.
- In addition to cleansing the face with acid, it is included in the formulas of external preparations, used in home masks, and used for “beauty injections”. With its help, resistance to withering processes and the action of external factors is increased.
The procedure has some features that must be considered when carrying out the manipulation yourself:
- Cleaning must be done by first cleaning the surface. This will improve the penetration of the active ingredients and enhance the anti-aging effect.
- In order to avoid a reaction, carry out an allergy test.
- In salons, pure acid is applied. At home, they use a safe finished drug based on it.
- The procedure is recommended to be carried out in autumn or winter, so that the sun's rays do not cause burns, hyperpigmentation or other complications.
Procedure Procedure:
- Dilute powdered acid from a pharmacy in boiled water to a viscous consistency.
- Apply to a clean, dry surface. Bubbles confirm the action of the active substance.
- After that, wash off the remnants of the product, peeled cells and dirt with warm water.
- Complete the procedure with gel for washing, tonic and cream with a moisturizing and nourishing effect.
The multiplicity of the procedure should be agreed with a specialist. With regular use, small wrinkles, dryness, acne, wide pores disappear. The tone rises, the oval of the face is leveled.
Cleansing the face with lactic acid
In the body, lactic acid is formed during the breakdown of glucose - the main energy resource. A lot of this substance in some products - fermented, fermented, fermented. Purified lactic acid is sold in pharmacies, included in the formulas of cosmetic preparations. For face cleansing, lactic acid is used due to its cosmetic and medicinal qualities.
Lactic acid - alpha-hydroxy acid, has glycolic-like activities, is not expensive and readily available, can be used as an exfoliating agent in the treatment of melasma, [35]and [36] has an antiproliferative effect in cells. [37]
Cleansing the face with acids allows you to peel the top layer of the dermis and clean the pores. It is an ideal preparation for mature and aging skin. Applying lactic acid regularly and competently, you can independently clean up even in very advanced cases.
- It is no coincidence that the famous rejuvenating baths of Cleopatra were not just dairy, but sour milk.
Using the product, you can eliminate excess fat and pigments, dryness and acne, cleanse and reduce pores and stretch marks, improve tone and smooth the surface. The procedure can be done at home or ordered in the salon. Some tips for using lactic acid for the face:
- For daily cleaning, they sell ready-made masks, creams, peels, scrubs of various brands.
- A pharmacy drug for the home is better than 40-, rather than 80% concentration. The liquid is allergenic and aggressive (at high concentrations and exposure, it can cause burns).
- Effective home remedies - sauerkraut juice, yogurt.
- Summer is not the best time for manipulations, in view of the abundance of UV.
- It is not recommended to use after a strong tan and during the first weeks after any manipulations in the cabin.
- Contraindications - the presence of damage, inflammation and other problems on the face, as well as diabetes, oncology, colds.
Trichloroacetic Acid Cleansing
Peeling using 10% trichloroacetic acid (TCA), the concentration of which can be increased. [38], [39]
Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) 10-40% is a peeling that eliminates small wrinkles, discolors the skin, makes it smoother and younger. But at a concentration of 10-15%, peeling does not affect deep wrinkles or scars. Applying in higher concentrations of 35-40%, it carries out epidermal necrosis without serious systemic toxicity. A solution of TCA 35-40% is standard for medium peeling of the face and hands. These concentrations should be used by qualified doctors, and special care should be taken because this can cause hyperpigmentation and scarring.
During this peeling, it helps cleanse deeply clogged pores, effectively control and treat severe acne.
- eliminates visible signs of early aging;
- significantly improves skin texture and discoloration of the skin, providing excellent visibility;
- smoothes and revitalizes the skin;
- eliminates the signs of photoaging in the form of dark and white colors. [40]
Contraindications to the procedure
The procedure has many contraindications for use. So, face cleaning with acids is not recommended when:
- hypersensitivity to allergies;
- damage to the epidermis;
- psoriasis, herpes, rosacea;
- abundance of birthmarks;
- high dehydration;
- a cold
- diabetes
- oncology.
Some acids, for example, lactic and fruit, can not be used on young skin. Fruit also can not be combined with tetracycline antibiotics, so during their intake such cleaning is not carried out.
Contraindications also include patients with active bacterial, viral or fungal infections, a tendency to keloid formation, facial dermatitis, and the use of photosensitizing drugs.
Consequences after the procedure
With very dirty and oily skin, you need to clean it every 10 days. In other cases, once a month. The positive consequences after the procedures are relief leveling, rejuvenation, stimulation of collagen and elastin. Cells renewed by facial acid cleansing accept with pleasure and gratitude any subsequent procedures and drugs.
- Makeup fits perfectly onto the fresh epidermis: powder and foundation smooth and naturally cover the face, preserving the fruits of the efforts of a decorative makeup artist for a long time.
Experts advise between massaging sessions to do massages with masks - nourishing, moisturizing. This improves its regeneration and self-cleaning.
Complications after the procedure
Peeling involves the use of a chemical agent of a certain strength, which leads to exfoliation of the skin with subsequent restoration of the skin, which leads to skin rejuvenation. Despite the rarity, complications can occur.[41]
Classification of complications after peeling:
Intraoperative: [42]
- Incorrect selection of the dosage of the substance for peeling
- Local infection.
- Contact dermatitis.
- Improper care during treatment.
Complications may be immediate or delayed, depending on the time of onset.
Immediate (a few minutes or hours after peeling): [43]
- Irritation, burning, itching and pain.
- Persistent erythema.
- Swelling.
- Blistering.
Delayed (for several days or weeks):
- Infections (bacterial, herpetic and candidal).
- Scars, delayed healing, milia and texture changes.
- Hyperpigmentation, hypopigmentation and demarcation lines.
- Loss of skin barrier and tissue damage.
- Acneform rashes.
- Allergic reactions, toxicity and ectropion.
- Eye complications.
Usually complications are minor and more common in blacks. They are visible more in the middle and deep peel.
After the session, a brown crust forms on the face, which is why it is advisable to stay home these days. To avoid hyperpigmentation, creams with filters from 30 and whitening preparations that block the production of melanin should be applied for a month.
- Complications after the procedure are associated with a violation of the rules or non-consideration of contraindications.
Abuse of the frequency of the procedure is fraught with rosacea. Exposure too long when cleaning the face with acids leads to increased dryness and related problems.
In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions or order the procedure from professionals, and after intensive manipulations correctly restore the dermis.
Chemical peeling is a simple, safe and cost-effective procedure. Although peeling can cause complications, they are unlikely. A thorough knowledge of chemical peeling and the risks associated with it, adequate counseling and training of patients, as well as peeling with all basic precautions minimize the occurrence of complications. [44]
Care after the procedure
Regardless of where the face is cleaned with acids - in the salon or at home, care after the procedure is important. Chemical manipulation is a stress for the skin that should be urgently reassured. This can be done with a good moisturizing or nourishing cream, which is then applied every morning and evening. In everyday care you need to use only delicate products and do not forget about sun protection. [45]
- With this care, the face appears in its best form after just one session. Pores are reduced and clean, inflammation, if any, slowly disappears, the skin is restored and lightens. The effect is compared with that achieved with the laser procedure.
For the first 48 hours after peeling, it is necessary to use mild moisturizers and cleansers until the irritation after peeling stops. It should be noted that local steroids are effective in reducing inflammation after peeling and in reducing post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.
The effect of acid peeling can be prolonged if, after the first session, milder cleansers are used. For example, a slurry from a solution of peroxide and body powder or any cosmetic clay. Homemade masks made from natural ingredients also act in this direction.
Surface acid cleaning is considered gentle and gentle, therefore, does not require additional precaution and enhanced post-manipulation measures. With deep interference in the processes occurring in the skin, a long recovery period is required. At this time, a sauna, a beach, a solarium, a sharp temperature difference, access to a sunny street without a cream with SPF from 35 are prohibited. The skin should be nourished and moisturized with masks and creams.
It is important to prevent herpes simplex with antiviral drugs.
Most authors recognize the effectiveness of dry cleanings and practice them at home with the expected success. Various products are called: from fruits to pharmaceuticals.
A non-standard review from “The Stranger” is interesting, which debunkes the benefits of cleansing the face with acids from natural fruits. The bottom line is that the concentration of acidic components in fresh fruit is insufficient for the peeling effect. Not without humor, she advises not to translate yummy into masks, but to consume it inside. For cleaning, in her opinion, only a lemon is suitable.
In search of “rejuvenating apples” women spend huge sums on miracle funds. The key advertising words are “slow down aging”, smooth wrinkles ”,“ renew the epidermis ”. The same results can be achieved by simple means, for example, cleansing the face with acids - at home or in salons. This is a worthy alternative to expensive branded cosmetics.