Therapeutic starvation in Nikolaev at home
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Therapeutic starvation is fundamentally different from the newfangled diets - both theoretical reasonableness and benefit, repeatedly proven in practice. There are a lot of methods of medical-unloading diets, starvation by Nikolaev is one of the most popular.
Therapeutic starvation for Nikolaev is recommended for the following diseases:
- hypertension;
- ischemic disease;
- angina pectoris;
- sarcoidosis of the lungs;
- obesity;
- adenoma;
- resistance to therapeutic methods of therapy.
Indications for prescribing for chronic pathologies:
- gastritis with secretory insufficiency;
- obstructive bronchitis and asthma;
- skin allergies;
- cholecystitis and pancreatitis;
- drug allergy;
- neurosis, depression, schizophrenia;
- problems of the musculoskeletal system.
General information of the starvation for Nikolayev
In medical practice, various methods of starvation are used. The method of starvation in Nikolaev is classical, conducted under in-patient conditions, under the supervision of doctors and with the sympathetic help of nurses. Features of starvation in Nikolaev:
- constant stay of the starving in the company with like-minded people;
- psychological and physical preparation for the procedure;
- preliminary thorough examination;
- Additional procedures that enhance the effectiveness of the methodology.
All this makes it possible to achieve positive results for various diseases during the average fasting period. The author considers a very important factor the maximum meaningfulness and absence of fear in a person before the famine. There are several stages in the methodology.
- Detailed examination of the patient by a number of specialists before admission to treatment. Analyzes, ECG, encephalogram, measurement of weight, pressure, pulse and so on.
- An interview with a doctor, a joint determination of the term, which also depends on the age and condition of the patient. Usually, holodoterapiya lasts 25-30, occasionally 35-40 days.
- Physical preparation consists in the cleansing of the intestines with the help of bitter salt, after which the intake of food and the use of medicines ceases.
Enema enemas daily and, oddly enough, all the time leaving the body are some remnants. What causes understandable amazement of patients. Doctors explain it simply. It turns out that with the cessation of external nutrition, the body begins to assimilate internal resources, resulting in fasting, like starving feces of babies.
- The following procedures - a bath and a special, pressing massage. Behind him follows a "breakfast" consisting of a glass of dog rose broth. After a short rest, the hungry go to fresh air, they go for a walk before lunch. In cold weather, you should dress so that you do not chill. During walking it is recommended to perform breathing exercises.
"Lunch" is a glass of liquid to choose from: dog rose, clear water, mineral Borjomi. In the hot season, walk with a filled bottle in your pocket to quench your thirst with a sip of water. The amount is not limited, but as practice shows, people drink up to 2 liters per day.
- Depending on the indications, the doctor prescribes additional physiotherapeutic procedures: Sharko's shower, UHF, pearl baths. Periodicity - every other day.
Free time is given to patients - in the sense that they do their favorite things: read, embroider, fight in board games. Evenings are spent by the majority at the TV, young people create conditions for more active leisure, for example, dances.
In the evening, everyone expects the same broth of dog rose plus the usual hygiene procedures. Particular attention in the method of starvation for Nikolaev is given to the hygiene of the oral cavity.
In the bed should be warm and cozy, and in the room - enough fresh air. As the feeling of chilliness, accompanied by treatment with hunger, increases, the bed is warmed by heaters for the night.
What do the hungry feel during this regime? In the first 3-5 days, the appetite and desire to eat disappear, people do not excite kitchen scents and the kind of food. To fasting was not excruciating, it is important for patients not to remember food, past feasts and different delicacies. And here the first assistant is a professional staff, morally supporting the intentions of the patient and his trust in the doctors.
Clinically, the completion of a healthy fasting is considered to be the moment of appetite return, the freshening of the face, the absence of stool after the cleansing enema, the plaque on the tongue and the heavy smell from the mouth. A recovery period begins, which is no less important and is also conducted under the supervision of a doctor.
Faction starvation for Nikolayev
Wellness fasting is considered a leader among therapeutic techniques that increase the body's resistance to many diseases. Yu. Nikolaev created a whole school for training specialists by his own methods, many doctors successfully apply it in their practice, using the author's books on this topic. The starvation of Nikolaev is also called unloading and diet therapy, since after a temporary abstinence from eating the hungry, a healthy diet should continue to be maintained.
Faction starvation for Nikolaev is used by agreement and the patient's meaningful desire, with the following conditions:
- Previously, all participants undergo a complete examination, the results of which will prompt doctors, whether the patient can be hungry and how long.
- The period is determined depending on the status of the survey indicators, age and nature of the disease.
- The usual course is 25 days, can be extended up to 35 days.
- Additional procedures, the regime of the day and exit from starvation, the doctor prescribes to everyone personally.
The way out of starvation in Nikolaev
For correct exit from starvation Nikolayev developed a special scheme, in which, if necessary, individual adjustments are made. The recovery period lasts as long as the period of starvation in Nikolayev continued. The regime of the day remains active, as before, including occupational therapy.
- First, individual patients feel weak, the desire to stay in bed longer, give in to mood changes. Then they return to active pastime.
On the first day, the hungry drink half-water diluted juices, the next - undiluted. This carrot, grape, apple products. Juices are drunk delicately, savoring and enjoying their taste.
On 4-5 days, you can rubbed carrots and fruits, the next two days - oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, millet porridge, which must be thoroughly chewed. Diet from the 10th day until the 30th can vary, with the prevalence of dairy and plant products - vitaminized and rich in minerals. Animal proteins are introduced into the diet from the second week. Exit from curative fasting also includes daily long stay in the air.
- The exception to the general scheme are people with some problems. So, with peptic ulcer, instead of juice, a decoction of oatmeal is prescribed, gradually increasing the viscosity of the drink. In some cases, recommend lactic acid serum - with diabetes, asthma, eczema.
Salt in this period is contraindicated, because it provokes swelling. We have to forget about mushrooms, heavy meat, coffee, alcohol, cigarettes. Under the ban - fried and similar dishes, the harmfulness of which in the first months after fasting increases at times.
People who have decided to curative fast, should show patience and endurance, including when leaving it. It is important to observe a fractional food, maximize chewing food and gradually increase its amount. After all, the body gradually switches to external nutrition, without ceasing to independently synthesize the nutrients that were necessary for starvation. They are assimilated as actively as it does with a young, growing body. This explains the effect of rejuvenation and a surge of energy after fasting.
The way out of the 7 days of starvation in Nikolaev
The method of getting out of starvation in Nikolaev depends on the duration of the process. Seven-day diet and treatment - "favorite" term of many wishing to starve not for long, but effectively. The way out of the 7-day fast for Nikolayev is a competent and physiologically sound cessation of the body's internal nutrition. Restorative period of starvation on juices lasts the same, on days:
- Juice equally with water, ranging from 0.7 to 1.2 liters. Between receptions drinking water is allowed, and the juice concentration increases by the evening.
- Before lunch, 2-3 servings of undiluted juice, in the afternoon - grated fruits or vegetables.
- The same food plus cereal without milk, bread, dried fruit.
- Boiled vegetable food, soups without meat with lean oil.
- Sour-milk drinks, with a small dose of butter.
- Cheeses, sour cream, you can salt.
- Sour milk, egg.
After a week, proteins are allowed, starting with fish and legumes, then - chicken and the rest of lean meat.
In other cases of fasting, the diet may differ. In all cases, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of the doctor and take responsibility for your own health in order to strengthen it, and not to reduce to zero the overall efforts and benefits of therapeutic nutrition.
The cessation of nutrition leads to changes in the body, which are pleasing and pleasantly surprising. Due to starvation in Nikolaev, the body gets the opportunity of self-healing. Own stocks, including altered tissues and formations, are actively split, a lot of oxygen, nitrogen and carbon are used for their processing from the air.
- Energy and nutritional ingredients are formed in the cells themselves and are used most economically. Experts compare the benefit of starvation in Nikolaev with major repairs and general cleaning of the whole body.
During starvation, the necessary substances of the highest quality are synthesized. The building material is used in turn, and the competent doctor knows when the crisis sets in, at this time, especially to support the patient if his condition worsens. After complete purification from all unnecessary the organism demonstrates the promises about the desire to eat again in a normal way.
Not everyone dares for long periods of starvation. More often, shorter courses are used. But in any case, the therapeutic diet leads to cleansing, enhancing immunity, rejuvenating, freshness of the face, increasing energy. This is manifested by the fact that people do not weaken, do not tend to stay in bed longer, and by the end of the term they are more vigorous and active than at the beginning. And many after the course of recovery begin to feel the real taste of food and really enjoy life.
Some authors believe that there is no contraindication for fasting at all. Everyone, regardless of the disease, can benefit, the main thing is to properly prepare and responsibly cooperate with the doctor. In severe cases it is recommended that the patient stay during fasting in a special clinic or sanatorium.
Fasting on Nikolaev is categorically contraindicated in malignant tumors, tuberculosis, type 1 diabetes, heart diseases, kidneys, liver, systemic disorders in the blood, thrombophlebitis, and weight deficiency.
It is relatively contraindicated to starve pregnant and lactating women, children and the elderly, with hypotension, type 2 diabetes, ulcers, kidney stones and gall bladder, gout.
Possible risks
All the risks associated with the starvation of Nikolaev, may arise due to illiteracy, ignoring certain procedures, poor health or individual characteristics of the patient.
However, even with the ideal preparation and carrying out the fast of Nikolayev to avoid unpleasant sensations entirely unlikely to succeed. After all, eating is one of the natural pleasures of a person, and rejecting it is already stress. But such symptoms are absolutely harmless, it is enough just to know what to do in case of unpleasant feelings and thoughts. Such information is reported to the hungry by the doctors.
During a fasting on Nikolayev, complications and negative feelings may occur. The authors envisage possible complications both during fasting and during the time of withdrawal from it.
A patient who is starving is disturbed:
- headache or toothache;
- dizziness, down to fainting;
- smokers - unhealthy arousal;
- chilliness or fever;
- convulsions;
- unpleasant odor;
- pain in the muscles, joints, spine, teeth;
- sleep disturbance;
- eructation, vomiting;
- heart palpitations and heart pain;
- renal colic;
- colds;
- angina.
With proper preparation, especially careful cleaning, complications are quite rare. Mild symptoms are not grounds for discontinuing treatment. If there is a strong symptomatology, you should proceed to recovery and cleansing procedures.
Complications at the exit can be provoked by the banal inability of the patient to restrain his own appetite. As a result, there are such negative consequences:
- binge eating;
- urinary retention and swelling;
- constipation;
- flatulence;
- weakness, dizziness;
- crunching in the joints;
- exacerbation of the disease.
To avoid these phenomena, patients are recommended to prepare in good faith for the procedures and start practice with short-term starvation - from one day. And after making sure of the positive course and normal output, the next time go to longer methods of abstinence from food. And never engage in self-medication.
Most participants in the starvation of Nikolayev tell us about the effective and relatively painless dropping of excess weight - 8-10 kg per course.
Critics say that the technique of Nikolayev, strictly speaking, is not just a starvation, since patients during this period drink water and dog-rose broths, so that the digestive tract does not stop working. Therefore, the body does not completely switch to internal nutrition, and this is the key to curing pathologies. They believe that Nikolaev's method is suitable only for preventive purposes.
Fasting on Nikolayev is one of the main methods used by doctors. On average, it takes three weeks, but the time can be individual. Procedures are recommended to be performed in hospital settings, especially if the patient is hungry for the first time. Success depends not only on the skills of the doctor, but also on the efforts of the patient himself. As a result, the body loses excess weight, improves health, and also gets a huge charge of vivacity.