Vegetable diet for weight loss at 7, 10 kg: recipes, dishes, results
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Vegetable diet is rightfully considered one of the most effective, and at the same time useful diets that help not only to normalize weight, but also to improve the body, to rejuvenate it and to saturate it with all necessary substances and energy source. Vegetable diet for weight loss does not require a person from any excessive sacrifice and deprivation. It can be quite tasty, varied, nutritious.
Has a positive effect on the body, is the prevention of many diseases. For a long time already such diets are prescribed not only for women for weight loss, they are recommended by doctors of various specializations for the treatment of various diseases. One of the main advantages is the ability to provide disease prevention. In her favor, you can not doubt, because during the illness almost every doctor tirelessly repeats about the need to eat as much vegetables and fruits as possible. This diet is recommended for men, women. Such food is allowed even for pregnant women.
Contrary to popular belief that the vegetable diet is boring and diverse, you can make a unique diet. From vegetables you can cook a variety of dishes. At the same time, various methods of culinary processing, flavoring additives are used, which make it possible to diversify the diet, and pamper yourself with delicious dishes every day. Each breakfast may not be similar to lunch and dinner. For all the time of dieting, no dish can not repeat itself, here opens a huge space for creativity and imagination.
Due to the climatic features of our country, it is more expedient to conduct such a diet at the end of summer. It was during this period that our tables feature the largest variety of fruits. During this period they are as fresh as possible, saturated with vitamins. In addition, during this period the body is already preparing for the transition period to winter time, is stockpiled with vitamins and accumulates protective reserves. It's time to help him in this, providing not only access to vitamins, but also a full-fledged cleaning. The vegetable diet is low-calorie. It perfectly quenches the feeling of hunger and prevents the formation of fatty deposits.
The diet is presented in two versions: strict and easy. With a strict diet, only vegetables are used. Various combinations and methods of treatment are allowed, but any other products should be completely excluded. Such a diet should last no more than a week. With a light version of the diet, other foods, such as vegetable oil, bran bread, can be included in the diet. There may also be different combinations. For example, added dairy products, fruit. The duration of such a diet can vary from 2 weeks to a month.
Diet can be prescribed not only for the purpose of losing weight. It prevents the deposition of salts, the formation of cholesterol, so it is recommended for metabolic disorders, diseases of the joints, bones. Due to the high content of antioxidants, it can be used to cleanse the body, improve its health, rejuvenate, and restore after a long illness, trauma. It is recommended for improving mood, fighting depression, insomnia, apathy. It improves well-being, increases efficiency, stress resistance, so you can safely recommend it to people with a busy schedule, nervous-mental fatigue, constant stress. It is recommended for many pregnant women, as well as for those who are just planning a pregnancy.
General information of the vegetable diet
The essence of any vegetable diet is that for a while you need to stop using any foods, except vegetables. Vegetables can be consumed in any form and in any quantity. But it should be borne in mind that raw vegetables are most useful.
When carrying out heat treatment, it is better to cook the vegetables, or cook steamed. But other kinds of heat treatment are not forbidden: extinguishing, blanching, baking, pripuskanie. It is not recommended to eat fried foods, because they are made with vegetable oil, which should be excluded from the vegetable diet. In addition, fried foods are heavy on the stomach, irritate the mucous membranes and overload the digestive tract. Also useful soups, especially if they are prepared before each meal, freshly squeezed juices. Surely you will like salads.
A little variety menu can be with kefir, corn or oat flakes. You can enter in the diet several pieces of rye bread, milk, yogurt, cottage cheese. You can add sea kale to the menu. Potatoes are better to exclude. But you do not need it more than 1-2 times a week. To drink it is necessary in a plenty, not less than 1,5-2 l. It is better to drink pure mineral water, without gas. You can have green tea, but without sugar. Salt can be added, but in moderation.
Mode of nutrition - in small portions, up to 5 times a day. You can make a diet once a year. Duration ranges from 3 days to a month. In doing so, you always need to look at how you feel. If the diet causes a breakdown, irritability appears, nervousness - it is better to stop it. So it will be better for the body. Sometimes the body can suffice and 3-4 days of such a regime, in order to start the processes of self-regulation and recovery. You also need to walk in the fresh air. Maintain a high level of physical activity.
Fruit Vegetable Diet for Weight Loss
The duration of this diet is 7 days. It is used in the summer, allows the body to quickly cleanse, lose weight. In accordance with this diet, you need to alternate vegetable and fruit days. You can not drink tea or coffee. You can only clean non-carbonated water. Salt is also better to exclude completely. It should be taken into account that portions should not exceed 300 g of dish. In a day you need to drink at least 2 liters of water. You should also drink fruit and vegetable juices. Potatoes are not used. You can eat at any time, even at night. When preparing salads, you need to consider that you can not mix vegetables and fruits at the same time. Salad can be prefabricated, but should consist of either fruits or vegetables. Below is an approximate menu for 1 day, where for each meal are presented three dishes. Based on this menu, you can develop a further individual menu for the week.
- Option 1. Oatmeal porridge with apricot jam, peach, nuts.
- Option 2. Pumpkin porridge, apple, dried apricots.
- Option 3. Oat flakes with blueberries. A piece of melon. Prunes.
- Option 1. Tomatoes stuffed with eggplant caviar. Cabbage stewed with mushrooms.
- Option 2. Eggplants stuffed with carrots stew. Fresh cucumber salad and tomato.
- Option 3. Cabbage casserole. Courgettes stewed with carrots.
- Option 1. Sandwich with fried eggplant. Salad with banana, kiwi, melon, orange. Tomato juice.
- Option 2. Pancakes from courgettes. Salad of blueberries, strawberries, currants. Apple juice.
- Option 3. Vegetable casserole. Salad from apples, pears, apricots and plums. Grape juice.
Vegetable diet for weight loss of 10 kilograms
In order to lose 10 kg of excess weight, a strict diet of 10 days or more is required. More than 28 days, such a diet can not be respected. A day is allowed to eat no more than 1.5 vegetables. Less is not recommended either. Fatty, meat dishes, sweet and flour are completely excluded. The diet should include fruits and vegetables. Several times a week you need to add oat flakes, bread, milk, cottage cheese. You must drink at least 2 liters of water. In general, the menu should be as follows:
- Breakfast - light fruit or salad of fresh vegetables, juice or compote. Several times a week you can cook oatmeal with fruit.
- Lunch - dishes from baked, stewed or boiled vegetables (vegetable casseroles). Approximately 200 grams of light soup without broth. Green tea.
- Dinner - a salad of fresh fruits or vegetables. In the composition of fruit salads you can add cottage cheese. Or any vegetable dish, including baked. Compote or juice.
Diet on vegetable soup for weight loss
The essence of the diet consists in the use of exclusively soups. In day you can afford 1-2 slices of coarse bread or toast. Soups are prepared without meat and fish broth, only on vegetables. You can add cereals in small quantities. The duration of such a diet is from 3-21 days. You need to drink plenty of water. The portion size should not exceed 300 g. Below is a list of dishes that can be used for this diet:
- Borscht without meat and broth
- Borsch green
- Borsch with sauerkraut and beans
- Borsch with mushrooms and prunes
- Cabbage soup with mushrooms
- Shchi from sorrel and swans
- Rice soup with sweet pepper
- Vegetable soup
- Soup "Bonskiy"
- Vegetable cream soup
- Green pea puree soup
- Carrot soup with vegetables
- Pumpkin soup
- Tomato and apple soup
- Bean soup with beans
- Cauliflower soup
- Vegetable soup with raisins and prunes
Kefir Vegetable Diet for Weight Loss
With this diet, vegetables are the basis. Also, every day, it is necessary to include kefir. Duration of the diet is 3-10 days. In this case, you need to drink water in large quantities. The sample menu is as follows:
- Breakfast - kefir, vegetable casserole or scrambled eggs. You can make a vegetable sandwich, a sandwich, or a vegetable pizza.
- Lunch - light vegetable soup, or soup-puree (without broth). Stewed or boiled vegetables, beans or vegetable cutlets.
- Dinner - kefir, oatmeal porridge, pumpkin or baked vegetables.
Buckwheat vegetable diet
With this diet, vegetable dishes predominate, and additional buckwheat dishes are included. Boiled buckwheat. Buckwheat can be used as a side dish to vegetables, added to soups. The effect of losing weight is reached as early as 5-7 days. It is necessary to drink a lot of water. Bread, potatoes, spices should be excluded. The sample menu is as follows:
- Breakfast
Casserole, light salad, scrambled eggs, green tea.
- Dinner
Hot dishes (soup), without broth. Dish of buckwheat + vegetable dish. Vegetable juice (tomato, carrot).
- Dinner - pancakes, casserole from buckwheat, baked vegetable dish or salad from vegetables.
The menu can be quite diverse. Below is a list of dishes that can be suitable for this diet:
- Sandwich with mustard oil and vegetables
- Sandwich with eggplant mass
- Sandwich with tomatoes and cucumbers
- Toast
- Sandwich with vegetables
- Grated carrot salad
- Salad from beet leaves
- Beet Salad
- Salad from radish, nettle and plantain
- Salad with green onion and nuts
- Fresh cucumber salad with dandelion flowers
- Fresh cucumber salad and tomato
- Cabbage salad
- Fresh cucumber salad with buckwheat porridge
- Buckwheat soup
- Vegetable soup with buckwheat
- Bean and buckwheat soup
- Soup of green peas and buckwheat
- Vegetables cabbage rolls
- Cutlet Cutlets
- Cabbage casserole
- Sote from eggplants, courgettes, peppers and carrots
- Fried kohlrabi
- Cauliflower baked
- Beet Stuffed With Vegetables
- Baked buckwheat and carrots
- Tomatoes stuffed with buckwheat
- Pepper stuffed with buckwheat
- Pancakes made of buckwheat
- Fritters from courgettes
- Buckwheat
- Buckwheat casserole
- Buckwheat with stewed vegetables
- Buckwheat zrazy.
Milk vegetable diet
The diet implies a predominance in the diet of vegetables, but with the addition of milk and dairy products. Duration 5-10 days. It is necessary to drink a lot of water. Potatoes and salt are excluded. Below is an indicative list of dishes that can be eaten during a diet:
- Tomatoes stuffed with eggplant
- Tomatoes stuffed with vegetables
- Fresh cucumber salad and tomato
- Salad from radishes and onions
- Radish salad
- Salad from sweet pepper, tomato and cucumber
- Cabbage salad
- Carrot salad
- Beet Salad
- Pumpkin Milk porridge
- Pumpkin milk porridge with raisins and dried apricots
- Pumpkin milk porridge with the addition of ginger and cinnamon
- Courgettes in milk
- Courgettes stewed with pumpkin in milk
- Eggplants stewed with tomatoes
- Cutlets from courgettes
- Fried peppers
- Milk soup with vegetables
- Milk soup made of rice and millet
- Milk buckwheat soup
- Milk soup with cauliflower
- Milk manicure soup with raisins
- Oat flakes with milk.
Rice Vegetable Diet
Such a diet usually lasts no more than a week, as the side effect may be the fixation of the stool. But this is extremely rare, especially if the diet is dominated by vegetables in fresh, unprocessed form. You need to drink plenty of water, at least 2 liters a day. An indicative list of dishes for this diet is presented below:
- Rice with mustard oil
- Rice with stewed vegetables
- Rice with peas and corn
- Tomatoes stuffed with rice
- Pilaf Vegetable
- Pepper stuffed with rice and carrots
- Rice with nuts and greens
- Vegetable salad with rice
- Vegetable soup
- Rice soup
- Soup kharcho
- Rice soup with sweet pepper
- Carrot soup with rice
- Tomatoes baked with rice and pepper
- Rice casserole.
Diet on vegetable stew
It is a sparing version of the diet, which is recommended for people with gastrointestinal diseases. It is used in the event that a person does not tolerate vegetables in fresh form or they have an irritating effect on the stomach. When preparing stews, no frying is necessary. Vegetables are pre-washed, prepared, sliced, piled in a saucepan. Add a little water and put in the oven. A small amount of vegetable oil is allowed. You can prepare a variety of dishes, combining different products. Duration of the diet is from 5 to 14 days, depending on the state of health.
Japanese vegetable diet
There are several options for the Japanese diet: for 5 days, for 8 and 13. Diet is very effective, allows you to lose up to 8 kg. The advantage is that the effect after it persists for quite a long time - 2-3 years or more. The fact is that this diet does not burn fat, but rebuilds the biochemical cycle, forcing the body to independently regulate the necessary parameters, including weight. Also, the feature is that salt is not used, but the dishes and without salt remain tasty, exquisite. It is a diet for true taste connoisseurs. Also there is no restriction on the amount of liquid and products that need to be consumed per day. You can even drink coffee. During the diet, you can maintain a high level of activity, and even visit the baths and saunas. The menu looks something like this:
- Breakfast
Coffee. You can eat a few biscuits, or not a biscuit cookie.
- Dinner
Salad from fresh or boiled vegetables. Tomato juice.
- Dinner
Boiled, baked vegetables or stew.
The diet uses a large number of Peking and white cabbage, broccoli. Salads can be seasoned with mustard sauce, soy sauce, and even vegetable, olive, sesame or corn oil. It is necessary to stock up with various oils. This will give the same dish absolutely different taste tones. Coffee should be consumed only natural, cereal. In the diet you can include fruits, except grapes and bananas. In addition, you can take a multivitamin, which will help the body to rebuild.
To make the dish tasty and without salt, you need to apply spices: basil, rosemary, coriander, thyme, marjoram, dill, parsley. You can use a variety of marinades, wine and apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, mustard, ginger. Sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, onions, garlic fresh herbs not only add flavor, but also help create an aesthetic appearance. Marinades and spices increase blood circulation, stimulate digestion and assimilation of nutrients. This diet has contraindications not for people with heart disease, increased blood pressure because of the need to consume coffee. Not recommended for pregnant women and nursing mothers. Since the diet is rich in protein, it is not recommended for people with impaired renal activity.
The last dose of food is allowed three hours before bedtime. The basis of the diet is the following vegetables: eggplant, pumpkin, sweet potato, herbs, ginger. Apply the leaves of green salad, green onions, bean sprouts, bamboo shoots, spinach, celery. Must use radish and radish. Also, various varieties of onions are used (all that can be found in stores): shallots, hosonega, and batoon. Positive effect on the body renders daikon - the root of Japanese radish. Apply zucchini, potatoes. From fruits and berries it is recommended to include persimmon, plums, pears, peaches, avocado and mango.
Such a vegetable diet is often recommended for pregnant women. It has long been proven that women who during the gestation of the fetus consume vegetable food, are more tolerant of contractions. They have almost no edema, rarely are gestosis. Such women differ mobility, activity, optimism. Painful births and ruptures are much less common.
Menu for the week of a vegetable diet for weight loss
- Breakfast
Sandwiches with tomatoes and cucumbers. Green tea
- Dinner
Vegetable soup. Braised cabbage. Beans in tomato sauce.
- Dinner
Salad of grated carrots with garlic. Toast.
- Breakfast
Sandwich with mustard oil, fried mushrooms, grated carrots and olives. Tea.
- Dinner
Carrot soup. Eggplants baked with cabbage. Salad of rhubarb and radish.
- Dinner
Salad from fresh cabbage, tomato and cucumber.
- Breakfast
Casserole vegetable. Tea.
- Dinner
Chicken broth. Cutlet from carrots. Tomatoes stuffed with squash caviar.
- Dinner
Zrazy beetroot. Stew of vegetables.
- Breakfast
Pumpkin porridge with tomato. Tea.
- Dinner
Vegetable cream soup. Eggplants stewed with peppers and tomatoes. Beans in tomato sauce.
- Dinner
Sandwich with vegetable mass and tomatoes. Salad with fresh cucumbers and tomatoes.
- Breakfast
Baguette with vegetables and mustard. Tea
- Dinner
Cabbage soup. Salad from boiled beet with salted cucumber. Beans boiled.
- Dinner
Pizza is vegetarian. Carrot souffle.
- Breakfast
Vegetable lasagna. Tea
- Dinner
Beetroot. Kohlrabi, stewed with onion and sweet pepper. Beans boiled.
- Dinner
Salad from fresh cabbage with onions and carrots. Toast with garlic.
- Breakfast
Omelette from tomato, sweet pepper, onion. Fresh cucumber.
- Dinner.
Pumpkin cream soup. Cutlets carrots. The tongue of eggplant. Boiled beans.
- Dinner
Pepper stuffed with carrots. Sandwich with fried mushrooms.
Recipes of a vegetable diet for weight loss
- Stewed vegetables
- Boiled vegetables
- Stew
- Stuffed vegetables
- Cabbage salad with courgettes
- Cabbage salad with apples and tomatoes
- Salad with carrots and raisins
- Cabbage salad with tomatoes
- Cabbage salad with green peas
- Cauliflower salad
- Salad with kohlrabi with carrots and radish
- Salad with carrots and celery
- Salad of toasted cucumbers
- Salad from stewed radish
- Radish salad with soy sauce
- Beetroot
- Marinated beet salad with horseradish
- Salad from raw zucchini with apples
- Salad from eggplant and sweet pepper
- Young corn salad
- Celery Salad
- Salad of baked onion with olives
- Vegetable salad with beans
- Tomato salad with spinach and olives
- Salad of dandelions with chicory and beets
- Parsley salad with horseradish
- Salad with sea cucumbers and cucumbers
- Bean salad with raisins
- Salad with soybeans and cabbage
- Salad of beans with tomatoes
- Bean salad with corn
- Bean salad with radish and green peas
- Salad of peas with pickled cucumbers
- Bean salad with onion and olives
- Mushroom salad with beans
- Mushroom salad with vegetables
- Mushroom salad with basil.
Vegetable diet for 3 days
Such a diet should be strict: only dishes from vegetables, without any additives. Salt and sugar are excluded. Drink plenty of water.
1 day
- Breakfast
Salad with fresh tomato and cucumber with onion + 1 toast.
- Dinner
Vegetable soup, without broth. Cabbage colored boiled + salad of grated carrots. Cutlet cabbage.
- Dinner
Baked beet with onions. Tomato juice.
2 day
- Breakfast
Radish salad with radish. Toast.
- Dinner
Broth is cabbage. Beans in tomato sauce. Cutlet carrots. Fresh cucumber.
- Dinner
Sandwich and fried eggplant. Fresh tomato.
3 day
- Breakfast
Baguette with lettuce and fried mushrooms. Fresh pepper.
- Dinner
Carrot soup. Toast. Salad from boiled carrots, beets, peas. Pepper stuffed with vegetables.
- Dinner
Pumpkin porridge. Toast.
Vegetable diet for 5 days
The diet lasting 5 days, is designed for 5 meals a day. Diet is easy. The two main ones are breakfast, lunch and dinner. The second breakfast and lunch includes whole vegetables. It can be any fresh vegetables in unlimited quantities. You need to drink plenty of clean water. Therefore, below is an approximate menu based on the basic meals.
1 day
- Breakfast
Oatmeal porridge with pieces of peach. A cheese sandwich. Kissel
- Dinner
Vegetable soup. Cutlet fish steam, cabbage stew with mushrooms. Toast with garlic.
- Dinner
Carrot casserole, sandwich with melted cheese. Tea.
2 day
- Breakfast
Casserole vegetable, yoghurt.
- Dinner
Soup with mushrooms. Boiled beans, pepper stuffed with stewed carrots.
- Dinner
A sandwich with butter, a salad of fresh tomato and cucumber.
3 day
- Breakfast
Baguette with lettuce, fried mushrooms, olives, grated carrots and mustard sauce. Compote.
- Dinner
Chicken broth with dumplings. Chicken breast boiled, grated beet salad with garlic.
- Dinner
Fresh cabbage salad with carrots. Sandwich with tomatoes.
4 day
- Breakfast
Omelette with tomatoes, pepper, onions and eggs. Tea.
- Dinner
Mashed potatoes, beans in tomato sauce, salad from sea kale.
- Dinner
Fish baked with tomatoes. Sandwich with butter. Compote.
5 day
- Breakfast
Porridge of pumpkin, boiled egg, compote.
- Dinner
Beetroot. Cabbage stewed with meat. Salad with fresh pepper with sorrel and parsley.
- Dinner
Fritters with squash. Carrot souffle, tea.
Vegetable diet for 2 weeks
This diet allows you to lose weight by 10 kg or more. The basis of the diet is vegetables. They can be fresh or processed. You need to include more fresh vegetables. 2 times a week you need to include meat, eggs, cottage cheese. A day is allowed to eat 1 piece of bread. From vegetable oil, salt should be discarded. Potatoes also do not apply. Must be soup for lunch. You need to drink at least 2 liters per day of clean water. You can include juices. The sample menu looks like this:
- Breakfast - omelet, vegetable casserole, sandwich, light salad, or just fresh vegetables.
- Lunch is soup, the main vegetable dish, light salad. You can 1 piece of bread.
- Dinner - porridge, fresh vegetables, stuffed or stewed vegetables.
The useful properties of vegetables were known even in ancient times. Even in the era of antiquity, the founders of medicine Hippocrates, Aristotle, Avicenna wrote that our diet determines the state of our body. From what we eat, our state of health, mood, ability to be cheerful spirit and body, endurance, and also youth depends. Only with proper nutrition the body can fully fulfill its basic functions, maintain mental and physical health. Previously, it was believed that vegetables and fruits have so many useful qualities due to the fact that they absorbed the sun energy and the strength of fertile soil. This is what keeps our body in good shape.
Today, another explanation for the useful properties of vegetables dominates, namely: a high content of vitamins, trace elements, the necessary carbohydrates, enzymes. Has a positive effect on all structural and functional features of the body. Regulates the digestive process, improves metabolic processes. Thanks to vegetables, a natural purification of the body occurs (which is achieved by a laxative effect). As a result, excess weight goes away, the feeling of hunger is suppressed for a long time. Satiety persists for a long time. Many vegetables have a diuretic effect, so you can eliminate swelling, remove excess fluid from the body. Usually this contributes to the fact that the body in addition loses 1-2 kg of mass.
What can and what can not?
You need to eat as many vegetables as possible.
Depending on the variety of the diet, you can add meat or fish products, cottage cheese, milk, eggs, kefir. Vegetables can be subjected to any heat treatment: cooking, quenching, steam processing. You can cook ragout or vegetable salads, mix foods. Potatoes are excluded. Depending on the type of diet, vegetable oil and salt may be excluded. You need to drink at least 1.5 liters, including green tea.
What you can not eat?
A strict diet excludes meat, fish, dairy products and eggs, vegetable oils and even salt. But with a mild diet, these products may not be excluded (depending on the type of diet). You can not spice, fatty, fried dishes. Excludes bread, bakery and confectionery, sugar.
Possible risks
During the diet, inflammation of some chronic diseases is possible. This is a natural process, since the restoration of the organism can occur only through the stage of inflammation. You do not need to do anything, you do not need to take pills, because you can only exacerbate the situation, disrupt the biochemical cycle, damage the digestive tract, and get poisoned. Also, you need to consider that the body is getting used to such a diet, so when you return to the previous diet, intestinal disorders are possible. You need to buy only quality vegetables, preferably homemade. Together with vitamins, you can get a dose of nitrates.
Exit from the vegetable diet
The output should be gradual. You can not at once eat up a variety of products. It is recommended to include no more than 2-3 products a day. Such an output should occur within a week. All this time you need a copious drink.
Effective vegetable diet for weight loss
There are many varieties of vegetable diets. Many of them have high efficiency, provide a quick result, retain a lasting effect. For example, you can use a mono-diet, if you need to quickly throw a few pounds.
There are several variants of three-day diets, which allow you to lose up to 2 kilograms. The following diets are most effective: tomato, cabbage, carrot, pumpkin, cucumber. This means that during the day you can eat dishes prepared only from one product that was selected.
For example, a tomato diet looks like this:
- Breakfast - fresh tomato, tomato juice.
- Lunch - chicken breast, tomato salad with onion. Tomato juice.
- Supper - a sandwich with a tomato, baked tomato.
Cabbage diet will have roughly the following form:
- Breakfast - fresh cabbage.
- Lunch - cabbage broth, cabbage stew with meat. Cabbage cutlet.
- Dinner - blueberry from cabbage leaves, stuffed with fresh cabbage, cabbage salad with onion.
There are different opinions about the diet. Most of them are positive. Women say that the diet is easily tolerated, there is no loss of strength. Can be combined with exercise. There is no constant feeling of hunger. From vegetables, you can make a wide variety of dishes, each new meal can be absolutely different from the previous one. It does not tire monotony, it gives the chance and the desire to continue the diet. There are days when it is possible to include in the diet meat, dairy products, eggs. In addition, women argue that the diet helps to develop self-control, discipline, strengthens willpower. Due to this, the attitude towards food changes. And a person can not eat too much, eat wrong. Thanks to. What is changing the mindset, weight for a long time remains within the norm.
On average, it is possible to throw off from 5 to 12 kilograms. The state of health considerably improves, there is a feeling of vivacity, optimism, lightness in the body, smoothness of movements. Improves not only the figure, but also the complexion, the condition of the skin, hair.
The diet can be used for therapeutic purposes, for example, with allergies, propensity to edema, headaches. Edema disappears in 2-3 days. Many pregnant women with this diet can fight the swelling of the face, hands and feet. Strengthens the cardiovascular system.
A big plus of diet is that it has many options. There are express diets for a week, and even 3 days. This is ideal for people with weak willpower who can not stand a long diet. Even a day spent on such a diet significantly improves well-being.
Negative feedback is met only if the person has too high expectations. For example, girls who wanted to lose 15 kg, say that they did not like the diet, because only 3 kg managed to throw off 12 kg. Most girls write that a vegetable diet for weight loss has long been their faithful friend and savior, which effectively helps to fight excess weight.