How to improve vision with vitamins?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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When food with vitamins is not good
Vitamins can be destroyed during heat treatment of food. That's why broths should not be poured out - they will make good rich soups. What do we know about vitamins in cooking? For example, vitamins B2 and vitamin C are water-soluble. They also have the property of oxidizing when air enters, and at high temperatures it is destroyed. Vitamin C loses 90-95% of its properties when heated.
Draw conclusions: how much vitamin C will remain in the jam from the currant, which you boil over low heat for at least half an hour? Therefore, vegetables with vitamins C and B2 in the composition it is desirable not to cook, but simply pour boiling water and insist tightly closed lid. The foods that you poured into this, eat, and do not pour out the broth, but drink-the beneficial substances from the foods go into it.
Know that vitamin C also has the property of breaking down from touching the iron (metal objects), as well as copper. Think before stirring foods with vitamin C with a metal spoon or ladle.
Vitamins C and E for your vision
These are excellent vitamins that really help your eyes feel better. According to the research, the inclusion of vitamins C and E in the diet helps reduce the risk of cataracts and slows down the development of this disease if it has already grasped you in its clawed paws.
If you constantly include in your diet vitamins of group B, say ophthalmologists, your eyesight will improve, and eye fatigue - on the contrary, decrease.
Products with vitamin C in your diet will help to cope with glaucoma at an early stage, and also normalize intraocular pressure.
Vitamin A in your diet (constantly consumed) will give an opportunity to increase the photosensitivity of the eye. They activate the formation of a photosensitive pigment.
Vitamin D and your eyesight
The ability of the body to produce vitamin D independently over the years is becoming weaker. This is especially important for people over 60 years of age. They have the ability of the body to produce vitamin D on its own and is almost lost to zero. And this vitamin is important for preventing osteoporosis and preventing blood pressure jumps.
If you rarely go to the sun, the lack of vitamin D over time becomes worse. Then it should be added to the diet with vitamin supplements.
Why does a person get impaired vision and where does the vitamins?
Vitamins to improve vision are very important, especially for the elderly. At this age, almost 85% of people develop processes of retinal degeneration. To stop them or slow down, the correct vitamins in the diet are important, and in sufficient quantities. Otherwise, a person risks gradually becoming blind.
If you constantly include in the diet such vitamins as E, C, zinc, beta-carotene, the risk of developing destructive processes in the fiber of the eye and as a result the risk of blindness decreases by at least 15-20%
According to the research, those people who took products with vitamin C for 10 years or more, reduce the risk of early cataract manifestations by almost 80%. And low transparency of the lens with the intake of vitamins for eye health to such people is much less threatened - the risk is reduced by 76%.
Overdose of vitamins
There is still a danger of overdoses of vitamins. This means that an overdose of vitamin C contributes to the development of the same cataract. If this disease is already progressing, it is worth carefully planning the dose of vitamins in the diet.
Please note: if you are prescribed vitamins for the eyes and while you are drinking other vitamins, be sure to consult with your doctor. Overdosing can be detrimental to the eyes and nervous system.
Pay attention to such an indicative fact: an excess of vitamin C - is ultimately the risk of developing stones in the kidneys and bilious, as well as increased irritability of the gastric mucosa.
When you choose vitamins in the pharmacy, pay attention to the label and instructions. The label always has information about how many milligrams of vitamins are contained in this complex. The dose of vitamins is indicated in such units as mg, μg, me.
Get vitamins to improve your eyesight, not only from pharmacy pills, but from fresh vegetables and fruits. Green salads, cereals, fresh vegetables, low-fat cottage cheese and sour cream, low-fat milk, and beans will be an excellent source of vitamins for your eyes.