Diet with prostatitis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The loss of sexual attraction and impotence is perceived by most of the stronger sex as the end of life, a nightmare that puts an end to his sexuality. One of the factors that can lead to this situation is the inflammatory process affecting the prostate gland, and having the medical term prostatitis. This situation is not only physically and psychologically unpleasant, but requires immediate medical intervention. Do not dismiss it. In the protocol for the treatment of this disease, both medications and physiotherapy techniques are administered. Not the last place in stopping the problem is the diet with prostatitis.
Do you need a diet for prostatitis?
After diagnosing this disease, the treating doctor will certainly give recommendations for correcting the diet, but the patient can also introduce the necessary limitations himself. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether a diet with prostatitis is necessary is unambiguous - you will have to change your diet if a man wants to say goodbye to his problem as soon as possible.
But immediately it is not necessary to be upset, because the diet, as we perceive it, is not needed in this situation. Do not have to adhere to a strict diet with significant product restrictions. In prostatitis, as in the case of many other diseases, a man simply needs to remove from his menu a number of foods that are inadmissible in nutrition for a given inflammation.
Therefore, whether you need a restriction in food - yes it is necessary! Below we will consider what is possible, and what is better to avoid with inflammation of the prostate gland.
What is the diet for prostatitis?
In the fact that to adhere to certain rules in the preparation of their daily menus, a man whose history is burdened by the disease in question, it is necessary - it was found out. Let's consider now, what diet at a prostatitis is appointed or nominated to such patient.
The first, and perhaps most important, what a representative of the strong half of humanity should do is to remove completely or at least minimize the amount of alcohol consumed. And during the exacerbation of the disease for such a patient the "dry law" uniquely operates.
If the disease is in chronic form and the period of complete recovery or remission has come, a man can "take on the breast" a day not more than a liter of beer, or two glasses of any wine, or a glass (70-100 ml) of any strong alcoholic beverage (gin, vodka, rum, whiskey, cognac and so on).
It is worthwhile to clarify that this is a high-quality product of vodka and cognac plants. This permission does not apply to low-quality bodyguards and moonshine of doubtful preparation. A glass of this cocktail is able to send the patient to a hospital bed and aggravate the situation with the therapy of prostatitis.
Under the ban are also carbonated drinks that irritate the mucosa of the digestive tract. Since the prostate gland is a "neighbor" of the intestine, irritation, and with it inflammation, also extends to it. The second nuance that excludes aerated products from soda is the fact that the bladder collecting urine quickly fills up, starting to squeeze the prostate, and it is already being inflamed.
Diet with prostatitis and adenoma
If there was an exacerbation of the disease, the man should immediately change his diet by going to easily and quickly digestible and recyclable products. The diet with prostatitis and adenoma is almost the same, a special place in which the vegetable crops occupy, which it is desirable to eat in raw form, or subject to minimal thermal effects. Similarly, a variety of fruits are used.
It is not necessary to eat fried dishes, they will be much more useful and will lose the minimum amount of substances necessary for the body, if they are processed by steam, they will go to the patient's table in boiled or baked form. At the same taste qualities remain unchanged.
Even if dairy products are not among the favorites, ignoring the presence on their table does not follow them, they are not only nutritious, but also have a beneficial effect on the digestive system, which is essential for coping with the problem.
With inflammation of the prostate, you need to increase the intake of any liquid. The daily amount of it, which enters the human body, should be from one and a half to two liters. This amount includes all the liquid, including soups. Simple clean water will work well, but to increase the vitamin value of drinks, it should be varied with various fruit and vegetable juices, mousses, fruit drinks, fruit and dried fruit compotes, herbal teas and decoctions.
The attending physician may prescribe a diet No. 5 to the patient for medical diet, which corresponds to the restrictions imposed after the resection of the gallbladder and in the treatment of other pathologies associated with abnormalities in the digestive tract.
"Getting out" of such restrictions is not too drastic, you need to smoothly enter the previously excluded products. Since a rapid transition to the daily diet can provoke a return of the disease.
Rejection of bad habits, a rational daily menu and a healthy lifestyle are relevant for any state of health, at any age. This attitude to your health will keep your body toned, immune forces at a high level, which will invariably affect the increase in libido and the reproductive capacity of the body.
There are some differences in the limitations of products in these diseases. For prostatitis already mentioned above, and with adenoma such features of the diet, from the diet are removed:
- White bread.
- Coffee.
- It is necessary to restrict the intake of meat products. Pork is completely excluded.
- All conservation.
- Sugar, sweets, confectionery.
- Strong black tea.
- Marinades.
- Not allowed to drink any alcoholic beverages.
- Animal fats.
- Salt.
- A shortage of protein is partially replenished from seafood, lean meat and fish products (40%), and the remaining 60% is covered with vegetable protein: soy, lentils, beans, beans, oatmeal and buckwheat.
Diet with acute prostatitis
The main symptoms of the acute phase of the disease are:
- Enough frequent urge and painful urination, or, conversely, the stagnation of urine.
- Elevated rectal temperature (up to 38o C).
- Acute pain symptoms in the anus and perineum.
- If you do not take appropriate measures, the temperature can rise to 40º C, and the pain becomes pulsating.
- Against the background of high fever, there is nausea and the urge to vomit, the body begins to beat the fever.
Diet in acute prostatitis is not a preventive, but a therapeutic nature. It is especially important immediately to exclude from the diet products that can irritate the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, which inevitably leads to an increase in the inflammatory process that affects the prostate gland. The purpose of dietary restrictions in the acute form of the disease is the need to optimize the functioning of the prostate.
Primarily, what needs to be done with exacerbation of the disease, is to remove from your diet:
- Alcohol and carbonated drinks.
- Sour fruit.
- Onions, peppers, garlic and, accordingly, spicy dishes.
- They allow urine to acquire properties that, when it passes through the urethra, irritate the walls, thereby stimulating inflammation.
- Smoked products.
- Strong tea, cocoa and coffee.
- Preservation.
- They contribute to the expansion of blood vessels, supplying oxygen and nutrients to the organs of the small pelvis, thereby reducing blood flow in the prostate gland and squeezing the urethra.
- Legumes, sauerkraut and other products that lead to increased flatulence.
Than the patient's table should be rich:
- Grain cereals: buckwheat, yak, pearl barley, oatmeal and others. They stimulate intestinal peristalsis.
- The amount of liquid consumed must be increased to one and a half to two liters, which will allow the urine to be diluted, making it less concentrated. This should include and decoctions of medicinal herbs, which contribute to the fastest recovery, exerting bactericidal action on the patient's body.
- Food should be easy, quickly digestible and digestible. This will allow the body to spend more energy to fight the disease, rather than to process food.
Diet with chronic prostatitis
The symptomatology of the considered disease, which is in the chronic form of percolation, differs somewhat from the acute stage:
- Pain symptomatology is not pulsating, as in acute prostatitis, but aching, localized in the crotch, but giving off to the region of the sacrum and urogenital system.
- There is difficulty in urinating.
- Itching appears in the genital area.
- Decreased libido.
- During the development of the disease, impotence occurs.
Diet in chronic prostatitis is both curative and preventive. Against the background of physical and motor activity, the life of a man significantly improves his quality, and the disease passes into the plane of persistent remission.
If acute prostatitis can not be stopped within three months, the disease goes to the chronic plane. This disease is difficult to treat, but complex therapy, in which the correctly chosen diet is not the least important, is capable, if not completely relieve the man of the problem, at least to reduce its problem and discomfort.
The main postulate of this diet is moderation. The first thing that a patient needs to do is to abandon drinks containing alcohol and caffeine. This is not a complete refusal, sometimes you can still enjoy a glass of wine or a glass of vodka, but this should not be a system.
Strong black tea is better to replace with green varieties. In addition, that the liquid dilutes the urine, helps purify the urethra, tea has and light anti-inflammatory properties.
You should also remove all fatty foods from your diet. After all, fat cells lead to the formation of cholesterol plaques that are not removed from the human body, but are accumulated on the walls of blood vessels, which leads to a worsening of blood flow and blockage of blood vessels. Cholesterol plugs block the "delivery" of oxygen and nutrients to the organs, including the prostate gland. In addition, fat cells coming from food are metabolized into substances that can irritate the mucosa of the digestive tract, urinary excretion pathways, which only spur the inflammatory process.
It should minimize the consumption of fried foods, preferring baked and boiled food. No one talks about a complete refusal, one should only reduce the percentage of such dishes in the diet of the patient.
For the same reason, to reduce irritation, you should reduce the use of salt, as well as sharp spices and seasonings. It is necessary to completely remove from your diet pickled and canned products, mayonnaise, adzhika and the like.
But on vegetables and fruits should not be saved, they should take up most of this diet. Rich in vegetable coarse fiber, these products improve the processing and promotion of ingested food through the intestines, improving digestion. This approach helps reduce the inflammatory process.
If you exclude from the supply of a certain amount of meat products, the protein deficit should be replenished by the protein of vegetable production, it can be beans, soybeans, beans, cottage cheese, lean meat, seafood and sea fish.
In the chronic course of the disease, the body of the patient with the products must receive the necessary amount of zinc. This chemical element is vital for a patient on prostatitis. It positively influences the work of the prostate gland, promotes sufficient sperm production and provides a normal erection. It is the deficiency of zinc in the body of a man that can cause male infertility.
It is desirable to eat foods rich in zinc, together with vitamin E (foods with high content). This tandem leads to a more complete and easy assimilation of this trace element.
The diet menu for prostatitis
As already mentioned above, the diet with prostatitis has its limitations: products that should be excluded (or minimize their intake), and there are those that are prioritized in the diet of the patient suffering from the disease in question. Having become acquainted with this issue, we will now consider an example of the recommended dietary distribution of meals and foodstuffs throughout the day.
It should be noted immediately that the diet menu for prostatitis involves a fractional meal, in small portions. The daily dosage should preferably be divided into four to six meals.
Let's try to offer an approximate daily menu.
Day 1
- Oatmeal.
- Any fruits.
- Green tea.
Lunch - soufflé of raspberries.
- The ear is on the water, not on the rich broth.
- Salad - Assorted vegetables.
- Dried fruits compote.
Snack is pear.
- Boiled squid.
- Vegetable saute.
Just before bedtime - a glass of ryazhenka.
Day 2
- Steam omelette with greens.
- Fruit and berry jelly.
Lunch is a handful of nuts.
- Lenten borsch.
- Boiled fish.
- Fresh carrot salad.
- Decoction of wild rose berries.
Snack - apple baked with cinnamon.
- Meat fricassee.
- Carrot - beetroot stewed salad.
Immediately before going to bed - a glass of yogurt.
Day 3
- Egg poached.
- Pearl barley.
- Fresh cucumber.
- Still mineral water.
Lunch - fruit salad.
- Buckwheat crumbly porridge.
- Seafood.
- Boiled asparagus.
- Green tea.
Snack is a baked pumpkin.
- Rabbit baked in sour cream.
- Salad from stewed cabbage.
Just before bedtime - a glass of yogurt.
Day 4
- Cottage cheese casserole.
- Berry jelly.
Lunch - apples.
- Light potato soup.
- Boiled meat.
- Cabbage cutlet.
- Fruit juice.
Snack - apricots.
- Meat baked in a tavern with vegetables.
- A fresh vegetable salad.
Just before bedtime - a glass of curdled milk.
Day 5
- Corn porridge (hominy).
- A piece of hard cheese (not greasy).
- Fruit fresh.
Lunch - soufflé of bananas.
- Vegetable soup with broccoli.
- Fish baked on a vegetable cushion.
- Salad cushion.
- Compote of fruits.
Afternoon snack - curd sorbe.
- Dinner:
- Scallops in lemon sauce.
- Salad is a sautéed vegetable.
Immediately before going to bed - a glass of kefir.
Day 6
- Boiled rice.
- Soft-boiled egg.
- Herb tea.
Lunch - fruit dessert.
- Macaroni from hard varieties prepared by "al dente".
- Steam cutlet.
- Salad of fresh tomatoes and cucumbers.
- Dried fruits compote.
Afternoon snack - syrniki with raisins.
- Beef stew.
- Vegetable stew.
Just before bedtime - a glass of milk.
Day 7
- Pearl barley with scalloped onions and carrots.
- The vinaigrette.
- Green tea.
Lunch - pumpkin, baked with apples.
- Mushroom soup is puree.
- Crackers from dark bread.
- Fruit compote.
Snack - pellicola with vegetable filling.
- Stew of chicken.
- Vegetable salad.
Just before bedtime - a glass of yogurt. The last meal should be easy, should not overload the digestive tract at night.
It should also be noted that the degree of restrictions may vary somewhat, since this depends on the severity of the pathology itself, the history of the patient's concomitant diseases and the condition of the individual patient at the time the diet is entered. Therefore, it is advisable that the dietary advice be given by the attending physician.
It should also be noted that to leave the diet should also be gradual, as a sharp change in diet can again provoke a return of the disease.
Diet recipes for prostatitis
We offer some recipes for a diet with prostatitis, which meet the requirements of dieticians, while remaining tasty and presentable.
Pieces of pink salmon baked with lemon and greens
- Meat of pink salmon - 400 g
- Lemon - one
- Dill - one bundle
- Olive oil - three tablespoons
- Crumbs ground, breaded - one teaspoon
- Salt to taste (minimum quantity)
Cooking method:
Remove the fillet from the bones, rinse and dry with a kitchen towel. Prepare the marinade, mixing the vegetable oil, salt, breadcrumbs. Mix. Enter the chopped dill. With this mass, grate the pink salmon. Top with a lemon cut into rings.
On a greased baking tray, transfer the fish. In the oven preheated to 180 degrees, place the baking tray for baking and hold for about 15 minutes. This is enough to make the fish ready.
The table is served on salad leaves. The dish can be served both warm and cold.
Veal brisket with meat
- Meat - 100 - 150 g
- Rice is one glass
- Different roots. It can be carrots, celery, parsnips, root parsley and so on.
- Bay leaf
- Vegetable oil - two tablespoons
- Salt to taste
Preparation method:
Put a meat slice into the boiling water and bring it back to a boil. After the water boiled, the original stock should be drained and the meat again poured with water, bring to a boil. In the second broth put the roots, laurel, salt. Cook until ready to cook veal.
Rinse thoroughly with cold water. Fry pan by heating vegetable oil. Rice fry until golden, reduce the fire, and pour a half cup of water into the grain, salt. Frying pan, to create a steamer effect, cover it and bring it to full readiness.
Put loose rice and pieces of meat on a plate, sprinkle with greens.
Potato wedges baked in the oven
- Potatoes - four medium tubers
- Paprika - one teaspoon
- Fragrant pepper - on the tip of the knife
- Ground cumin - a quarter teaspoon
- Oregano - one tablespoon
- Vegetable oil (preferably olive oil) - two teaspoons
- Salt to taste (3/4 teaspoon)
Preparation method:
Peel potato tubers, dry with a kitchen towel and cut into slices. In a deep bowl place the potatoes, pour in the vegetable oil and mix.
In another bowl, mix all available spices. With a ready mixture, wipe the potato slices, distribute the seasonings properly throughout the potato.
In parallel, turn on the oven and heat it to 200 degrees.
Baking tray cover with special glossy paper, on which and put the prepared pieces of potatoes. Hold in the preheated oven for 20 - 30 minutes. Usually this is enough to prepare the dish.
Baking time depends on the size of the lobes, as well as the quality of the oven.
On the table you can serve with any fresh salads, tomato sauce.
Cottage cheese pudding
- Curd of low fat content (or fat-free) - 450 g
- Raw egg - three pieces
- Flour - two tablespoons
- Sugar - pisok - two tablespoons
Preparation method:
Fresh curd properly grind, or, what is easier, to pass through a meat grinder. Eggs break and separate the yolk and protein. In the cottage cheese add egg yolks, flour and sugar, mix well.
Separate the proteins with any convenient kitchen appliances to whip in a persistent foam. Very carefully enter it into the cottage cheese. The agitating blade should interfere smoothly in one direction.
At this stage in the curd mass you can add candied fruits, various berries and fruits, dried fruits.
In the mold, greased with butter, lay out the curd "dough". Top align and lubricate with yolk. Pudding is cooked in a water bath (can be in the multivark) until completely cooked.
Buckwheat porridge with mushrooms
- Groats of buckwheat - half a glass
- Tomatoes - one piece
- Fresh mushrooms (champignons) - four medium
- Onion - half medium
- Green parsley
- Vegetable oil (preferably olive oil) - two teaspoons
- Salt to taste
Preparation method:
Buckwheat groats until ready, taking water in the ratio of one part of the cereal to two parts of the water. To add.
On the heated frying pan pour the vegetable oil and lightly fry the onions cut into half rings. Introduce washed and divided into four champignons. Lightly fry. Cut the tomato into small slices and put into a passerel, pepper and add. On a small fire to protect. In the prepared marinade add the prepared buckwheat porridge and chopped herbs. Hold another couple of minutes on the stove. The dish is ready!
Vegetable stew
This dish is prepared in a classical way, that is, any vegetables that a person likes (except only cabbage and other products that are banned) are taken.
Vegetables should be cut into cubes. We start to put out, taking into account the speed of preparation of each product (we take in the reverse order). For example, first you need to put out the carrots and leek a little, and only then to introduce potatoes. Eggplants, patissons and zucchini are introduced into the stew even after the potatoes.
The cooking process is conducted on a small fire, pouring in vegetables a small amount of water (but so much that they are stewed, and not fried) and vegetable oil, as well as slightly padding and pepper.
At the very end of cooking, you can enter tomatoes and Bulgarian peppers.
Apples baked with currants
- Apple - two
- Black currant berries (fresh or frozen) - glass
- Some sugar and powdered sugar
Preparation method:
Fruits wash, crosswise divided into two halves. Carefully remove the core with a sharp knife.
Separately, the currants of the currant to pour sugar, mix. Half of apples fill with berries with sugar and place in the baking dish.
In the oven preheated to 200 degrees, place the mold and hold for 10 to 15 minutes. Then remove, allow to cool slightly. Warm up a warm dish with powder.
What can you eat with prostatitis?
To prevent any misunderstandings and misunderstandings, we should elaborate on the question of what can be eaten with prostatitis.
These products are not only allowed for inflammation of the prostate gland, but are included in the list of essentials, since the body must receive a completely daily level of all the nutrients necessary for its normal functioning.
- Animal protein is necessary in the diet of such a patient.
- But it is desirable to stop your attention on white bird meat (for example, chicken), red deer ideally suits venison, but in the absence of it, it can easily replace lean pork, veal, lamb.
- Unsalted cheeses with low fat content.
- Seafood. This includes oily sea fish.
- Do not forget about sour-milk products. Milk - it can be consumed throughout the day. Ryazhenka, yogurt, kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, ayran - products that can be consumed for breakfast, and just before bedtime. The products listed do not contribute to the rapid filling of the large intestine and bladder. This prevents their rapid filling, squeezing, does not provoke stagnation of substances in the prostate.
- At least half of the patient's diet should be occupied by a variety of vegetables and fruits. Such carbohydrates must be present in the diet of any man:
- Complex carbohydrates are cereals. It can be all kinds of porridge and other dishes based on them: corn, millet, buckwheat, oatmeal and so on. Cereals are just a storehouse of vitamins, but they are especially rich in Group B vitamins, which are a source of energy and a stimulator of cellular metabolism.
- Various vegetables: carrots, cabbage, celery, pumpkin, tomatoes, beets, zucchini and so on. They are easily digested and are a supplier of vitamins and trace elements. Vegetables with vegetable fiber improves intestinal peristalsis, which protects the male genitourinary system from stagnant phenomena. Some vegetables are included in the list of preventive products from cancerous growths.
- Onion and garlic - a preventive panacea for many infectious and colds. Essential oils of these vegetables improve blood flow, which is important for prostatitis. It is enough every day to eat a little of these products and the health of a man will improve significantly. It is believed that the introduction of onions into your daily diet helps increase potency, and garlic works as a neutralizer of pathogenic microflora.
- Fresh berries and fruits, their dried fruits - an unrivaled fount of micro- and macroelements, vitamins, other substances, without which the human body can not work normally. They participate in the synthesis of many enzymes and hormones, take part in all processes, strengthen the immune system. There is a positive effect on the libido of men, sperm are activated, and their possibilities in fertilization of the egg increase.
- Horseradish mustard, parsnip, parsley - these vegetables must necessarily be present on the men's table. They block the development of tumor cells, normalize blood and blood flow, playing an important role in treating the problems of the genitourinary system of man.
- Pure spring water, compotes, fruit drinks and jelly (preferably from unsweetened fruits and without sugar), a variety of juices, freshly made from fruits and vegetables, a decoction of wild rose berries.
- Do not forget that the male gland, for its normal functioning, requires a chemical element such as zinc. Its quite a lot in nuts, pumpkin seeds (but will suit others) and various nuts. It is also present in fatty fish, seafood and egg yolk.
- You can not do without fat, but you should immediately stipulate that their volume should be substantially limited. After all, fat intake stimulates the formation of cholesterol plaques, which settle on the walls of blood vessels, block them, disrupting the blood flow, which is unacceptable in this disease. Therefore, fat can enter the body of a man only in small quantities, for example, with lean pork, milk and dig. But vegetable fats are allowed, for example, olive oil. Olive oil contains a high percentage of vitamin E (tocopherol), which can positively influence the synthesis of sexual hormone secretion and the functioning of the prostate.
It should also be noted that all dishes should be cooked steamed, boiled and baked. Fried foods should be avoided.
What you can not eat with prostatitis?
But there are also those foods that should be completely removed from their diet, or to reduce the percentage of their consumption, those products that stimulate the further development of pathology and prevent its effective cupping. So what can not be eaten with prostatitis? Which products should be restricted:
- Reduce the introduction of salt in your diet.
- Sharp seasonings, because they irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive organs, and through them and on the prostate.
- Minimize consumption of smoked foods, salted and dried foods.
- Remove their diet of fat, fatty meat, fatty fish and dishes based on them. This is associated with cholesterol plaques and a decrease in the normal rate of blood circulation in the prostate gland.
- Finished products that we buy in supermarkets, and which contain many "yeshos": preservatives, emulsifiers, sweeteners, stabilizers, dyes, flavor enhancers.
- Production of fast food.
- Fried food.
- Radish, radish.
- Meat by-products: lungs, kidneys, heart and so on.
- Filled broths. This applies to meat, fish and mushroom broths.
- White cabbage and representatives of the family of legumes, they provoke the intestinal processes of fermentation, causing gas formation.
- Fish and meat canned products.
- Spinach, sorrel.
- Baking and fresh bakery products, sugar also contribute to increased fermentation.
- Drinks, refueled with gas.
- Nicotine and drugs.
- Alcoholic beverages of any strength. This fluid, getting inside, is transformed into acetaldehyde - a toxic chemical compound that can systematically harm the entire body. Alcohol disrupts blood flow in the pelvic organs, aggravating the course of the disease.
- Limit the reception of chocolate, cocoa, coffee, strong black tea. This is due to the high content of caffeine in them, which adversely affects the affected organ. These products can be replaced: coffee, for example, a surrogate derivative of chicory, tea is better to consume herbal or green.
- Exclude kvass.
Diet with prostatitis in men
Do not focus on the word "diet". Food on the basis of allowed products can be not only useful, but also delicious. Having mastered it, over time, a person is surprised how he could eat differently before, because this diet heals the entire human body.
The diet for prostatitis in men should consist of products that are classified as permitted, and exclude those that remain banned. Naturally, to learn how to make a daily menu, it will take some time, but, getting back to normal, for this in the subsequent do not need much time and effort.
In a daily diet, you can enter a variety of soups, but cooked not on rich broths. Enrich your table with a variety of vegetable and fruit salads. Baked meat, boiled fish, vegetable, fish and meat cutlets, meatballs, zrazy. Garnish for them will be crumbly porridge and pasta from durum wheat, boiled or baked vegetables.
A balanced and varied diet, including the necessary amount of proteins, carbohydrates (mostly complex), fats (mainly vegetable production) will satisfy hunger. This diet to fill the daily norms of vitamins, minerals, macro- and microelements.
Such a diet stabilizes weight, allowing you to get rid of excess, improves the condition of all systems and organs of the human body, including the prostate gland.
Reviews about the diet with prostatitis
Trust, but do not check. Many people adhere to this vital principle, and this approach to everything is in many respects correct. Therefore, having started treatment and correcting their diet, a man can read on the Internet numerous reviews about the diet with prostatitis.
A large number of respondents share their experience of coping with this problem and not the last place is given to changes affecting the daily diet.
Almost everyone notes the simplicity of a diet, the restrictions of which do not lead to starvation, make it possible to compose a sufficiently diverse, tasty and nutritious daily menu.
There is also the fact that against the background of treatment of inflammation of the prostate gland the man parallels the whole organism. There is a rise in tone, strengthens the body's immune system, there is an improvement in the functioning of other organs and systems of the human body.
To the disadvantages of diet, some respondents consider the need for a copious fluid intake, because when there is a number of diseases in the body of a patient this aspect is unacceptable. In this situation, one can not do without consulting a specialist. A qualified doctor will help you find an alternative to this diet, or you will come to some compromise.
Fans of fried and peppery foods complain about "tasteless dishes", but here you already have to choose: a plate of fried potatoes, or health. Such a patient can be advised to try in the "sea" of various permissible recipes yet to find those that will be to his taste. Especially since the diet with prostatitis is not so strict restrictions and occasionally you can still enjoy yourself fried dish.
It should also be remembered that such a restriction is not permanent, after a recovery of a problem, you can gradually return to your habitual diet. Although doctors still advise not to get involved in "harmful" products.
A healthy, active lifestyle, adherence to the rules of proper nutrition is relevant at any time and at any age. But especially this issue should worry people when there are health problems. A high level of immunity and maintaining one's body in tone will significantly reduce the incidence rate. These rules apply to inflammatory processes affecting the prostate gland of a man. Therefore, a diet with prostatitis will not only eliminate the problem, get rid of the discomfort that it creates, but also significantly improve the body of men in general. It is the adjustment of nutrition that makes it much easier and quicker to transfer the disease under consideration.