Plasmolifting: Pros and Cons
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Currently, cosmetologists and doctors offer a variety of procedures that can rejuvenate our skin and remove wrinkles that have appeared with age. One of the ways to rejuvenate the face is plasmolifting (Plasma LIFT, Platelet Rich Plasma injection, PRP) - injecting the patient's own plasma, obtained from his own blood.
This is a relatively new technological method, gaining increasing popularity, especially among the fair sex.
PRP - a method of restoration and polishing of skin without the use of laser technology. It is advantageously different in that it stimulates the body's internal capabilities and activates its own rejuvenation reactions. After the procedure, any rejection of drugs and tissues by the body is excluded, since the injected drug is nothing more than the patient's own liquid part of the blood.
Plasma LIFT is used not only on the face, but also on other parts of the body, including on the hair, which helps to strengthen the hair follicles and prevent hair loss.
The procedure is applicable for any type of skin. PRP directs its impact into the depth of the skin layers, while preserving the outer natural cover. Along with the increase in the activity of collagen fibers, almost immediately after the administration of the preparation, qualitative improvement of the skin surface occurs. This effect lasts for some time, and the visible result remains up to 10-12 months.
Plasma LIFT is used in many problem areas: near the eyes, in the cheekbones, on the entire surface of the face. With the help of this technique, the skin becomes fresh, the amount and depth of wrinkles decreases, the lethargy and flabbiness of the skin is eliminated.
Indications for plasmolift
- Age-related wilting of the skin, wrinkles;
- lethargy due to sudden weight loss;
- excessive pallor or dullness of the skin;
- acne disease;
- restoration of the skin after excessive entrainment of the solarium and natural sunburn;
- skin regeneration after peeling;
- flabbiness of the skin, excessive dryness;
- weak lifeless hair, excessive hair loss;
- scar changes of the skin;
- consequences of unsuccessful botox injection.
In addition to eliminating cosmetic defects, Plasma LIFT is effectively used by traumatologists and orthopedists, dentists, urologists and gynecologists.
Preparation for plasmolifting
In any special preparation for plazmolifting is not necessary. Before planning for PRP, you should always be examined: donate blood for a clinical and biochemical study, analyze venous blood for infections (including AIDS, hepatitis, etc.), and evaluate the blood coagulation system. Ask your doctor: you may need to take any additional tests.
This technique is carried out on an empty stomach. Initially, the doctor takes the patient's blood from the vein (about 20 ml) into a special tube.
Plasmolifting tubes contain an anti-coagulant and a medical gel for separation.
With the help of centrifugation, the obtained blood is divided into components:
- erythrocyte and leukocyte mass;
- a liquid portion of blood enriched with platelets (approximately 1 000 000 / μl);
- the liquid portion of blood depleted of platelets (<150,000 / μl).
Platelets enriched with thrombocytes are injected into the depths of tissues by means of microscopic injections, after treatment with a bactericidal agent. At the request of the patient, the skin surface can be anesthetized: often for this use ointment-anesthetic. After the injection, the zones are again disinfected.
The duration of this technique usually does not exceed one hour.
Plasma LIFT is recommended to be performed at least 4 times, with interruptions of 1-2 weeks. Such courses can be repeated every year.
The effect of PRP in almost half of the cases can be seen after the first session, however the subsequent sessions will fix the result and will allow to achieve permanent improvement of the skin condition. This effect can last from 1 to 2 years.
The harm of plasmolifting
Plasmolifting is often referred to as a "miraculous" procedure, but many patients are thinking: are they all as good as they imagine? Can a rejuvenating technique harm the body?
As we have already said, Plasma LIFT implies the use of the liquid part of the patient's blood. The risk of blood poisoning during the procedure is minimal. By the way, PRP- is nothing but an improved, all-known auto-therapy - a treatment in which the patient's venous blood is injected intramuscularly.
Since the new technique of Plasma LIFT stimulates the work of stem cells, some patients are alarmed: operations with stem cells have not yet been studied thoroughly, and there is no reliable information on how the stem cells behave after interfering with their activity. Some scientists even show some involvement of such cells in the formation and development of malignant neoplasms in the body.
Therefore, there is reason to believe that the harm of plasmolifting has a chance to arise in patients predisposed to oncological pathologies, or already having this pathology. Here the situation is natural: if the patient suffers from oncology, the stimulation of stem cell growth may well provoke an increased growth of the neoplasm.
For this reason, those patients who have a hereditary or other predisposition to malignant diseases should pay special attention to the examination before PRP.
Meanwhile, this technique also brings huge benefits: it's a 100% opportunity to put in order and update the skin and scalp, which is achieved by the very stimulation of stem cells.
Which is better, biorevitalization or plasmolifting?
The positive effect of biorevitalization is indisputable, however, Plasma LIFT is no less effective. Therefore, the question arises: which of these procedures is better? Let's try to decide on such a difficult choice.
Of course, these procedures have much in common: they are all based on injection, a significant difference only in the inputs.
The main plus of biorevitalisation is the presence of a quality purified hyaluronic acid, which nourishes and retains moisture in the tissues, facilitates the functioning of cellular structures, and activates the production of collagen and new cells, which, in fact, is a natural renewal of the skin. In preparations for biorevitalization, vitamin combinations, minerals, amino acids, useful for the skin, are added, however hyaluronic acid remains the main component of the remedy.
Let's move on to PRP. The main and only component of the injected drug is the platelet-rich liquid part of the blood-the patient's plasma. It contains in abundance biologically active substances, fully compatible with the patient's body, since they are "native" to him. Active substances are located mostly in the intracellular space of platelets, which are released when it is necessary to restore damaged and broken tissue structures. Centrifuged plasma implies the release of such released active substances, which when introduced into the skin have a significant restoring and rejuvenating effect on cellular structures, vascular network, muscle and collagen fibers. The injected drug stabilizes the function of sebum secretion, stops inflammation in the skin, strengthens local tissue immunity, activates the growth of hair follicles when using PRP to treat baldness.
What conclusion can be made from the above? Each method is good in its own way, and this has been repeatedly confirmed by experience. The sensations from this or that procedure are individual, therefore experts recommend alternating courses of biorevitalization and plasmolifting, choosing for themselves a more effective procedure that is suitable for your skin. It is not a contraindication and alternation of these methods during one course, however in this case you are unlikely to determine which method was the most effective. However, the result of such alternation, as a rule, always exceeds all possible expectations: the skin becomes moist, fresh and renewed.
Laser plasmolifting
There is such a thing as "laser plasmolifting" - it is also "laser plasma treatment", or "laser-plasmagel". Specialists are not inclined to use such terms, since they consider them not quite correct.
These names imply:
- use of a platelet-enriched liquid portion of blood in a folded state. Such a clot is distributed on the skin and processed by a laser beam, which allows the active substances to penetrate into the depth of the skin. This method is often called "non-injection Plasma LIFT";
- "Plasmoplastic" procedure, which involves the introduction into the skin of a clot and coagulation of it by laser exposure;
- use of hardware effects (photoepilation or laser grinding) with further connection of the method of plasma therapy or superposition of a plasma bundle. This technique is characterized by a better effect and a short rehabilitation period.
How often do plasma lifts?
Owners of dense skin immediately after a session of Plasma LIFT may not notice a significant result, it will be visible only after 4-6 weeks. The most noticeable effect will be manifested only after a full course PRP - it is conducting from 2 to 4 sessions with breaks of 1-2 weeks. Such courses are recommended to be conducted no more than 2 times in 12 months, ideally - once a year.
How many sessions a treatment course should consist of is an individual question. The number of sessions may depend on age data and the density and condition of the skin.
Until the age of thirty, one or two procedures are sufficient. After 35 years, it may take 3-4 sessions, and for patients who are more than 40 years old - about 5 plasma therapies.
Visible result of Plasma LIFT lasts about 1 year, however, to maintain a good skin condition, cosmetic procedures, including peeling, and the use of special nutritious and anti-aging products should be carried out.
Apparatus for plazmoliftinga
An integral part of PRP is the equipment, in particular, a specialized centrifuge, with the help of which the centrifugal force acts on the blood, separating from the total mass platelet plasma.
In order that plazmoterapiya passed successfully and without adverse consequences, it is very important to use high-quality equipment and other components for plasma therapy.
The "right" centrifuge for Plasma LIFT has certain requirements and parameters. For an ideal separation of the liquid part of blood, rich in platelets, the apparatus should have no less than 5,000 rpm. The required acceleration of centrifugal force is 1100-1500 g.
One position of the rotary speed control should not be higher than 100 rpm. His work should be smooth and stable, so that the contents of the test tube are not damaged.
Plasma Lifting Tubes
Plasmolifting tubes are made of special heat resistant glass - borosilicate glass, and contain a special gel filler, which has anticoagulant properties (with a heparin or fractasparinic component). Such a filler allows preserving the natural amino acid, hormone and vitamin composition in a centrifuged preparation, that is, in the obtained liquid part of the patient's blood.
Plasma LIFT tubes should not cause inconvenience when used: they can be turned, shaken and placed on a horizontal surface without the risk that enriched plasma is mixed with other blood fractions.
Gel filler should maintain the quality of the obtained liquid part of the blood to minus 90 ° C.
Needles for plasmolifting
For PRP, in addition to equipment and tubes, also use specially designed two-sided needles, or specialized needles, "butterflies." The same needles can be used as for mesotherapy, complete with a three-component syringe and a special catheter called a "butterfly".
Using specialized needles, which are used to take blood from a venous vessel, as well as for plasmatherapy and autohemotherapy, it is possible to significantly facilitate the collection of material from the patient.
Needles, "butterflies" with a special adaptation to the syringe "luer" should be sterile and only disposable. The needle itself has a silicone coating and an oblique cut with a sharpened sharp point. Thanks to this introduction of the needle into the fabric is comfortable and painless. In addition, "butterfly" needles contain a special apyrogenic bez latex hypoallergenic catheter.
Swiss plasmolifting
Regen Lab - Swiss method Plasma LIFT, similar to the usual, but with the use of more expensive equipment.
The essence of the method is the same - injection biostimulation using the patient's plasma, in order to restore age-related and damaged skin.
After the injection of PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma - platelet-rich plasma), biological stimulation reactions are triggered with further collagen production and cellular tissue repair, which can actually rejuvenate the skin and produce a remarkable and lasting effect of renewal.
When PRP is introduced, the following processes are observed:
- the emergence of a three-dimensional fibrin network;
- release and activation of a number of growth factors;
- involvement in the process of stem cells and macrophages;
- acceleration of division and differences of stem cells;
- stimulation of production of constituents of extracellular matrix (including various types of collagens).
The effect after the course of therapy can last from 6 to 24 months.
Plasmolifting in stomatology
PRP can also be used in dental practice, as injections for local strengthening of tissue regeneration processes.
Plasma therapy in dentistry is used for the following purposes:
- acceleration of "engraftment" of dentures, elimination of the risk of rejection of prostheses;
- treatment of inflammatory processes in the tissues of periodontal disease;
- elimination of bleeding gums;
- strengthening teeth and gums, preventing loss and loosening of the tooth;
- restoration of bone tissue;
- acceleration of the rehabilitation process after surgical interventions in the maxillofacial area.
Plasmolifting of the gums
The prepared plasma of the patient is injected directly into the damaged gum tissue, into the prosthetic set-up zone, into the tissue of the well, from which the tooth was removed, and into other soft tissues of the oral cavity with different forms of bacterial-inflammatory diseases. Injection of a platelet-enriched liquid part of the blood, due to the content of growth factors in it, contributes to the growth of the capillary network, the restoration of hemodynamic parameters, tissue nutrition and metabolic processes. Stimulated by local immune processes, the gum acquires a normal color and a natural form. Inflammation in the gums gradually disappears. Complete recovery usually occurs within 2 weeks.
Plasmolifting of teeth
Plasma LIFT allows to stimulate regeneration processes in tissues, preventing loss of bone tissue. The prepared plasma is introduced into the area of prosthetics or bone plasty, into the areas of osteosynthesis. After plazmoterapii active strengthening of bone tissue, maturation of matrix collagen and bones with the participation of morphogenetic protein is observed. As a result, the mobility (looseness) of the teeth decreases, periodontal pathologies are eliminated, an unpleasant odor from the oral cavity disappears.
Plasmolifting in gynecology
Inflammatory diseases in the genital area not only cause a lot of discomfort and discomfort. The process of inflammation contributes to damage and changes in the structure of tissues, which has a very negative effect on the health of the reproductive system and on the intimate life of the patient.
Plasma LIFT is a technique that can cure an inflammatory disease of the genital organs and eliminate the effects of an inflammatory reaction.
The therapeutic effect of plasma therapy is based on the growth factors present in the thrombocyte mass. These factors activate tissue regeneration, as well as repair damaged mucous membrane.
Antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs used in gynecology are designed to destroy the bacteria that caused the inflammatory process, and drown out the signs of inflammation. PRP is able to eliminate after-inflammatory effects, to repair damaged tissues and their functions.
Recently, specialists in gynecology often use Plasma LIFT in the complex therapy of inflammatory pathologies of the genital sphere, with kraurosis of the vulva, with cervical leukoplakia, chronic endometritis, endocervicitis. Thanks to plasma therapy, doctors achieve a lasting therapeutic effect and shorten the duration of treatment. Moreover, PRP promotes restoration and healing of mucosal erosions (in particular, cervical erosion).
What can be done with the procedure of plasmolifting in gynecology:
- restore damaged tissues and mucous membranes;
- stabilize the monthly cycle;
- strengthen the muscular system of the pelvic floor;
- make the woman's intimate life more comfortable;
- to protect the body from the occurrence of repeated diseases of the genital area.
Plasmolifting in pregnancy
Plasma lifting during pregnancy is strongly discouraged. During this period, it is generally better to refuse any medical manipulation - for a future child this can be dangerous.
Pregnancy is a direct contraindication to plasmotherapy. The fact is that the effect of plasma therapy on the body has not been sufficiently studied, so one hundred percent to say whether it harms the child or not, no one can.
For these reasons, it seems to us that we should not take risks. It is better to wait a little, before the birth of a child, and only then begin to prepare for Plasma LIFT.
Plasma-lifting at home
Despite the fact that Plasma LIFT is a relatively simple and safe procedure, this method is still a medical procedure and can only be carried out by a specialist who has passed the necessary specialized training and training.
Doing plasmolifting at home is not only impossible, but impossible. Not only does plasma therapy require special equipment that separates the liquid part of the blood, as well as test tubes that preserve the autoplasma, sterile instruments, etc., to carry out Plasma LIFT, you also need knowledge that only the doctor-specialist of his field has.
Even slight skin damage can trigger infection in the body, and the consequences from this can be the most negative and unpredictable. To avoid this, do not self-medicate. It is better to trust doctors who have the appropriate certification and qualifications.
For the same reasons, one should not trust his beauty and health with unprofessional pseudo-"specialists." PRP should only be conducted in a specialized medical institution or clinic that has the appropriate licenses and certificates.
And yet, plasmolifting - pros and cons?
Well-known specialist in plastic surgery, head of the cosmetology and plastic surgery department of the RSU I.E. Khrustaleva explains the existence of different opinions: "Plasmolifting is an accessible and popular method. With the relative simplicity of the technique, the effect of it is really present. True, many do not take into account the fact that the number of sessions plays a big role in the effectiveness of the method, as well as what is added to the autoplasma in the test tube. From the outside, the procedures between themselves are practically the same, but the effect is different for everyone. Why? Yes, because there is no clearly defined PRP methodology approved by the Ministry of Health. As a result, there is no danger of Plasma LIFT, but about the benefits - they all have different ways. "
Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences. Akhmerov, who stood at the origins of the emergence of plasma-lifting, insists that plasma injections do not cause any harm to the body, including in terms of oncology. It is he who points out that for a real and lasting effect one procedure may not be enough: it is ideal to use about 4 sessions, only then you can talk about a positive and visible result. One or two sessions can guarantee a result of only 60%.
Indeed, many experts try to combine autoplasma, prepared for PRP, with various additives: amino acids, hyaluronic acid, vitamin complexes. Conclusions about the safety of Plasma LIFT are difficult to make. But, unfortunately, in addition to clinical observations, there have been no other studies on this topic.
Of course, the desire of almost all women to look, as they say, 100%, is an incentive for the development of new and new technological methods of rejuvenation. Every day, scientists are working on new cosmetology techniques that can restore youth and stop the development of age-related changes. Of course, before agreeing to use this or that method, it is necessary to thoroughly study it, to evaluate possible contraindications and consequences. Unfortunately, often women do not think about it, imagining only a possible visual effect.
Before going to plasmatherapy, a woman should clearly know what she expects from Plasma LIFT. As practice shows, plasmolifting restores damaged cellular structures, updates them. That is, after the injection, the skin will become lighter, more elastic, cleaner. Wrinkles will become less noticeable, and small ones will disappear altogether. But it is important to understand that PRP is not a brace: the sagging chest will not rise, and the double chin will not decrease.
Plasmolifting is, first of all, a medical procedure, the purpose of which is the healing and restoration of damaged cells. Therefore, only good authoritative doctors should explain their health, explaining all the subtleties of Plasma LIFT, assessing the body's capabilities and its general condition, which will allow to avoid negative consequences and complications in the future.
Contraindications to plasmolifting
- Taking medications that dilute the blood, as well as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (acetylsalicylic acid, ibuprofen, etc.) for two days before the PRP session;
- hypersensitive reaction to drugs that affect blood clotting, in particular, to heparin;
- therapy with corticosteroid drugs, at least 2 weeks prior to the Plasma LIFT session;
- menstrual bleeding;
- period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
- malignant neoplasms;
- inflammatory process in the liver;
- significant immunity disorders, immunodeficiency status;
- antibiotic therapy;
- autoimmune diseases;
- thrombocytopenia less than 100 000 / mkl;
- hemoglobinemia less than 100 g / l;
- low content of fibrinogen in the blood;
- febrile conditions, high fever;
- acute infectious diseases, septic conditions;
- unstable hemodynamics;
- platelet abnormalities;
- mental disorders;
- acute period of chronic pathologies;
- skin diseases;
- viral infections.
Consequences of plasmolifting
Plasma LIFT is recognized not only effective, but also hypoallergenic and safe. However, small, but unpleasant consequences still exist. Among them - red spots on the surface of the skin, small swelling and bruising in the areas of injection of autoplasma. It is worth noting that the bruises after plasmolifting disappear for several days. They do not pose any potential danger to the body.
Edema after plasmolifting is also a temporary phenomenon. Puffiness, as a rule, is insignificant and passes without leaving a trace for several hours. Therefore, if you are going through the Plasma LIFT, do not plan outlets "into the light", at least for the next 2 days.
Complications of plasmolifting are rare, but all patients without exception need to know about them.
- If you used drugs that interfere with blood clotting before the procedure, including aspirin, citramone, cardiomagnet, thrombotic assault, etc., then you should opt out of carrying out Plasma LIFT. Otherwise, the following complications may occur: edema in the zone of plasma injection, red spots, rash, extensive bruises.
- If you have an acute form of an infectious disease at the time of plasma therapy, or an exacerbation of a chronic one, you also want to give up the procedure before recovery. Otherwise, the disease can drag on and go on for a long time for about 4 weeks.
The complications of PRP are transient and completely go away for several weeks. They do not represent an emergency danger for the body.
Where do plasmolifting?
In our country, several specialized clinical institutions are known, where PRP is made qualitatively and safely. It is important to remember that when registering for a procedure in a clinic, it is necessary to make sure that there are permits and certificates for carrying out Plasma LIFT. Any patient should be fully confident in the qualifications of people to whom he trusts his own health. After all, it will not be lost for long, but it is sometimes difficult or even impossible to restore it.
In a good clinic, before proceeding to the procedure, the doctor will necessarily conduct several studies and prescribe laboratory tests to determine the feasibility of PRP and prevent possible complications. This technique has a number of contraindications, of which we spoke above, and the doctor should make sure that you do not have a contra-indicated Plasma LIFT.
Plasma Lifting Courses
There are courses of plasma-lifting, on which the doctors of plasma therapy are trained.
Typically, the training of Plasma LIFT consists of a theoretical and practical component. Trainings are conducted by certified specialists on a clinical treatment basis. Sometimes the courses are a specialized seminar with master classes.
A doctor who has completed a full course of study is included in the general register of specialists in plasma therapy. At the end of the course, a certificate of a specialist is issued to him, which confirms the right to apply this technological method, as well as methodological guides for Plasma LIFT.
Prices for plasmolifting
The price depends mainly on the treated area, as well as on the number of such zones. For example, you need to make PRP skin near the eyes or the whole face: the prices, respectively, will be different. The average cost of plasma therapy in our country is from 1000 to 4000 UAH.
- Plasma LIFT decollete zone - about 1200 UAH.
- Plasma LIFT neck - about 1200 UAH.
- Plasma LIFT hair - about 1500 UAH.
- Plasma LIFT faces - about 2000 UAH.
- Plasma LIFT face and neck - from 2500 UAH.
- Plasma LIFT on the face, neck and decollete zone - from 3000 UAH.
Prices may vary depending on the clinic, therefore, when preparing for the procedure, its cost should be clarified with your doctor or the manager of the medical institution.
Reviews about plazmolifting
Of course, there can not be a single opinion about plasma therapy: someone liked the effect more, and someone - less. However, almost all patients are united in one: PRP is a natural and safe procedure that does not cause intoxication, allergy, rejection and other side effects. The effect of plasma therapy is based on natural stimulation of the hidden resources of the human body. In addition to the visible results of plasma treatment, many patients note changes in the general condition. After plazmoterapii blood flow in the tissues is normalized, the sweating is stabilized, the overall well-being improves significantly.
Plasmolifting is a relatively new method in cosmetology, but its effectiveness is known all over the world. Patients satisfied with this technique, almost everything: minimal preparation for therapy, rapidity of exposure, short rehabilitation period, excellent result. And in the financial plan PRP - not the most expensive.
Negative feedback on plasmolifting is practically absent. Dissatisfied patients are found, as a rule, only among those who fell into an unprofessional "specialist" with dubious qualifications. The advice can be simple: you should not trust your health, beauty and finances to the first charlatan who has come across. Before signing up for PRP, first you need to check the permissive documentation, talk with former patients of the clinic, listen to reviews. In addition, too low cost should also alert: no self-respecting specialist will not conduct plasmatherapy at a price below cost.
The doctors' comments about plasmotherapy are somewhat contradictory: PRP has both ardent supporters in the medical field, and doctors who are somewhat pessimistic.