Masks of oatmeal
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Mask from the Hercules conquers more and more attention, and not in vain.
Oatmeal is a valuable product, but its usefulness as a cosmetic is clearly not less.
Benefits of Hercules for Skin
Herculean porridge can give energy and health to a person not only with regular consumption as food, but also as a face mask, which can be easily and quickly produced at home. Masks from oatmeal suitable for any type of skin, the only difference in additional ingredients. In addition, the benefits of Hercules for the skin is quite obvious - oatmeal is hypoallergenic and will not cause unpleasant sensations on the skin.
The use of oatmeal for the skin will be noticeable after 2-3 applications. Masks from the oatmeal act in three directions - remove dirt, soften and moisturize the skin. Such a mask can replace a rather expensive cosmetic set of a similar action.
Hercules is a "living product", therefore contains many useful components. Microelements and minerals that are part of the grain, improve the structure of the skin. Mask from the oatmeal helps to get rid of black spots, remove micro-inflammation, gently exfoliate the horny parts of the skin and regulate the function of the sebaceous glands. At the first application, flaws on the face skin can become more pronounced, but this is quite natural - this indicates the onset of deep regeneration and skin cleansing.
Face mask from Hercules
Mask for the face of the oatmeal is absolutely safe for any skin type. The mask is easy to prepare at home, and the result can be compared with a trip to the beauty salon.
The secret to the oatmeal mask lies in the composition of the main component - oatmeal. It:
- 10% water, for easy moisturizing;
- Retinol, which quickly heals micro-traumas;
- Thiamin will give the skin elasticity, relieve dryness and accelerate the recovery process;
- Ascorbic acid will restore youth to fading skin.
In a complex, all these substances have an extremely beneficial effect on the skin, feeding on its cells, gently exfoliating dead cells. In addition, regular use of the mask perfectly massages, tones up the skin, helps to quickly cope with micro-inflammations and perfectly cleanses the pores.
Mask for the face of the oatmeal will have an effect on the skin, depending on what other ingredients will be part of the main composition. For example, oily skin will get rid of unhealthy shine, and dry will get the missing food, the problem skin will be spared from acne and acne.
Mask for face from Hercules and honey
Mask for face from Hercules and honey will perfectly nourish dry skin, as well as repair damaged areas. To prepare an oatmeal mask for dry skin of the face you need not so much:
1 tablespoon with a slice of oat flakes is steamed by a small volume of hot milk, so that the flakes are completely covered. Everything is covered with a lid and infused for 7-10 minutes. The resulting porridge can be used as a mask - the mixture is applied to the face with a thick layer and washed off with water after 15-20 minutes. The mask not only moisturizes the skin, but also non-aggressive cleansing, especially if you apply a little massage to the skin with your fingertips.
For a more intense supply of dry and combination skin, you can use a different mask, prepared on the basis of the above porridge, but with the addition of additional ingredients to choose from:
- raw yolk;
- 1 tbsp. A spoonful of fatty sour cream or cream;
- 1 tbsp. A spoonful of fat cottage cheese (if the mask turns out too thick, you can dilute it with a small amount of warm milk);
- 1 tbsp. A spoonful of olive oil or any vegetable oil;
- 1 teaspoon of honey;
- 1 tbsp. A spoon of softened butter;
- 1 tbsp. A spoon of pulp of banana, persimmons.
Mask with any of the selected products with light massaging movements applied to the face for 15-20 minutes, then remove the residue with warm water and pat face with a towel or napkin.
Mask of aculeus from acne
The mask of aculeus from acne acts in several directions at once:
- Hercules perfectly cleanses the pores, acts as a scrub, also gives the skin the missing biologically active substances.
- Hercules restores and strengthens the protective function of the skin, protects against pigmentation, dehydration, protects from irritants.
- Increases the resistance to UV radiation, prevents the appearance of redness, inflammation and perfectly moisturizes.
Mask of Hercules from Acne Classic
Boil the oatmeal in boiling water or milk for 10 minutes, let it cool. The resulting mixture should be thick. Apply to face skin for 20 minutes, then remove the residues with warm water.
Mask from Hercules from pimples with soda
Mix 2 tablespoons oatmeal and 1 tbsp. A spoonful of soda, add warm water so that the mass thickens. This mask of acne should be carefully rubbed into the skin, and then left for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. A mask of oatmeal and soda is used to remove traces of acne.
Mask from Hercules from acne with egg white
Mix in a homogeneous mass of half a cup of steamed oatmeal, a tablespoon of vegetable oil and one egg white. Apply to face and wash off after 20 minutes. A mask based on protein will purify the skin and narrow the pores.
Hercules Hair Mask
Mask for hair from Hercules is effective in itself, but oatmeal also very well manifests itself in the composition of other hair masks based on natural ingredients. To make a mask for hair from a hercule, it must first be ground. Apply the mask on clean, dry hair and wash it very carefully - the oatmeal is not very easily removed, but the effect will be worth any inconvenience. On the basis of the oatmeal, it is possible to make masks for density, to improve hair growth. Hercules will save hair from fat, it will nourish and restore.
Hair mask from Hercules for hair density
Hercules to grind into flour and combine with milk 1: 1, let it brew. Add oil for hair and vitamins based on oil, A, B, E. Blend the entire length of hair and wrap it with polyethylene for 20-30 minutes. After the procedure, rinse with your favorite shampoo.
Mask for hair growth
Similar in composition to the previous one, but in the mask there is an additional component - 1 tablespoon of castor oil. The mask is rubbed into the roots of the hair and left for 1-2 hours. The head needs to be wrapped with polyethylene and warmly wrapped. After the procedure, wash the hair with any shampoo.
Hair mask from Hercules restoring
To prepare a regenerating mask, combine oatmeal with kefir to such a density that it was convenient to apply the mixture on the hair. Keep the mask for 20 minutes, then wash the hair with warm water using a shampoo.
Mask of Hercules and Soda
Oatmeal is known to many as a nutritious and healthy product, but not everyone knows that oat flakes can be used as an outer cosmetic. Oatmeal perfectly nourishes and restores the skin, cleanses the pores, removes cornified skin particles without causing any allergic reactions. A mask of oatmeal and soda helps to gently cleanse the skin of the face. First you need to mix oatmeal and soda, and in a separate bowl combine kefir with lemon juice, and then mix everything. The consistency of the mask should be similar to non-fat sour cream, you can achieve this by adjusting the amount of yogurt and oatmeal, you can add a little white clay.
Before applying the mask, you need to prepare the skin of the face, previously steaming. The face needs to be washed with hot water or a hot compress made of chamomile or marigold.
The mask should be applied carefully, avoiding the zone around the eyes and lips. Wait until the mask is dry and then gently, massaging the movements to remove it. Remains of the mask moisten with water and massage, after washing off all the face with warm water and rinse with cool - to narrow the pores.
The next step is to apply a mask or tonic that narrow the pores. The procedure should be repeated 2 times a week.
Reviews about masks from the oatmeal
Reviews about masks from the oatmeal are numerous, and are based only on own experience. Thanks to the ingredients that make up the oatmeal, namely, vitramidine and beta-glucan. These substances are natural antioxidants, and, therefore, carefully nourish and restore the skin of the face, make it younger.
In the face mask of the oatmeal, many biologically active substances, vitamins, trace elements. These ingredients not only rejuvenate the skin, make it fresh and velvety, but effectively clean the pores and remove scar tissue. And these are only a few qualities of a simple one-component facial mask based on oatmeal.
After the first application of the mask from the oatmeal, the skin condition may worsen, but this is natural and is associated with the onset of deep regenerative processes. Such a reaction does not always appear, but still occurs.
The only thing to focus on is that the cleansing mask from the oatmeal can not be used too often - there is a risk of damaging the skin. Overdried skin is easily polluted, and this will only increase the secretion of sebum and, as a consequence, provoke the appearance of acne. Therefore, to ensure that the result does not come to naught after the application of the mask, do not often do aggressive cleansing masks and additionally use nourishing creams and other skin care products.
Mask from Hercules is a natural and budgetary tool for the care of any kind of skin, and additional components introduced into the mask can enhance the desired effect.