
Social life

Published a list of the rarest skin diseases

Some skin diseases are very rare and can indicate serious diseases.
30 October 2012, 17:00

80% of women experience problems in sexual life

Female sexuality is a complex combination of emotional, psychic and physical signals. And if a problem has arisen in one area, then it is likely that others will develop. But in order to get rid of them you need to know what causes the violations. And it can be covered both physical ailments and mental disorders.
30 October 2012, 11:39

6 Ways to Get Rid of Stress

Stresses have become an integral part of our daily lives. They happen daily at work, at home, in public transport. As a result: depression, nervous breakdowns, chronic fatigue, insomnia and diseases that develop in a person with frequent and prolonged stress. How to avoid stress or try to reduce its effects to a minimum?
30 October 2012, 10:00

How to keep beauty in the fall?

New season - new care for the body, and how to switch to autumn care, find out from our tips.
29 October 2012, 19:38

How to maintain weight: 9 tips

Nutritionists, who more than once witnessed a victory over excess body weight, and then, unfortunately, a person's defeat in this confrontation, shared advice on how to keep the weight and not again fall victim to their own weaknesses.
29 October 2012, 16:00

Electronic cigarettes: a way to quit smoking or a new drug?

Some people claim that after switching to e-cigarettes their state of health has improved, others are not satisfied with the novelty, because it saves them money, and still others use it for the final parting with a bad habit.
29 October 2012, 11:37

Scientists have found that obesity is an irreversible process

Experiments on mice have shown that the longer animals lived with excess weight, the more likely this state became irreversible
29 October 2012, 09:00

How to organize a school day and why sleep is important?

School years are the most important period of a person's life. This is a period of intensive growth and improvement of the body, the development of higher nervous activity, the formation of the main character traits. That's why the regime of the day is so important. Observance of the regime of the day and a restful rest are necessary for the health and correct development of the schoolboy.
25 October 2012, 17:13

Principles of nutrition: acid-base balance

No wonder they say: "You are what you eat". Our physical and mental well-being is directly related to the quality of food consumed.
26 October 2012, 20:07

Walking is a tool for weight loss and well-being

Walking is the safest kind of exercise. As you know, now most of the population leads a sedentary lifestyle, since all work is done on the computer. Walking is the most accessible form of aerobic exercise.
26 October 2012, 17:55


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