
Social life

Self-harm of adolescents can not be attributed to mental disorders

Despite the fact that self-mutilation is considered as a problem of a mental nature, it is not so. According to Jonas Bjoerhead and his team from Lund University, Sweden, one can not equate adolescent self-harm to mental illnesses, even if they act consciously and purposefully.
05 November 2012, 11:00

9 tips to speed up metabolism

If you want the metabolism in your body to be correct and that you are always full of energy and have good health, you need to take care of yourself. Revise your diet and food intake. Include in the diet of healthy foods rich in vitamins, minerals, give up heavy food, from high-calorie dishes.
05 November 2012, 10:00

Confidence in a partner is the key to a successful marriage

If you have doubts about your relationship and future family life with a partner, you can not ignore them, in the future it can negatively affect family relationships and upset the marriage.
04 November 2012, 18:45

Top 5 Most Dangerous Competitions

For some people walking around the razor's edge is just fun and therefore they participate in the most incredible dangerous contests.
02 November 2012, 09:00

How to quit smoking? Tips for every day

Quitting smoking is a global task, but it can be solved by a string of small efforts and micro-changes in everyday life.
02 November 2012, 18:44

7 exercises for good sex

Regularly performing these simple exercises, you not only get more pleasure in bed, but you will also get a great shape and a good mood
01 November 2012, 15:42

5 reasons to use zinc for colds

You probably heard a lot about the effect of zinc on colds. But, is it really that effective? What do scientists think about this?
01 November 2012, 20:00

Aromatherapy at home: what you need to know

Treatment with fragrances or smells used in ancient times. Thanks to the volatile compounds of aromas, you can get rid of the immune deficit, heal wounds. In addition to having a positive effect on physical health, aromatherapy affects the aura of a person and his emotions.
01 November 2012, 19:00

Acquaintance of a dog with a newborn child

Even the best-trained parents often underestimate the time and energy that they will spend on caring for a newborn baby. How to make the dog quickly accustomed to the baby?
01 November 2012, 16:12

How to prevent diabetes: Top 7 tips

Is it possible to reduce the risk of diabetes and prevent it? Experts say that it is possible, if some rules are observed. What kind? About this later in our article.
01 November 2012, 14:11


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