
80% of women experience problems in sexual life

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 17.10.2021

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30 October 2012, 11:39

Problems in sexual life are not so rare. Today, 80% of women have problems in sexual life.

Female sexuality is a complex combination of emotional, psychic and physical signals. And if there is a problem in one area, then it is likely that other problems will develop. But in order to get rid of them you need to know what causes the violations. And they can hide both physical ailments and mental disorders.

Some sexual problems are provoked by mental and emotional causes, among which:

  • Stress
  • Emotional Violence
  • Depression
  • Problems with self-esteem and self-esteem

If a woman worried about the idea of having sex with a partner and she experiences negative emotions associated with intimacy, then you need to understand what state the relationship is. The pleasure from sex can only get partners who are satisfied with each other and their relationships. This does not mean that quarrels or conflicts are excluded in the pair, however, small scrapes can not in this case not become the cause of disorders in sexual life.

Many women at some point in their lives feel that they do not get joy and satisfaction from sex. Among the reasons that are voiced by ladies, the main are the following:

Inability to receive orgasm

The reasons can be covered in physiology, for example, the lack of orgasm can be caused by hormonal changes or be a consequence of the transferred operation. According to doctors, the obsession with getting an orgasm can be the main reason for his absence.

Low libido

Some women feel a loss of interest in intimate life. The cause of low libido may be depression, stress or other emotional factors that interfere with relaxation and lead to loss of sexual appetite. For physiological reasons, menopause, diseases of the cardiovascular system, urinary tract infections, pregnancy, breast-feeding, and the use of certain medications (antidepressants or contraceptives) are included.

Painful sensations

Sex should bring pleasure, but not pain. There are many diseases that interfere with enjoying intimate relationships. One of them is vaginismus, in which involuntary muscular spasms of the vagina make it difficult or impossible to insert the penis. Also, the cause of discomfort and pain can be vaginal infection, thinning and dryness of the vaginal pads.

Possible medical problems

In some cases, sexual dysfunction may be due to pelvic injury or surgery (surgery on the uterus or caesarean section), insufficient blood flow to the genitals, problems with the production of the hormone estrogen and testosterone. Violations can also be caused by weak vaginal muscles, which can be strengthened with Kegel's exercise complex.

Vaginal surgery may be the last step in eliminating problems in sex, but surgery should be resorted to only as a last resort, because it is possible that during the operation the nerve endings will be affected, which will negatively affect a woman's sexual life.

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