
6 Ways to Get Rid of Stress

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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30 October 2012, 10:00

Stress is a natural component of our life, a response to experiences or fear. And although this is not the most pleasant feeling, stress is one of the engines of human activity. However, an excessive "dose" of stress will have very negative consequences - the body will become more susceptible to illnesses and the productivity of work will decrease significantly.

When a person is in a stressful state, the brain sends signals to produce hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. These hormones cause a rapid heartbeat, increased blood pressure, muscles tighten, and breathing becomes impetuous and shallow. Given these consequences, frequent stresses shake the immune and nervous system. Stress hormones cause the body to increase blood clotting, so stress can lead to a heart attack. In addition to physical harm, stress can also provoke mental disorders: bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and panic attacks.

Read also: Relieve stress: advice from around the world

More and more people are experiencing a high level of stress. The most important factor that provokes stress is work.

To stress did not turn into a norm and did not pose a threat to health, arm yourself with several methods to eliminate it.

Exercises and leisure

The most effective method in the fight against stress is regular exercise. According to numerous studies, those people who are in good physical condition are much less prone to stress problems. Activity helps a person to throw out all the negative outwards and not keep everything in himself. In addition, the flow of blood to the brain increases, which contributes to the flow of more oxygen, and this, in turn, clarifies thinking.

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With the help of massage, the tension from the muscles goes away, and then stress follows. If you do not have the opportunity to visit the massage room, then you can easily do massage procedures yourself. It is enough to massage your hands, feet, neck and shoulders within a few minutes.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation (according to Jacobson)

Progressive Muscle Relaxation (according to Jacobson)

The meaning of this technique consists in alternating relaxation and muscle tension. The person focuses on one part of the body, and starts the procedure from the neck, finishing with the toes. Sit back, close your eyes and begin.


Surely everyone noticed by his own example that with the excitement and experience to cope with helps to restore normal breathing. If stress caught you off guard, it will be very useful if your body is accustomed to diaphragmatic (abdominal) breathing. But for this you need to practice the diaphragm.

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Meditation can be an effective method to relieve stress. For example, you can mentally "go" to a place where you are calm and where you feel relaxed, for example, on the beach, the beach, imagine that you are surrounded by friends and close people.



Many religions, including Buddhism, Christianity, and Judaism, practice the use of mantras. Mantra is a repetitive word or phrase that is used as a relaxing prayer. Your mantras should not be religious. Being in a stressful state, it is difficult for a person to concentrate, and the mantra helps to find balance and clears the mind.

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