
Relieve stress: advice from around the world

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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17 December 2012, 15:06

Stress has firmly entered our life. Scientists believe that stressful situations are not so terrible, as inability to resist them. Ilive would like to share with his readers the ways to relieve tension and stress that people from all over the world use.

Read also: 6 ways to get rid of stress


Everyone knows that the French know a lot about wine, so it's hardly surprising that wine is the anti-stress remedy they resort to almost every day. Naturally, we are talking about a glass of wine, but not about a bottle that can be knocked down.

Read also: Published secret properties of wine

Residents of romantic France, returning home after a busy day, comfortably arranged in an armchair and relax in the company of a glass of wine. Then you can think about dinner.


If at the mention of Russia you have such associations as vodka, balalaika and bears, then you are wrong. Russians relieve stress differently, namely, by using hikes in the bath. The enveloping heat will supersede all unpleasant thoughts, and a cold shower instantly cheers and tones the tired body.


In Denmark, it's getting dark early in the winter, so it's no surprise that Danes are often prone to spleen and bad mood. But the inhabitants have learned to cope with this. They say that the most important thing is not to rush anywhere and just spend pleasant evenings with friends and relatives.

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Many people have heard about the Thai massage, and therefore crowds of tourists come to this country to experience its healing properties on their own experience. Thais know perfectly well that massage is an excellent natural antidepressant. It has a relaxing effect on the nervous system and stimulates the secretion of the hormone of happiness - serotonin.


In Argentina is very popular hot herbal drink called mate, which is customary to drink in the company of friends, passing it around. Sounds good, right? But for an unprepared tourist this seemingly pacifying procedure can become a real test, because the mate is saturated enough (it is brewed in large quantities) and therefore one must get used to it so as not to spit from bitterness after the first sip. But the Argentines do not complain, and they say that with the help of mate, you can overcome any stress.

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Mandatory morning ritual for Indians is a charge of positive energy and a good mood. And they do it in the following way: smiling, waving their arms and jumping. Maybe an unusual way, but, according to the Indians, quite effective. The abdominal muscles contract and endorphins are released. Even a couple of minutes of laughter can positively affect a person's mood and relieve tension.


To relax a little from work and relieve tired fatigue, Swedes arrange coffee breaks, during which in a pleasant company they enjoy the taste of latte, tea or cocktail with cinnamon. Studies of scientists from the University of Massachusetts suggest that people who allow themselves breaks during the working day, work 15% more productive than those who work hard all the shift without raising their heads.


Before going to sleep, Chinese women make nice foot baths. They put 2 tablespoons of sea salt into the water and relax in the company of an interesting book or an exciting film. With the help of such trays, blood circulation improves and the tension goes away.


Even in cold, frosty days the Irish do not hide under a warm blanket.

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They boldly go out for walks and enjoy the fresh air, which, they say, charges the body and airs the brain. Walking in the open air can reduce anxiety and reduce the consequences of stressful situations.

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