
Young people are increasingly exposed to stress

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 16.10.2021

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15 February 2013, 09:00

A recent study by American specialists has refuted the stereotype known to many: in fact, older people and older people, rather than young people, are more likely to suffer from stressful situations. In our time it is young people who are more often subjected to stressful situations that can cause both sleep disturbance, and neurosis or a deep degree of depression. The generally accepted view that the young is by default healthier and stronger in spirit, can be considered erroneous - say doctors from the United States.

Stress in medicine is considered a response in the human body, which occurs due to some external changes, shocks, environmental influences. Isolate as a positive form of stress, and negative. Positive stress is thought to be caused by unexpected positive emotions or a mild stress that mobilizes the body rather than negatively affects the psyche.

With a negative form of stress, a person can not cope on their own, and there are cases when hospitalization or the help of a qualified specialist was necessary.

A recent study conducted by psychologists from the United States showed that young people in our time often experience stressful situations than the older generation. Also, young people often have mental disorders. A study conducted by the US Psychological Association confirmed the information that several years ago they began to talk about in the press: young people are increasingly suffering from stressful situations due to a lack of resources and opportunities in modern society.

Many young people graduate from higher education institutions with considerable debts, and the labor market does not require as many young and inexperienced specialists as is produced by American universities. The situation with vacancies is quite tense and not every manager of the enterprise will be ready to hire a person with education, but without any work experience. In the course of the survey, more than 2,000 university graduates were interviewed, the results of which reported that most of the young people had to work for the first time in positions that did not require higher education.

Psychologists note that the situation with unsuccessful employment often causes anxiety, panic and diminishes self-esteem, which can lead to deep depression. The situation is aggravated by the fact that young people do not have enough life experience and stress resistance, which helps older people to deal with the difficulties that arise in their path. To any hardships and turmoil, young people react more sharply and sharply, which does not pass without a trace for the nervous system and mental health. Psychologists report that people up to the age of 33 are several times more likely to be exposed to stressful situations associated with working moments than their senior employees. Also, doctors noted that the stress that young people most often experience is not only related to the changed situation in the country, but also to the overstated requirements of young people. Many graduates of educational institutions consider themselves worthy of only top positions, and when their hopes are not justified, they become discouraged.

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