
Social life

Frequent viewing of mail leads to stress

To reduce the level of stress will help a certain pattern of behavior, in other words, scientists recommend viewing the work mail no more than three times a day.
17 December 2014, 09:00

Alternative medicine can significantly damage health

Despite the achievements of modern medicine, some people continue to be treated with alternative medicine, and even with serious and life-threatening diseases, for example, with cancers.
16 December 2014, 09:00

The quitting of smoking is hampered by the characteristics of the brain

The scientists decided to understand what the reason for this difference was and used a functional magnetic resonance imaging to study the neuronal activity of the brain.
15 December 2014, 09:00

Sleep about murder speaks about propensity to aggression

Specialists have long been interested in the theme of dreams. A recent study in this area has shown that people who are prone to aggression often see in their dreams suicidal scenes.
09 December 2014, 09:00

Most gamers have hidden personality disorders

At the State University of Australia, scientists suggest that most gamers have hidden personality disorders, which can affect the treatment process.
08 December 2014, 09:00

Chronic stress can result in the development of schizophrenia

Experts have long proved that chronic brain stress suffers from chronic stress, in addition, it may exacerbate chronic diseases, memory impairment.

05 December 2014, 09:00

Every third woman is abused

The problem of violence against women remains urgent in our time, and action on a global scale is needed to solve it.
04 December 2014, 09:00

On the soda show marking, warning about the harm of sweet drinks

In America, experts suggested placing warnings on carbonated beverages, similar to those used to warn about the dangers of nicotine.
02 December 2014, 09:00

Malnutrition is the main cause of aggression in children

At the medical school of one of the largest universities in Australia (Deakin University), a group of specialists concluded that a predilection for unhealthy food threatens not only obesity, but also mental disorders, especially in childhood.
26 November 2014, 09:00

Fish oil helps reduce cravings for nicotine

A group of Israeli experts from Haifa University conducted a study on smoking, and as a result, it was found that most people who are hard to quit smoking have fatty omega-3 acids in their bodies.
24 November 2014, 09:00


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