
Social life

Depression and stress provoke early aging in women

The connection between depressive disorders, stress and premature aging of an organism has already been repeatedly proved by scientists.
17 November 2014, 09:00

The consequences of eating harmful foods affect the body even after switching to a "healthy diet"

As experts noted, bad habits change the process of transferring genetic information from DNA through ribonucleic acid to proteins and polypeptides.
14 November 2014, 09:00

Life in the city is not as harmful to health as it was thought before

The state of health of patients with cardiovascular diseases from rural areas is at the same level as in the inhabitants of the megalopolis.  
13 November 2014, 09:00

The shift mode of operation accelerates the aging of the brain

Work on shifts, especially for several consecutive years, negatively affects the work of the brain and accelerates the aging process.
11 November 2014, 19:25

The population increase on our planet has assumed a threatening and uncontrolled scale

According to forecasts at the end of the 21st century, the earth's population will reach ten billion (to date, according to some data on the earth, about seven billion live).
03 November 2014, 10:45

Fish fatty foods will help during the treatment of depression

Scientists from Denmark have developed a method to increase the effectiveness of antidepressant therapy. As it turned out, patients need to simply include more fatty fish in their diet.
29 October 2014, 09:00

Proper nutrition and physical activity will help reduce the risk of stroke

In the course of the study, scientists determined that among those who led a healthy lifestyle, the likelihood of developing a stroke was less by 54%, compared to those who did not observe any prescriptions ...
22 October 2014, 09:00

Intensive weight loss is much more effective than gradual weight loss

During weight loss experts recommend not to adhere to strict diets, which as a result lead to too sharp weight loss.
20 October 2014, 09:06

In the elderly, an important role is played by the quality of sleep, not by its quantity

Specialists of one of the universities of Chicago in their last study proved that in the problem of sleep in older people begin because of poor sleep quality, and not from its lack, as was previously thought.
17 October 2014, 09:00

A woman with a donor's uterus was able to bear and give birth to a child

In Sweden, there was a unique case of the birth of a child, which gave birth to a woman with a transplanted donor organ - the uterus.

10 October 2014, 09:00


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