
Social life

The 50-hour work week increases the risk of alcoholism by 3 times

Scientists from the University of Otago (New Zealand) argue that a workweek lasting more than 50 hours triples the risk of problems with alcohol.
08 August 2011, 20:10

The court in Israel allowed the relatives to freeze the eggs of the deceased girl

The family court of the Israeli city of Kfar-Sava has allowed the relatives of the deceased girl to fence and cryopreserve the eggs of the deceased, Haaretz writes. According to the publication, this is the first such court decision in Israel.
08 August 2011, 20:03

Diseases in childhood can prevent promotion in the future, say scientists

Childhood illnesses are closely related to the health of a person in adulthood and even with his career development, scientists from the University College of London (UK), led by Professor Mika Kivimaki, are certain.
07 August 2011, 11:50

Psychologists provided scientific evidence of the benefits of same-sex marriages

The American Psychological Association urged officials to immediately stop applying legal laws that infringe the rights of sexual minorities. In particular, American psychologists are not satisfied with the situation that has developed around same-sex marriages.
07 August 2011, 11:00

In 2011, the world population will overcome the seven billion mark

The population of the Earth will exceed seven billion people already in 2011 ...
01 August 2011, 22:03

Inhabitants of poor countries are happier than the rich

The inhabitants of the rich countries are less happy and more depressed than in the poor ...
28 July 2011, 22:22

In southern Africa, HIV-infected people are forced to eat dung before taking drugs

Doctors believe that drugs from AIDS are ineffective if taken on an empty stomach, and patients who do not have the means to eat normally stuff their stomach ...
28 July 2011, 22:13

Researchers: A person does not have time to eat properly

The pressure at work and at home is so high that people spend only 39 minutes a day on food ...
25 July 2011, 16:34

37% of spouses check their partner's phone numbers

More than 33% of people admitted that they secretly checked their e-mails and phone at least once from their loved ones ...
22 July 2011, 18:56

American scientists have derived a new formula for an ideal marriage

Specialists came to the conclusion that the golden standard of a happy family life is the similarity of partners in character traits, as well as the commonality of interests ...
19 July 2011, 17:28


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