
Social life

Smoking increases the risk of developing bladder cancer fourfold

It has long been known that smoking leads to a wide variety of cancers. The new data show that this habit causes about half of the cases of bladder cancer in both men and women. And this is more than previously thought.
17 August 2011, 20:56

Genetically modified marijuana appeared on the market

In the 1970s, people were smoking quite differently from what they are now. "In a few years, we switched from 3% or 4% of THC to 10%, and sometimes even cannabis occurs with 30% of this substance," the expert said.
17 August 2011, 20:06

Dependence is a chronic brain disease, scientists say

According to the new definition of the American Society for the Treatment of Addiction, dependence is a chronic brain disease, writes USA Today.
16 August 2011, 20:31

Formula 1 gave his fan a bony hand prosthesis (video)

Fan of Formula 1, 14-year-old Matthew James of Wokingham (Berkshire) received from the boss of the team Mercedes GP Petronas ...
16 August 2011, 19:54

Scientists: Symmetry of the face indicates the egoism of a person, and asymmetry - on a difficult childhood

Two papers describing individual relationships, among other things, show how complex a subject for scientific research is a person.
15 August 2011, 19:28

Pfizer Begins Payments to Participants in Clinical Trials in Nigeria

Pharmaceutical company Pfizer began paying compensation to participants in clinical trials of the drug Trovan (trovafloxacin), held in the Nigerian province of Kano in the 90s of the last century.
15 August 2011, 18:31

Scientists urge the United Nations to reduce salt consumption in the world in the next 10 years

Reducing salt intake by 15% can prevent the death of 8.5 million people around the world in the next decade, according to a study published in the British medical journal The British Medical Journal.
12 August 2011, 22:05

Published results of the American study on masturbation in adolescents

The lead author of the study, Dr. Cynthia Robbins from the Department of Pediatrics, University of Indiana, draws attention to the importance of timely and reliable information to young people about this "fundamental component" of youthful sexuality.
12 August 2011, 21:42

Smoking on an empty stomach increases the risk of developing cancer threefold

Two studies have shown that smokers who come to a cigarette immediately after the morning rises, more than others, risk becoming victims of lung, head or neck cancer.
09 August 2011, 19:44

In backward countries, religion brings a sense of satisfaction

The higher the quality of life in the country, the less the gap in the satisfaction of life between believers and non-believers.
09 August 2011, 19:34


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