
Social life

The number of infertile men is growing every year

30-40% of men's appeals to andrologists are associated with inflammatory diseases of the genital area (most often prostatitis), 30-40% - with erectile dysfunction, 5-10% - with infertility.
10 April 2012, 23:35

More than a third of people born this year, will live to the age of 100 years

The British National Insurance Organization published a long-term forecast of life expectancy in the kingdom.
10 April 2012, 23:20

What do you know about the female orgasm?

Sexologists with academic degrees still argue how many types of orgasm in a woman: one, two or more.
10 April 2012, 23:11

Modern women are not fully aware of the risks of delaying childbirth

Scientists at Yale University have concluded that modern women are not fully aware of the risks they are in putting off the birth of a child.
09 April 2012, 18:12

Perhaps most homophobes are homosexuals

Wrestlers with sex minorities would be happy to plunge into the charm of unconventional sex, if not for the childish fear of parental anger.
09 April 2012, 18:03

Oxytocin Spray Can Help Strengthen Broken Relationships

Oxytocin spray increases men's sexual desire, intensity of excitement and emotional responsiveness.
09 April 2012, 17:50

Dietitians from the United States found out what foods are good for breakfast

A group of nutritionists checked how breakfast affects the feeling of saturation throughout the day and the level of glucose in the blood.
07 April 2012, 00:03

After 30 years, a person should reconsider his way of life

Many health problems result from the fact that in 50 years people use the same amounts of food as in 18 and 30. However, at a more mature age, the body needs much less food.
06 April 2012, 23:51

Modern man laughs 3 times less than 50 years ago

According to psychologists, 5 minutes of laughter per day is not enough for good health
04 April 2012, 19:19

Euthanasia celebrated its 10th anniversary

10 years ago, Belgium and the Netherlands were the first countries in the world to allow euthanasia. Today, with the help of doctors in these countries, up to 4,000 people a year go to another world.
03 April 2012, 19:41


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