
After 30 years, a person should reconsider his way of life

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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06 April 2012, 23:51

"You can not eat at 30 as you did at 18," says Sergei Boytsov, director of the State Research Center for Preventive Medicine, chief specialist in preventive medicine at the Russian Ministry of Health and Social Development.

Many health problems result from the fact that in 50 years people use the same amounts of food as in 18 and 30. However, at a more mature age, the body needs much less food.

Having reached the age of thirty, a person needs to reconsider their views on a healthy lifestyle. It should be purposefully engaged in the prevention of diseases that cause aging and reduce life.

Health is the value that is given to you free of charge by nature. But the reserve of this gift is 30 years. And then we have to start working with him.

It is possible to avoid diseases that shorten life (diseases of the circulatory system, oncology, diabetes mellitus), affecting the behavioral risk factors that provoke them. These include over-nutrition, smoking and low physical activity.

"Up to 25 years we can eat as much as we want. Although there are people who are genetically predisposed to fullness. After 30 years, even without a genetic predisposition, most people notice that they are starting to gain weight, "said the chief specialist in preventive medicine of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dedicated to World Health Day.

Food with a lot of carbohydrates and fats turns into fat. The fat that is deposited inside the abdomen. It is biologically very aggressive, it releases many substances that cause increased pressure, atherosclerosis and diabetes mellitus.


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