
Social life

Nowadays, women give birth longer than 50 years ago.

In our time, women give birth longer than 50 years ago - this conclusion was reached by researchers from the National Institutes of Health of the United States (NIH), analyzing data on 140 thousand births.
02 April 2012, 16:19

The number of American children diagnosed with autism is steadily growing

The number of American children diagnosed with "autism" is steadily growing - from one for every 110 people in 2006, to one for 88 people in 2008.
30 March 2012, 20:54

The anticipation of drinking increases self-esteem

To liberate and feel self-confidence, it is enough to drink a glass of tea. If, of course, I assure myself that the glass is not tea, but whiskey.
30 March 2012, 20:48

Over a lifetime, 90% of men and 75% of women change their partner

Some experts say that 90% of men and 75% of women "go to the left" for life. Infidelity is one of the main reasons for the mass disintegration of marriages in Western industrial countries
28 March 2012, 18:29

Smoking activates the gene for schizophrenia

Smoking helps to manifest one of the genes responsible for the architecture of the brain; some variants of this gene increase the likelihood of developing schizophrenia, so that if they are present, smoking becomes one of the risk factors for this disease.
27 March 2012, 19:56

Long sleep increases the risk of heart disease in 2 times

Scientists from the United States found that too long or short sleep increases the risk of heart disease, according to the American College of Cardiology.
27 March 2012, 19:45

Red-haired people feel pain more than brunettes, shatens and blondes

British doctors are going to test the hypothesis that redheads feel pain more than brunettes, shatens and blondes.
26 March 2012, 18:15

Life alone by 80% increases the chances of plunging into depression

Over the past three decades, the number of people living alone has doubled. In the United Kingdom and the United States, there are every third. But, as it turned out now, this is dangerous for mental health.
23 March 2012, 21:00

Passive smoking is more dangerous than thought about

A scientific group led by AK Radjasekaran, director of the Newmore Children's Cancer Center (USA), showed that the key protein involved in cellular functions and cellular regulation is blocked by the substance present in cigarette smoke.
22 March 2012, 18:09

In Israel, it was forbidden to use bad models in advertising

The Israeli government passed a law banning the use of models with too low weight in advertising and on the podium.
21 March 2012, 18:58


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