
Social life

Pointing gesture for a small child has an indisputable authority

For young children, gesticulation is the most important way of communicating with other people, so the child is ready to believe other people's gestures, even if his own experience indicates that he is deceived.
01 March 2012, 20:02

In the British medical universities there is a surge in prostitution among students

Expensive training in British medical schools has provoked a surge of prostitution among students.
29 February 2012, 19:30

Taking sleeping pills increases the risk of premature death by 3 times

Even episodic administration of common sleeping pills improves the risk of premature death by three and a half times, and regular intake of their high doses increases the risk of developing malignant tumors.
28 February 2012, 18:43

Honesty of human actions depends on social status

A high position in society and environmental services encourage a person to behave dishonestly, deceive others and violate the law.
28 February 2012, 18:21

Red color awakens in men indiscreet fantasies

Women's red dress causes in men the same attraction that many primates experience at the sight of the reddened skin of the ready-to-breed female.
28 February 2012, 18:16

Reuniting a couple after a break in relationships does not bring partners happiness

The reunion of the couple after parting does not bring partners happiness and more often ends in a new gap, say US scientists.
24 February 2012, 18:40

From ill-considered actions at the table will help the injection of norepinephrine

The researchers identified a neurotransmitter, which softens the bitterness of the loss and suppresses the desire to recoup.
24 February 2012, 18:23

Scientists intend to create a new science - neurobiology of emotions

Davidson points out the novelty of his approach: "Thanks to brain scanning and other methods, I have seen how the emotional style is related - and the six components of which it consists - with the characteristic patterns of brain activity."
23 February 2012, 21:27

Rejected love can cause physical pain

Pain physical and mental pain have much more in common than it may seem at first glance.
23 February 2012, 21:18

Two of five women with a heart attack do not have chest pains

Two out of five women with a heart attack do not have chest pains. Instead, they may have such difficult to recognize symptoms as pain in the jaw, neck, shoulders or back, stomach discomfort or sudden breathing problems.
22 February 2012, 13:36


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