
Social life

Fried fish increases the risk of developing prostate cancer

The consumption of salmon and other red fish can reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer, and the use of flounder and other lean fish increases the likelihood of this oncological disease.
26 January 2012, 18:30

The collective influences the intellectual abilities of women

As scientists have found out, in some people the discussion of problems in the group negatively affects intellectual abilities. Women are especially vulnerable to this.
23 January 2012, 17:02

Sleeping immediately after sex indicates true love

American scientists came to the conclusion that sleep immediately after sex shows true love between partners
23 January 2012, 16:52

Psychologists: Sexual orientation can be determined by facial features

Psychologists from Albright College (USA) decided to find out whether it is possible to determine a person's sexual orientation by his appearance.
23 January 2012, 16:37

Any amount of alcohol during pregnancy is harmful

Scientists have conducted a study that showed that there is no safe level of alcohol consumption during pregnancy.
24 January 2012, 18:33

Office workers live their lives sitting at the table

During the workweek a day, the average person spends 5 hours and 41 minutes sitting at his workplace and spends 7 hours sleeping. Long sitting at the table not only harms physical health, but also negatively affects mental well-being ...
18 January 2012, 17:42

Most health workers are victims of workplace violence

More than two-thirds of health workers interviewed are subjected to oral, physical or sexual violence at work, the new study says ...
15 January 2012, 18:23

Sexual satisfaction with women increases with age

A new study of sexually active older women found that sexual satisfaction of a woman increases with age ...
12 January 2012, 20:26

Physical activity improves school performance

A systematic review of previous studies shows that there can be a positive relationship between physical activity and the achievement of children in school
12 January 2012, 18:15

How mother's communication affects the ability of children to understand other people

Little children, to whom mothers more often tell in more detail about the thoughts and feelings of other people, usually perceive someone else's point of view more adequately than other children of the same age.
10 January 2012, 20:00


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