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The moral dilemma: Would you be able to kill one person and save five?
About 90 percent of people were able to kill one person and save five.
06 December 2011, 20:04
Creative people are more inclined to lie and deceit
Creative or original people are less honest and more prone to deception than other people ...
01 December 2011, 15:54
The legalization of marijuana reduces the number of fatalities in road accidents
Legalization of medical marijuana will reduce the number of fatalities in road accidents by almost 9% and reduce beer sales by 5% ...
01 December 2011, 11:24
Apple and grape juice found arsenic and lead
The levels of the poison exceeded the safe levels set for drinking water, the researchers say ...
01 December 2011, 11:19
Problems with the boss lead to a tense relationship with a partner
Insults from the authorities can affect not only career growth and professional skills, but also personal relationships of employees ...
30 November 2011, 21:01
Forewarned means saved! 28% of HIV-positive Americans are in control of their disease
About 1.2 million Americans live with HIV, but only 28% of them control their illness, according to a report from the US Department of Health ...
30 November 2011, 11:17
Do you think he only has sex in his head? And here not!
A new study showed that men are no less than the beautiful half of humanity, occupied with thoughts of other biological needs.
29 November 2011, 14:35
HIV-positive men urge the Chinese government to end discrimination
Three future school teachers appealed to the Chinese government to end discrimination against people living with HIV after they were denied work after discovering their immunodeficiency virus ...
29 November 2011, 10:48
Morning snacks prevent weight loss
Women who adhere to a diet may notice that their kilograms go much more slowly if they snack between breakfast and lunch ...
29 November 2011, 10:14
Study: 40% of teens try to commit suicide
Thoughts on suicide and suicidal behavior can begin at a younger age than previously thought ...
28 November 2011, 21:37
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