
Social life

Every 12th teen intentionally harms himself

Self-harm is a global health problem, it is especially common among girls and women between the ages of 15 and 24 ...
17 November 2011, 15:48

Britain intends to ban smoking in cars

The British Medical Association calls for a complete ban on smoking in private cars ...
17 November 2011, 10:49

Sensitivity and compassion of a person are determined by genes

A person can recognize a stranger's genetic propensity for qualities such as kindness, compassion and reliability in just 20 seconds
16 November 2011, 13:39

People with implants in the heart feel fear during sex

Having sex and having a healthy heart is the dream of every man in adulthood.
15 November 2011, 16:08

Refusal of alcohol will prevent breast cancer?

American scientists have suggested that drinking alcohol increases the risk of developing breast cancer in women with a family history of the disease.
15 November 2011, 10:58

Sweet drinks increase the risk of developing diabetes in women, even with normal weight

Women who drink two or more sweet drinks a day, even if they have a normal weight, are at a higher risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and diabetes mellitus
14 November 2011, 22:04

Violence as a factor in the development of heart disease, myocardial infarction and stroke

Girls who have been physically and / or sexually abused have an increased risk of developing heart disease, myocardial infarction and stroke in adulthood, scientists say ...
14 November 2011, 15:42

The psychological state of the mother affects the development of the fetus

Children born to mothers who were depressed during pregnancy tend to delay neuropsychiatric development ...
13 November 2011, 12:54

Intentional mixing of drugs is a problem that is gaining momentum

In 3/4 cases, people over 21 years old became the victims of intentional poisoning. Despite the fact that mostly women are victims of such crimes, almost 4 out of 10 are men.
11 November 2011, 23:44

Only 48% of people trying to quit smoking receive medical advice

Although 68.8% of American adults want to quit, very few manage to do it successfully, according to a new report
11 November 2011, 19:33


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