
Social life

The Academy of Surgery of France condemned the operation to change the size of the penis

The National Academy of Surgery in France has condemned unreasonable surgical operations to resize the penis in men.
24 October 2011, 18:55

IQ in adolescence can undergo significant changes

British scientists have confirmed long-standing suspicions of parents: in adolescence, IQ can grow and fall, and the structure of the brain reflects these changes.
20 October 2011, 20:27

Psychologists: Leadership qualities of a person are associated with its growth

American psychologists say that the leader's qualities of a person are associated with his growth - the higher the politician, the greater his chances of being elected.
19 October 2011, 20:06

One third of Ukrainians favor the return of the death penalty and not against the legalization of euthanasia

More than a third of Ukrainians (38.4%) favor the resumption of the death penalty in the case of grave crimes against the individual. About a quarter (25.7%) consider this measure of punishment permissible in case of rape of minors
14 October 2011, 22:54

Contraceptive drugs provoke women to change

Contraceptive drugs can significantly change long-term relationships between partners, according to scientists at the University of Stirling from the United Kingdom
12 October 2011, 15:40

Chronic lack of sleep in adolescence may lead to the development of schizophrenia

Chronic lack of sleep during adolescence can lead to the development of schizophrenia and other mental disorders
11 October 2011, 20:03

Smoking marijuana in 2 times increases the likelihood of an accident

A study conducted by scientists from Columbia University (USA) showed that in 2010, about 10 million people aged 12 and over sat behind the wheel of a car while being drugged.
10 October 2011, 18:03

The EU will develop a law that prohibits the prenatal selection of the sex of the child (video)

The countries of the European Union intend to develop laws that prohibit the prenatal choice of the sex of the child. Debates on this topic were launched in Strasbourg during the PACE session.
07 October 2011, 21:32

The sperm donor bank industry is gaining momentum on the Internet

Recently, the industry of donor banks is growing in the world, whose services are by no means cheap. So, the cost of a sample of sperm can start from 2000 cu.
07 October 2011, 21:15

The teenager sued $ 48 million for the rare side effect of ibuprofen

The court ordered Johnson & Johnson to pay 48 million to an American victim of the rare side effect of the antipyretic drug Motrin (ibuprofen).
06 October 2011, 18:59


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