
Social life

What is the nature of bulimia nervosa?

Although the term "nervous bulimia" was proposed by Gerald Russell in 1979, only recently did the researchers try to discover the cause of this "newfangled" disease, which no one had ever heard of before, because it simply did not exist.
21 February 2012, 17:53

The development of autism in a child depends on the age of both parents

Both maternal and paternal age in the aggregate in the answer for whether the child will suffer from autism, believe scientists from the University of Texas (USA).
13 February 2012, 19:03

High-calorie food speeds up the maturation of modern girls

Scientists believe that a decrease in the age at which girls have their first menstrual period is not least connected with a modern high-calorie diet.
12 February 2012, 23:03

Optimistic self-esteem of health - a pledge of a long life

The way people assess their health affects the likelihood of survival in the next decades.
12 February 2012, 22:46

84% of Ukrainians support the ban on smoking in public places

84% of Ukrainians support the adoption of a law that will prohibit smoking inside most public premises, including all workplaces, dwellings, offices.
09 February 2012, 16:45

Scientists have scientifically substantiated the use of physical exercises to strengthen the muscles

Researchers from the University of Illinois (University of Illinois) have scientifically substantiated the use of physical exercises for muscle strengthening. They found out what role stem cells play in building muscle mass.
08 February 2012, 19:57

40% of women diagnosed with infertility successfully become pregnant within the next two years

Almost half of the women who failed to conceive a child within a year later become pregnant without any treatment, writes GMA News on the basis of the journal Fertility and Sterility.
05 February 2012, 20:43

The craving for drugs in men and women has different roots

Biological mechanisms underlying the emergence of drug dependence, are different in women and men - according to scientists ...
02 February 2012, 18:31

Excess testosterone causes aggressive and antisocial behavior

Faced with a problem, we can solve it ourselves, but we can consult with someone or ask for help. Both ways have their pros and cons: the collective mind is more powerful than the efforts of a single person, but the collective mistake is extremely difficult to notice and resist
01 February 2012, 20:38

Scientists have proved the strong connection of mothers and daughters with the help of mobile conversations

Recent studies have shown that the frequency of contact between individuals is a reliable indicator of the emotional connection between them.
01 February 2012, 19:58


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