More than a third of people born this year, will live to the age of 100 years
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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The British National Insurance Organization published a long-term forecast of life expectancy in the kingdom. It is estimated that more than a third of people born this year will survive to the age of 100 years. The forecast says: "As in all other periods, the life expectancy of women will be much higher."
Up to 100 years, 40% of girls born this year and less than a third of boys will survive. Of the current 65-year-olds to 10 years old, 10% of men and 14% of women will survive.
As experts ascertain: the number of long-livers is rapidly increasing. The number of centennial rose from 600 in 1961 to almost 13 thousand in 2010. By 2060, it should reach 456 thousand people.
In this connection, the question arises of reforming the health care system and ensuring a decent life for the elderly. Experts fear that the main financial burden will fall on the shoulders of young people who make up a small part of society. Also, older people themselves often find themselves in a quandary.
To date, many of them have to sell houses in order to pay bills for treatment. The fact is that the maximum price bracket for this group of patients has not been established. According to statistics, one in ten pays more than 100,000 pounds (about 4.6 million rubles). The government is going to improve the situation by setting a maximum.
Now in the UK for retirement, women are out at 60, and men are 65 years old. The head of the Ministry of Finance, George Osborne, presenting a new budget in parliament recently explained that the existing pension system is not keeping pace with the growth of life expectancy. So it is unlikely that you will be able to save up the current youth for a normal pension.
Now many British retirees have to sell their homes to pay for living in a nursing home and treatment. The government is urgently required to take action, otherwise Britain will turn into a country of old beggars.