
Health care

WHO will spend $ 47 billion on fighting tuberculosis

The World Health Organization (WHO) has published a new plan to fight tuberculosis, designed for five years. The measures envisaged by the document suggest an increase in the costs of diagnosing, treating and researching this infection to $ 47 billion.

09 January 2011, 20:16

The incidence of tuberculosis in the UK has peaked in 30 years

Morbidity of UK residents with tuberculosis has peaked in the past 30 years, reports Physorg. These data were obtained in a study conducted by a team of specialists led by Alimuddin Zumla of University College London.

09 January 2011, 20:14

British men weighed an average of 8 kilograms over 14 years

Men in Britain have weighed an average of eight kilograms in 14 years, reports Sky News. These data were obtained in a study conducted by a team of specialists led by Peter Scarborough of Oxford University.

09 January 2011, 20:13

The EU will toughen the control of herbal preparations

In the EU countries will be introduced licensing of medicines made on the basis of medicinal plants, reports The Independent. The relevant EU directive will enter into force on May 1, 2011.

09 January 2011, 19:14


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