
Health care

In Russia, an energy drink has caused the death of a teenager

Preliminary results of the study showed that just before his death the schoolboy drank several cans of non-alcoholic energy drink ...
19 July 2011, 17:57

In New Zealand, the cover of the magazine outraged the midwives of the country

It shows a hand that holds the baby upside down, as well as a bright inscription ...
19 July 2011, 17:39

Study: Men die of cancer more often than women

The death rate from cancer in general among men in the US is higher than among women. This conclusion was reached by scientists from the National Cancer Institute, led by Michael Cook, analyzing the database on 36 types of cancer and systematizing information on the sex and age of patients.
13 July 2011, 22:52

The number of people with diabetes has more than doubled in the world

The number of people with diabetes in the adult population has more than doubled in the last three decades worldwide - to 347 million ...
28 June 2011, 21:18

In the United States, the toughest pictures of the consequences of smoking will be placed on the packs of cigarettes

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has determined the final list of intimidating images that will become mandatory elements for the design of cigarette packs ...
22 June 2011, 14:28

Cardiovascular diseases by death rate outstripped cancer

Modern methods of treating breast cancer are so effective that many patients, despite their diagnosis, continue to live ...
20 June 2011, 18:37

UN calls on countries urgently to legalize drugs

The UN Global Commission recommends that countries experiment with the legal regulation of certain types of drugs that are permissible for possible legalization, in order to combat drug trafficking, the UN June report on relevant issues notes.
02 June 2011, 23:36

The epidemic of intestinal infection in Europe is caused by a mutated E. Coli strain

An outbreak of intestinal infection in a number of European countries, which has already become victims of 17 people, is caused by a new strain. This was reported in the World Health Organization.
02 June 2011, 23:27

A dangerous strain of Escherichia coli was detected in seven patients in the UK

A dangerous strain of Escherichia coli, from which 18 people died in Europe, was detected in seven patients in the UK, the Associated Press agency reported on Thursday referring to the British Health Protection Agency.
02 June 2011, 23:08

Intestinal infection in Europe: death toll increased

In Germany, the first case of death from a dangerous intestinal disease outside the northern regions was recorded, the agency AFP reports on Monday, May 30.
31 May 2011, 10:50


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