
Health care

Today marks the world day without tobacco

World No Tobacco Day is celebrated annually on 31 May. It was introduced by the World Health Organization in 1987, and in 1989 the resolution of WHO approved the date of the celebration.
31 May 2011, 10:24

In the Netherlands, the first case of German intestinal infection

Today it became known that the first case of a similar intestinal infection was recorded in the Netherlands, according to the National Institute of Health and Environment RIVM.
27 May 2011, 07:53

Russia ranks first in the world for tobacco consumption

"In total, 43.9 million adults smoke in Russia, 60.2% of them are men and 21.7% are women, the average Russian smokes 17 cigarettes a day. Every year, from illnesses related to tobacco consumption, from 350 thousand to 500 thousand Russian citizens. "
26 May 2011, 23:26

In connection with the bird flu in South Africa, 10,000 ostriches were destroyed

The first cases of influenza caused by the H5N2 virus were recorded among birds in the Western Cape province on 9 April. Although this strain is not as dangerous to humans as high-flying H5N1, it poses a serious threat to poultry farming.
25 May 2011, 22:35

WHO decided to postpone once again the destruction of samples of variola viruses

The World Health Organization (WHO) decided to postpone once again the destruction of collections of samples of variola viruses. The corresponding decision was made after two days of debate at the 64th session of the World Health Assembly in Geneva.
24 May 2011, 21:11

The Global Fund to Fight AIDS has frozen aid to China

The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria has temporarily suspended funding for its programs in China.
23 May 2011, 19:37

The epidemic of rabies is gaining momentum in Russia

14 Russians died from this terrible disease last year, because they did not take the danger seriously. The Department of Rospotrebnadzor in the Moscow Region has published disappointing data: since the beginning of 2011 the geography of the spread of such a dangerous disease as rabies has increased by one and a half times, compared to the figures of the previous year for the same period.
22 May 2011, 12:18

Google faces a huge penalty for advertising illegal online pharmacies

The US Department of Justice has launched an investigation into Google's corporation, which is suspected of earning profits from advertising banned online pharmacies in America ...
16 May 2011, 08:02

Physicians will receive 5 salaries for work in rural areas

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has established the payment of a one-time cash aid to graduates of medical and pharmaceutical universities ...
11 May 2011, 18:35

The spread of tuberculosis in Africa was blamed on miners

The development of the mining industry in African countries is conducive to the spread of tuberculosis. To this conclusion came a group of researchers from the United States and Great Britain under the leadership of David Stuckler (David Stuckler) from Oxford University (Oxford University).
09 January 2011, 20:17


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