Stroke in stroke
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Unbalanced food, where products with excess fat and carbohydrates prevail are detrimental to the entire human body. It also reaches the cardiovascular system. Fatty foods catalyze the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, which narrow, and subsequently clog the blood vessels, as a source of ischemic stroke. When the lumen of the blood flow is blocked, the blood pressure rises, which causes a stroke, but already of a hemorrhagic nature. The condition of the patient in this situation leaves much to be desired, but he must eat, taking those foods that would not worsen the situation, but contributed to a quick recovery. Therefore, a diet for stroke is probably not the main, but important component of the rehabilitation period.
The essence of a stroke diet
Dietary nutrition is not the last role in the process of recovery and return to familiar everyday life. In this article, we will try to understand the essence of a stroke diet and the need to follow it.
First of all, what is a stroke? This is a pathological process in which the patient's brain stops receiving enough oxygen and nutrients, due to a malfunction in the circulation. Against the backdrop of a deficit of nutrients, tissues begin to die off gradually. The necrotic area of the brain stops working, blocking the normal functioning of the organ or system for which it responds.
Despite the various sources of stroke, the eating habits of such patients are similar. It should be noted that there is no specific restriction on food intake for this disease. There are only recommendations that will help the affected body to get a full amount of nutrients, while trying not to harm the patient.
- So, eating after an attack involves frequent tricks of a small amount of food.
- The level of daily caloric content should be close to 2500 kcal, but not exceed it.
- The patient's diet must consist of a sufficient amount of fiber. This component prevents the occurrence of constipation. Regular chair is important in this situation.
- In the daily menu must be present proteins, vegetable fats and complex vegetable carbohydrates.
The basis of the diet is cereals, vegetable dishes and fruit desserts, meat and dairy products of reduced fat content. Do not forget about fish and seafood, rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, without which there is not a single biochemical reaction. They help improve metabolism. Such stimulation of metabolic processes makes it possible to remove from the organism of the patient "harmful" cholesterol and toxins. Contained in seafood phosphorus is favorable for brain cells and their normal functioning.
In this picture of the disease, all vegetables bring great benefits. But a special place is occupied by cabbage of different varieties and species, beets and spinach. They are the leaders that bring the maximum effectiveness of activating the biochemical reactions of the body.
Similar high characteristics also show such berries as cranberries and blueberries. Being strong antioxidants, they effectively purify the patient's body of free radicals.
Limitations, and even complete exclusion, are subject to smoked, pickled and salty foods, baked goods from white flour, fried and fatty foods, sweets. Especially it is necessary to stop on salt. Immediately after a stroke, it must be completely removed from the patient's diet. And only after the patient's condition begins to gradually recover, this product can be returned to food in small doses. This recommendation is understandable. Upon ingestion, NaCl adsorbs itself to the liquid, thereby provoking an increase in blood pressure, which in this situation is absolutely not permissible.
Diet for stroke and diabetes
Endocrine disease associated with insulin hormone deficiency has a destructive effect on the cardiovascular system, disrupting the condition and structure of blood vessel walls, making them fragile and less elastic. Violated and water-salt balance. It is such a clinical picture of the state of the vessels and is capable of provoking a stroke. Such patients more often go "on a small", which invariably affects the growth of blood viscosity. Increased blood viscosity worsens the blood supply and can cause a hemorrhage in the brain.
Therefore, it can be argued that diabetes mellitus and stroke "go hand in hand". Knowing this, a diet was developed for strokes and diabetes, which in the first place displays increased fluid intake, which will maintain the water-salt balance within normal limits, thereby ensuring the permissible viscosity of the plasma.
To date, with this clinical picture of the pathology, a diet developed by Soviet dieticians is still being applied. It is referred to as "Diet No. 10" or "Table No. 10".
Recommendations of this diet have already been described in sufficient detail in the previous section. It is only necessary to clarify that the food on it is a fractional, mostly five-time, portions of a small amount.
If the patient adheres to dietary recommendations, the recovery period is significantly reduced and the likelihood of a repeat attack is significantly reduced.
In a clinical picture, when the patient can not eat independently, it is fed through a probe with special balanced mixtures.
Diet with ischemic stroke
Ischemic stroke is an acute disorder of the cerebral circulation, the cause of which is the deterioration in the supply of blood to the brain tissues. After diagnosing this pathology, the patient begins to receive complex treatment, which necessarily includes a diet for ischemic stroke.
The essence of the restrictions is to reduce the intake of fatty animals in the body. This restriction will reduce the level of harmful cholesterol, which is the basis of sclerotic plaques. And after all, they, accumulating in the vessels, cause their blockage. And, as a consequence, can become a catalyst for a stroke.
After receiving this diagnosis, the treating doctor usually appoints the patient "Table No. 10".
Diet for hemorrhagic stroke
Hemorrhagic stroke is an acute disorder of the cerebral circulation, which mainly arises from the violation of the integrity of the blood vessels, the source of which, for the most part, is high blood pressure. The result of rupture of blood vessels is a hemorrhage to the brain.
An appointed diet for hemorrhagic stroke is similar to the recommendations given earlier. The treating doctor ascribes to such a patient "Diet No. 10". Special attention is paid to salt. She must categorically disappear from the diet of such a patient.
Salt (NaCl), getting inside, accumulates near the liquid, preventing its normal withdrawal from the body. The increased water content in the cellular and intercellular space leads to an increase in blood pressure and there may come a time when the resistance of the blood vessels is inferior to the pressure. There is a rupture, which is the source of hemorrhage in the brain tissue.
In addition, from the table of a person who has undergone a hemorrhagic stroke, products with a high content of animal fats should disappear. The amount of liquid consumed is also limited. These volumes are reduced to 1.2 diurnal liters.
It is very important to monitor the digits of the tonometer, especially in this situation. Therefore, to improve the situation, the attending physician gives recommendations on nutrition, especially focusing on products in which an increased amount of trace elements such as magnesium (Mg) and potassium (K) is noted. These chemical elements favorably affect the cardiovascular system, helping to regulate and pressure.
Diet in stroke and hypertension
Hypertension is a chronic disease characterized by a constant or periodic increase in blood pressure. It is hypertension that is the main factor that provokes a stroke.
As already mentioned in the previous section, when there is a hypertensive crisis, the risk of hemorrhagic stroke increases sharply, after which the patient requires urgent complex treatment.
The protocol of therapy necessarily includes a diet for strokes and hypertension, which is designated "Table number 10". On the features of this dietary nutrition in detail has already been said above.
The selection of products of this diet is aimed at improving the body's condition and preventing the development of hypertension, which can become a catalyst for a stroke. The essence of the diet: a minimum of animal fats and salt, a restriction in water consumption up to 1.2 liters. The schedule of food intake consists of at least four approaches (preferably five), portions should be small, but balanced in proteins, carbohydrates and fats.
Stroke diet menu
Strict implementation of the recommendations of the attending physician regarding nutritional restrictions allows creating favorable conditions for the patient's organism for the most rapid restoration of its lost functions. Correctly compiled diet menu for stroke, adequate treatment with medications, all this will allow the patient to return to normal life as soon as possible.
Such a diet can be considered an effective preventive measure, which can prevent a stroke, or its repeated relapses.
At first, you may have to be nervous, making up a daily diet, but gradually the problem with its formation will disappear.
Are ready to offer several menu options for the day.
- Herculosa porridge on milk.
- Toast with butter.
- Black tea is uncomfortable.
Lunch: Banana.
- Vegetable soup with buckwheat.
- Light saute with steam chop.
- Salad from fresh cabbage, seasoned with olive oil.
- Orange juice (freshly squeezed).
Snack: low-calorie cottage cheese with berries.
- Pearl barley.
- Cherry tomatoes.
- Fish souffle in batter.
- Compote.
For a couple of hours before the proposed sleep, you should drink a glass of skimmed yogurt.
Another option:
- Cottage cheese casserole.
- Fruit preserves.
- Green tea.
- A glass of low-fat yogurt.
- Bread from bran.
- Beetroot.
- Light saute with steam chop.
- Salad of fresh vegetables, seasoned with lemon juice and olive oil.
- Kissel.
- Decoction of herbs.
- Galette cookies.
- Buckwheat.
- Fresh carrot salad.
- Chop from chicken breast.
- Fruit jelly.
About two hours before the proposed sleep, you should drink a decoction of rose hips.
Recipes for a Stroke in Stroke
To make it easier to start a fight for one's health, we are ready to offer our respondents some recipes for a stroke diet that can firmly enter the menu of such a patient. At the same time, a compiled daily diet can be not only useful, but also delicious.
Summer fish soup
- In the cooking pot, pour two liters of water and bring it to a boil.
- We clean and wash vegetables: onions, potato tubers, carrots.
- Cut them into a medium-sized cube and place in boiling water.
- There also enter and washed in the water several times a barley or rice.
- From the moment of boiling, hold on a small fire for about twenty minutes.
- Cut the sea fish fillets into small pieces and put them in the soup.
- Boil for another ten minutes.
- Before the end of cooking, add laurel and dill or parsley.
- Pour three to four tablespoons of butter, vegetable.
Chicken soup
- Pour two liters of water into a saucepan and bring it to a boil.
- Onions, potatoes and carrots are cleaned, cut into blocks or cubes. Put in boiling water.
- Buckwheat groats and add to the cooking pot.
- Chicken breast (without peel) cut into portions. Slightly fry on all sides on a small amount of butter (you can olive) and add to the vegetables.
- Dish to finish.
- Before meals, add crushed herbs.
Lenten soup
- Clean: onion, potato tubers, carrots, beetroot. Cut them.
- Shred cabbage and, together with vegetables, put out in a saucepan with high sides and a thick bottom with a small amount of sunflower oil until half cooked.
- In tomato vegetables, add tomatoes (perhaps sauce or pasta, preferably home-made).
- Introduce water and keep on the stove for a quarter of an hour.
- Then lay the chopped garlic and greens.
- Remove from the plate.
- Directly put a slice of lemon on a plate.
Sour cabbage soup
- If sauerkraut is sufficiently sour, wash it with running water. Place on a strainer or colander and remove excess moisture. Grind it.
- Before you put it out (to improve the taste), it should be slightly roasted in vegetable oil. It is only necessary to make sure that the product does not overdry and change its color.
- In the passivation, put water in and cover it for an hour under the lid. Cabbage should become soft.
- In parallel with this, clean the vegetables (carrots, onions). Cut from straws and semirings. In a frying pan slightly to pass on the refined oil. After a couple of minutes, add a spoonful of tomato paste (preferably home-made).
- Separately make a passivation of flour: a small amount of it is also protown to a yellowish hue.
- Add a full amount of hot water to the container with cabbage.
- Enter pasta vegetables, bay leaf.
- If it is permissible for the doctor's recommendations, salt and sauce.
- Add flour pastry and stand on fire for another three minutes.
- Directly put celery, parsley or dill on the plate.
Soup with green peas
- All the vegetables are cleaned and chopped: potato tubers in cubes, leek - rings, carrots - half rings.
- In a saucepan pour a liter of water and boil.
- Put the vegetables in boiling water and keep them on low heat until it is ready.
- Add green peas and a little more on the stove.
- With the permission of the doctor, salt.
- Already in a plate to introduce chopped dill or parsley.
Carrot salad with apples
- Root the carrots and grind them with a grater (with large cells).
- Remove apples from the core (if necessary, and from the skin). Cut into pieces. Sprinkle freshly squeezed lemon juice (this simple method will preserve the light color of the apple and add flavor).
- Sugar and salt (if a small number of it is allowed by the doctor). If there is a definitive prohibition on salt intake, then do not salt.
- Introduce just a little vegetable oil (better olive, but any one) and parsley leaves.
- Mix all the ingredients.
Vegetable Salad
For its preparation, any vegetables, and if desired, you can add fruit and berries. Here you can put all your imagination and enter any vegetables in the salad, any combination of them. As a filling will suit: low-fat yogurt, light sour cream, lemon juice, vegetable oil, which, incidentally, can also be varied.
Such dishes are useful and very diverse. They are not ashamed to put even on the festive table.
Beet Salad
- Two medium-sized root vegetables bake in the oven, peel and grind, using a grater.
- Salted cucumbers cut, having received cubes of small size.
- Onions can be removed from the husks and cut into half rings.
- All the components are mixed and seasoned with lemon juice, sugar and salt, vegetable oil.
Fish salad
- Take fillet of any sea fish and boil in spices (bay leaf, bell pepper). Fish allow to cool and cut into portions.
- In a separate container, boil the tubers of potatoes, carrots and beets. Cool, peel and cut into small cubes.
- Similarly, grind the pickled cucumbers.
- Add all the ingredients, add and add vegetable oil, a little ground pepper.
Salad from sea kale
- Carrots boil, peel, cut into strips or grind on a large grater.
- Onions can be removed from the husks and finely chopped.
- Sea cabbage combine with carrots and onions, seasoning with vegetable oil (if necessary, add).
Potato tubers baked
- This is perhaps the simplest dish to make. Using a brush, thoroughly wash the potato tubers. Lay them on a baking sheet and place in a preheated oven.
- After half an hour you can get it.
- The availability of the product can be checked with a fork.
- To this dish you can serve sauerkraut, a salad of fresh or stewed vegetables, greens.
Boiled potatoes with garlic and greens
Tissue peel and boil until cooked. To merge the water. Finely dry the tubers lightly on a small fire.
Potatoes sprinkle with oil, sprinkle with chopped garlic, and decorate with any greens on top. Let stand a minute - two under a closed lid - this will allow the vegetable to soak with the scents of garlic.
Meals can be served on the table.
Rice in a monastic way
- Rice seeds should be thoroughly rinsed several times changing the water. Boil water and pour rice into it. The ratio of water and croup should be 2: 1. Put on a fire, bring to a boil and so stand for about 10 minutes.
- After that, pour the porridge into a colander and let the water get off well.
- Take a skillet or a saucepan with high sides and a thick bottom. On it, in vegetable oil, to pound the chopped onion, bringing it to a golden hue.
- Peel and grate carrots on large cells. Add to the pass. Introduce tomatoes (they can be replaced with tomato paste or sauce). Stew still, lightly stirring.
- Add the boiled rice to the saucepan. Add everything, add sugar and greens, a little ground black pepper.
- Preferably eat in a warm form.
Pumpkin casserole
- Pumpkin to peel, cut into pieces and grind in any convenient way.
- Add flour (for 1 kg of vegetable - a glass of flour), salt, sugar.
- Stirring, get a homogeneous dough.
- Form for baking grease and put the resulting dough in it.
- Put in a preheated oven.
- It is possible to form pancakes and bring it to the prepared pan by frying it on both sides.
- Serve to the table with honey.
Casserole from a Herculean porridge
- Boil on the water or milk porridge from the oat-flakes.
- In it, enter two or three tablespoons of flour.
- To improve the taste, you can add a banana, grated apple or other favorite fruit, nuts, sesame seed.
- Add, if allowed by the doctor, sugar and salt. All the mix well.
- Put in a greased form and bake in a preheated oven.
- From the same "test" you can bake pancakes.
- You can serve on the table with jam, butter, honey.
When preparing desserts, you can connect your imagination. It is acceptable to bake almost any fruit in the oven. Which, if desired, allowed to sweeten with honey, sugar powder, cinnamon. For example, a baked apple can be sprinkled with sesame seeds or nuts.
You can make a homemade apple candy
- Apples should be washed and rid of the peel. Cut into slices, remove the core. Peel can be left in the event that it is not rough, because the maximum amount of vitamins and trace elements is concentrated in it.
- Take an enamel saucepan (it should be with a thick bottom).
- Pour a little water (about a centimeter). It is necessary that the fruit is not burned until the moment when they do not let their own juice.
- Place in a container slices of apples and put on a small fire. Soft varieties have enough hours, and solid apples should be held on the stove for two to three hours. Do not interfere.
- After the pieces themselves become a homogeneous cushy mass. The pan should be removed from the plate. Allow the contents to cool.
- Throwing on a fine sieve, drain excess juice. It can be drunk or rolled up for the winter as a separate dish, previously adding sugar.
- Kashitsu same wipe through a sieve, having a gentle consistency.
- Preheat the oven to a temperature of 100 - 120 degrees.
- Put parchment paper on the baking sheet for baking. On top of it, apply a layer of apple puree 4-5 mm thick. This is the optimum thickness, which allows to dry normally and to be well behind the parchment.
- Put the baking tray in the oven with the door open. Such an action is necessary for better moisture release.
- When pastila dries. Turn it gently to the other side and hold it for two or three more hours.
- Pastila is ready. Now it can be cut for convenience into pieces: plates, rhombs or cubes.
Diet after a stroke
The main principle of the restrictions that the diet after a stroke suggests is to minimize the amount of animal fats and salt in the diet of the patient.
If the patient categorically refuses to take salty foods, then it can be slightly salted, but the daily dosage should not exceed 5 g. This volume is the maximum permissible norm.
After the salt detains in the patient's body fluid, its excess provokes the development of hypertension, persistent high rates of which cause a stroke. A similar situation can happen and against the background of excessive enthusiasm with versatile spices. Therefore, not only salt, but almost all seasonings and spices, a large amount, as well as vinegar and hot sauces should be excluded from the list of consumed dishes.
It's worth to take a closer look at the products that we buy in modern supermarkets. The vast majority of them are stuffed with all sorts of stabilizers, dyes, flavor enhancers and flavors that are undesirable even to a healthy person, not to mention the body affected by the disease.
Restriction on the consumption of animal fats contributes to a decrease in the level of harmful cholesterol, which reduces the number of atherosclerotic plaques provoking blockage of the blood vessels.
It should also limit the consumption of sugar. Its daily amount is limited to a weight of 50 g. It should be remembered that this amount refers not only to pure sugar, but also its presence in other products. Therefore, buying a particular product, you should carefully read its composition.
In the daily diet of such a patient must necessarily include a sufficient amount of fiber, mostly of vegetable origin. It helps to cleanse the body and prevents constipation, which is unacceptable in the current situation.
From vegetable oils it is necessary to give preference to rapeseed, olive and soybean. Do not rule out the intake of meat and fish. It is only necessary to take into account their fat content, since only a lean product with a daily volume of 120 g is recommended.
A couple of times a week, a table can be varied with seafood. You should increase the intake of fruits and vegetables, taking them in any combination and processing. I'll have to give up fresh muffins and confectionery.
The number of meals throughout the day should be at least four, and portions - a small amount. The last meal - no later than two to three hours before the alleged retirement. The daily amount of fluid intake is recommended in volumes of about one liter.
Thanks to a wide list of acceptable products, the patient's food can be useful, tasty and varied. It should only be remembered that a number of products should not be misused. For example, an egg can be eaten no more than one in one - two days, whereas there are some that can be consumed no more than one - two times a week.
Diet 10 after a stroke
The goal of any dietary restriction is to support the body, help it cope with the disease and normalize its condition with minimal losses. Diet 10 after a stroke (or as it is also called - table number 10) is aimed at improving the performance of the cardiovascular system, the filtration system (liver) and excretory (kidney). Against this background, metabolic processes are activated, which trigger the fastest resuscitation mechanism.
The essence of the dietary table number 10:
- Exclusion of indigestible food.
- Increase the volume of products that have in the body useful substances.
- Reducing the caloric content of foods.
- Culinary processing - steamed, boiled food.
- Decreased intake of substances that irritate the nervous and cardiovascular system, digestive organs.
- Lack of salt.
- Five-day daily meals in small portions.
What is allowed on a diet:
- Liquid dishes (0,25 - 0,4 kg one-time).
- Pure soups, cooked on the basis of vegetables with or without cereals.
- Cucumbers in milk.
- Lenten borsch.
- Porridge is the wool from various groats, except for semolina.
- Beetroot.
- They can be savored with herbs, lemon juice and sour cream.
- Bakery products:
- Manufactured from first or second grade flour. The bread product should be yesterday, a little dried up.
- Galette cookies.
- Acceptance of any meat, only not greasy. It can be boiled or baked. Jellied meat is allowed.
- Sea lean fish in boiled or baked form. Seafood.
- No more than one egg per day:
- Steamed soft-boiled.
- Protein omelet.
- Steam or baked omelette with greens.
- At normal perception - milk. Welcome reception kefir, yogurt, yogurt, ryazhenka, cottage cheese and dishes based on them:
- Cheesecakes.
- Casserole.
- Champagne with fruit.
- Berries and fruit in fresh form and after processing.
- Kissels and compotes.
- Jelly and pastila.
- Dried fruits.
- Moussa.
- Any grains (except manga) and dishes from them are allowed. For example, pudding or porridge.
- Macaroni boiled.
- Virtually all vegetables cooked by baking, steamed or boiled. In small amounts - raw.
- Salads.
- Saute.
- Casseroles.
- Vegetable lasagna.
- Stuffed.
- Sweet foods, quite capable of replacing dessert:
- Honey.
- Homemade jam.
- Marshmallow and marmalade, caramel.
- From drinks:
- Green or not strong black tea.
- Juices from fruits, berries or vegetables.
- Coffee drinks with milk.
- Herbal tinctures, teas and decoctions.
- From fatty foods:
- Butter.
- Any vegetable oil.
It is not recommended to enter into the diet:
- Fatty types of fish and meat and canned food from them.
- Heavy broths, cooked on meat, mushrooms, fish or legumes.
- Recently baked baked goods and baking.
- Prikopchennye products and pickles.
- Sauces based on mustard.
- Conservation.
- Black and red caviar.
- Confectionery products based on chocolate.
- Radish.
- Sausage - sausage products, especially given their questionable production.
- Sour vegetables.
- Garlic.
- Natural coffe.
- Products based on puff pastry.
- Sour cream (in small amounts).
- Pancakes and pancakes.
- Sauces based on spicy seasonings.
- Sorrel and spinach.
- Grape juice.
- Cheese with high fat content, cheese.
- Eggs, hard-boiled or fried.
- Dishes based on legumes.
- Any mushrooms.
- Onion.
- Fruits containing coarse fiber.
- Horseradish sauces.
- Cocoa.
- Radish.
- Fats of animal and culinary origin.
Recommendations are detailed enough and should not cause confusion in a person.
Diet after a stroke for every day
The degree of severity of a patient's condition after a stroke varies. Therefore, if the patient has lost the chewing function after an attack, he is fed through the catheter. To do this, either specialized mixtures or nutrients are used.
Patients with less severe pathology feed themselves. But if one feeds the same kind of food, let it be even black caviar with pineapple, it becomes boring, and for the human body this approach to nutrition will not do good. Therefore, the ration of the stroke should be diverse, the benefit that a diet after a stroke for every day allows you to eat not only useful, but also varied and tasty.
Diet in stroke is not a temporary measure, which, after restoring health, can be further ignored. Those recommendations that it bears must forever become a habit and become an integral part of the way of life. People who introduced her into their everyday life, protected themselves from many health troubles, which are associated with violations in the work of the cardiovascular system. Only an attentive attitude to yourself and your health, rejection of bad habits, "healthy nutrition", a healthy lifestyle will give you the opportunity to feel great, even if you are far behind ...
What can you eat when you have a stroke?
It often happens that a person who has had an attack changes his taste preferences, he may even lose the desire to eat, and the products can cause unpleasant feelings. All this is connected with the defeat of this or that part of the brain.
But if the patient does not eat, he will not have the strength to fight the disease and activate recovery processes. Such a patient begins to lose weight. All this is very dangerous in this situation. Therefore, you must eat. Only portions should be small, and food should be useful.
Let's see what you can eat when you have a stroke. Which products are useful, and which ones should be excluded from the patient's table.
If the insulin refuses to eat, it is hard to swallow, then you should persuade him to eat mashed soup - mashed potatoes, liquid porridge, he needs to drink more liquid. At the same time the dishes should be warm. To consume food should not be much, but often. If the patient has to swallow food - this is really a problem, you should inform the attending physician about it. He will take measures to resolve the situation.
The menu for the patient should be balanced by protein, fat and carbohydrates. Doctors recommend paying special attention to products that are useful for the cardiovascular system and contain fiber, folic acid and potassium.
For example, folic acid is rich in dark greens. These are leaf salads, spinach, mustard. As it is much in asparagus, broccoli, citrus, strawberry, raspberry. It is rich in legumes: lentils, beans, peas, chickpeas. You can also call nuts, flax seeds, cauliflower, corn, beets, celery, carrots, pumpkin.
Useful potassium is much in:
- Botve beets.
- Kuraga.
- Tomato paste, it is better if it is home made.
- Potatoes.
- Finiki.
- Apple.
- Wheat bran.
- Izume.
- Pine nuts and almonds.
- Beans.
- Sea cabbage.
- Prunes.
- Dried fruits.
Almost all of the above products have a high percentage of fiber.
Do not forget about the benefits of sea fish, which contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are irreplaceable in the normal course of all biochemical reactions in the human body. These acids contain useful cholesterol, which activates these processes. With the improvement of metabolism, the formation of harmful cholesterol, from which atherosclerotic plaques are formed, clogging the lumen in the vessels. Sea fish is also rich in phosphorus, which actively stimulates the metabolism of brain cells.
Do not refuse and freshly prepared juices, fresh fruits and berries. Regular consumption of berries such as blueberries and cranberries, active antioxidants, will activate the defenses of the body and reduce the progression of atherosclerosis.
What you can not eat when you have a stroke?
But in addition to useful products and dietary recipes, there are also those that need to be completely removed, or at least reduce the amount of their consumption. So why not eat with a stroke? Which products should temporarily or permanently disappear from the patient's diet?
Particular attention should be paid to such familiar salt, without which most dishes can not do. Immediately after the attack, it should completely disappear from the diet. Only after the patient's condition is stabilized and the positive dynamics for recovery come, you can gradually add some salt.
Forever from the table of such a patient must disappear fatty meat and river fish. The banned products also include:
- Smoked meat and salted dishes.
- Conservation.
- Filled broths.
- Fast food.
- Sausage products.
- Fried and spicy dishes.
- Milk and its derivatives (fatty) and cream.
- Sweets and buns.
- Carbonated drinks.
- Semi-finished products.
- Ice cream.
- Steeply brewed tea, coffee.
- Not recommended.
- Mushrooms.
- Chocolate.
Restricting or excluding them from the patient's diet will allow his body to more effectively carry out the recovery period and shorten its time interval.