Soups for poisoning
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024
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Poisoning - a fairly common phenomenon, in which the digestive organs are particularly affected: the mucous tissue is irritated, dyspeptic disorders appear. To eliminate the violation and adjust the digestive process is difficult without following a special diet. Changes in nutrition are mandatory and should be observed until the complete stabilization of the patient's well-being. In this period, the first dishes are especially useful. For example, soup in poisoning is introduced into the diet on the 2nd day. During the first day it is recommended to refuse to eat at all, while drinking enough fluids. As the condition improves, the diet is expanded and gradually brought to the usual food regime. [1]
What kind of soup can be eaten when poisoning?
In food poisoning, the gastrointestinal tract is under special stress. And, in order not to worsen the situation, it is necessary in the first day from the moment of poisoning to adhere to a special gentle diet to normalize the digestive tract.
Dietary intake is the most important component of the treatment of food intoxication. The patient should adhere to the following recommendations:
- consume only light and high-quality foods that are quickly and completely digested without burdening the gastrointestinal tract;
- don't overeat, eat often, but little by little;
- give up coarse, fried, fatty, unnatural, smoked foods;
- Do not add a lot of salt and sugar to dishes;
- get out of the diet gradually, emphasizing healthy and quality foods.
Soups should form the basis of the diet: first courses meet all the requirements of dietary nutrition, they are gentle, easily digestible and healthy. Since therapeutic diets are different, it should be noted what products can be added when preparing soup:
- boiled lean pieces of meat (turkey, chicken, veal);
- pieces of boiled fish (pollock, hake, pike-perch);
- vermicelli, spaghetti, dumplings;
- oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, semolina, couscous;
- chicken or quail eggs;
- Vegetables (potatoes, carrots, zucchini, broccoli, celery, pumpkin).
Soups may not be prepared with "frying", i.e. Vegetables fried in vegetable oil or other fat. The following are also prohibited:
- fatty meat parts, lard, sausages;
- offal (liver, kidneys, stomachs, lungs, etc.);
- stew;
- spices, mayonnaise, soy sauce;
- any kind of legumes (peas, beans, chickpeas, etc.);
- cabbage, garlic, radishes;
- horseradish, mustard;
- mushrooms;
- semi-finished products.
Soups for poisoning should not be too salty, spicy, hot. Salt should be added very little, so that the dish is not bland. And from pepper and other seasonings, it is better to refuse at all. The diet should be expanded little by little, from day to day, watching how you feel and the work of the digestive tract.
In most patients, food poisoning does not last long, the main symptoms disappear after some time after the use of sorbent drugs. However, you can not immediately return to the usual diet, as this may lead to the reappearance of painful signs. The diet should be thoughtful and gentle. So, in the 1st day doctors do not advise to eat anything at all. To support the water balance and avoid dehydration, doctors advise drinking plenty of pure water, herbal tea or saline solutions. Then, by the second day, the diet is expanded by liquid first courses and porridge.
Soup in poisoning is indicated in such cases:
- in dysentery, dysbacteriosis, dyspeptic disorders, food toxicoinfection;
- for food poisoning, alcohol intoxication;
- for inflammatory digestive pathologies;
- for food, drug allergies;
- in poisoning by toxic substances, chemical agents, plant alkaloids;
- for chronic poisoning.
The duration of dietary restrictions and the use of dietary soups in poisoning is determined individually. This period can last from a few days to 2-3 weeks.
Soups in poisoning help to establish the digestive process, eliminate nausea, get rid of abdominal pain. Properly selected and qualitatively prepared first courses have the following therapeutic effect:
- provide the body with all the necessary substances to repair damaged mucosal tissues;
- restore the normal ratio of fluids and minerals in the body;
- accelerate the regeneration of the intestinal walls, which is due to mechanical sparing;
- facilitate digestion, which helps normalize digestive processes.
The use of soups in poisoning can be adjusted by a doctor on an individual basis, which depends on the degree of damage to the gastrointestinal tract, the duration and cause of pathology.
In order to adequately organize the nutrition of the patient after poisoning, it is necessary to obtain the advice of a gastroenterologist or a specialist in infectious diseases.
It is allowed to consume soup a few hours after the last episode of vomiting or diarrhea. There are no strict and unambiguous recommendations in this regard: in most cases, patients themselves feel when they feel better and have a desire to eat. Start eating with such foods as rice, semolina, pureed soups.
It is not recommended to include soups in the diet:
- if the poisoning was associated with the consumption of first dishes - for example, mushroom, meat soup, soup soup, soup soup;
- in depressed consciousness (if the patient has impaired consciousness, hallucinations, delusions);
- for seizures, paresthesias and paresis;
- when the temperature rises;
- with repeated vomiting, the appearance of blood elements in the feces or vomit;
- if you do not feel better, even though 48-72 hours have passed since the poisoning;
- If it is a child under 7 years of age who has urinary retention or refuses to drink fluids.
In these situations, you should consult a doctor. It is important to replenish the lost volume of fluid in the body by all means, and only then gradually return to the usual diet. Do not rush to prepare soup for poisoning, if you do not feel better or even worsen: if the condition worsens, you should seek medical help from a doctor as soon as possible.
Soup recipes for poisoning
Soup is a traditional dish, familiar from early childhood, which will come in handy when the signs of poisoning recede and the patient feels hungry. In the first days, soups are prepared with a minimum number of ingredients, without spices and seasonings, without frying products, with very little oil and salt (you can even without them at all). Dishes should be light and non-fatty, as the body should spend its main energy on restoring health, not on digesting food.
When planning the diet of the patient after poisoning, you can focus on the following culinary dietary recipes:
- Egg soup. Cut 2-3 potatoes into straws, chop onions and carrots (1 piece each). In boiling water (1 liter) lower the vegetables, cook for about 20 minutes, salt. Egg white is mixed with herbs and well beaten, then pour a thin trickle into the soup with constant stirring. Boil for another minute and remove from the heat. Serve with breadcrumbs.
- Soup with meat balls. Prepare the following products: a little fresh minced chicken, 2-3 potatoes, carrots and onions, 100 g of noodles, herbs, the white of one egg. Stuffing is mixed with egg white and make small meatballs. Vegetables are peeled, cut, put into boiling water together with meatballs. After some time (about 15 minutes) add noodles and salt, boil for another 10 minutes. Sprinkle with herbs and remove from the fire. The soup is ready.
- Broccoli soup. To prepare the dish you will need 400 g of broccoli, one onion, 1 garlic clove, about 500 ml of vegetable broth, a little salt. In a pot put broccoli, divided into florets, as well as finely chopped onion and garlic. Fill with broth and boil for 20-25 minutes. Salt and puree with a blender to a liquid puree. Before serving, the dish can be decorated with finely chopped dill.
- Fish soup. Take 250-300 g of fish fillets, 1 liter of water, onion and carrots, one potato, 1-2 tbsp. Couscous (can be replaced with semolina or rice), some greens. Put into boiling water prepared pieces of fish, after 10 minutes add finely chopped vegetables (at this stage pour in and rice, if the soup is cooked with it). After another 10 minutes, take the fish out of the broth, but add semolina or couscous (if the soup is cooked with these cereals). Extracted fish finely chopped, supplemented with greens, return to the pot. You can diversify the flavor with a small amount of green onions. If the vegetables are well boiled, salt the soup and remove from the fire.
- Potato soup. Wash and clean vegetables: 4 potatoes, one carrot and one onion. The ingredients are cut and sent to a pot of boiling water. Boiled for about 20 minutes. Then add salt and vermicelli, keep on the fire for another 5-10 minutes. Sprinkle with small greens and remove from the fire.
- Zucchini soup. Finely chop onion and carrots, pour into boiling water along with 100 g of rice, cook for 15 minutes. Zucchini finely chopped, add to the soup along with herbs and salt. Continue to cook for another 10 minutes and remove from the fire. Bon appetit.
Easy diet soup for poisoning
One of the easiest soups recommended for poisoning is semolina soup. Unfortunately, few people consider semolina as a full-fledged component of first and second courses. Indeed, this cereal can not "boast" a large content of vitamins and trace elements, but it is rich in complex carbohydrates and easily digestible protein, has enveloping abilities, so it can be safely recommended to patients with poisoning.
Light semolina soup is not difficult to prepare. You need to clean and cut onions and carrots, as well as potatoes (on the second or third day it can be replaced or supplemented with celery). Vegetables are boiled until ready, after which a thin trickle add semolina: at the rate of about 4 tbsp. Liters per 1 liter of vegetable broth. Then add a little salt and oil (preferably vegetable oil), chopped dill or parsley. Light soup is ready. It can be eaten with a breadcrumbs or a dried piece of bread.
In general, light soups include many first dishes that do not contain fatty meat, lard, offal, fatty fish and fried ingredients, beans, cream and "heavy" cereals (corn or pearl). Thus, semolina can easily be replaced with rice, oat groats, and instead of carrots or potatoes add zucchini or celery.
Chicken soup for poisoning
Chicken soup will become useful in poisoning only if it is properly prepared and timely introduced into the diet. Earlier than 3-4 days after food toxicoinfection, meat broths are better not to use. In addition, there are cases when such dishes are excluded from the menu altogether:
- if the soup is made not from natural meat, but from store-bought concentrate (in the form of cubes or powder);
- if swallowing any food triggers the gag reflex;
- if you develop a meat protein allergy.
To make chicken soup correspond to the concept of dietary dishes, for its preparation choose a small-sized carcass, peel it from the fat, remove the skin, cut. Meat is thoroughly washed, pour water, bring to a boil. The first broth is drained, after which the meat is again poured with water and again brought to a boil. As the chicken is ready, carrots, potatoes, onions are added to the broth. You can also add vermicelli, or rice or oat groats. Spices are not used, you can only minimally salt. Before removing from the fire, you can sprinkle the dish with chopped dill or parsley.
The broth should not be too rich, and even less fatty. If in doubt, it is better to dilute the soup with boiled water.
Vegetable soup for poisoning
Light vegetable soup is the most preferable in poisoning. It both satiates and makes the patient's diet more diverse, because the dish can be prepared each time from other vegetables, add cereals, eggs. Proper soup in poisoning should not contain:
- white cabbage, red cabbage;
- beets;
- corn and corn grits;
- spicy spices and condiments;
- beans, peas;
- a lot of fat;
- of roasted ingredients.
It is optimal to use potatoes, carrots, onions, zucchini, pumpkin, zucchini in the preparation. Such a dish will help to quickly remove toxic substances from the body and restore strength. Light food does not irritate the gastrointestinal tract, does not traumatize mucous tissues, does not burden the enzyme system, but gives a lot of nutrients and useful substances.
Soup for baby poisoning
When poisoning a child, the diet is prescribed taking into account the same principles as for an adult patient. The only peculiarity is that babies can not always clearly describe their sensations and symptoms, indicate what exactly and how it hurts. When the first signs of poisoning are detected, it is better not to temporarily offer the baby food, so as not to burden the digestive organs and not to provoke an aggravation of symptoms. It is necessary to give the child plenty of fluids - in particular, warm boiled water, infusion of chamomile, mint or rosehip, weak tea.
Against the background of stabilization of the general condition of the baby can gradually expand the diet, as prolonged dietary restrictions and insufficient intake of essential nutrients are detrimental to children's health, which is especially important for young children who are growing and developing rapidly. Therefore, after the approval of the pediatrician, porridge and soups, which are both gentle and nutritious, are introduced into the child's menu.
For "children's" soups, the freshest ingredients are selected. The dish is prepared immediately before consumption, because during storage (even in the refrigerator) the product can lose its properties and even spoil.
It is important that the soup is attractive to the sick child. Therefore, it is recommended to add bright ingredients to it - for example, carrots, dill, parsley. It is allowed to add a small amount of turmeric, which gives the dish a pleasant golden color.
You can add rice, boiled egg, vermicelli, bulgur, oats, broccoli to the soup for the child. About the third or fourth day, you can boil the first dish with fish fillets, meatballs (meat balls), dumplings, buckwheat, cauliflower, zucchini.