Persimmon for gastritis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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In persimmon season, you definitely want to enjoy your favorite fruit, but not everyone can find it useful. For example, persimmon for gastritis is not allowed for any form of the disease. And if we consider that almost 50% of the world's population suffers from gastritis, then the question of the possibility of using this fruit remains quite relevant.
Is persimmon possible for gastritis?
From about November, orange smooth fruits appear on food stalls in the fruit zone - healthy and sweet, like honey, persimmons. It is grown in many Asian countries, as well as in South America and even in Japan. There are many varieties of this fruit: they differ in color, density, shape, the presence or absence of seeds, and have their own taste characteristics.
There are no categorical contraindications to the use of persimmons for gastritis. However, there are a number of nuances that must be taken into account. For example, the bright orange pulp contains tannins, the astringent components that give the fruit its characteristic flavor. Tannins counteract the development of diarrhea, but at the same time increase the load on the digestive tract, making it difficult to digest food.
Persimmons with gastritis can be in the stomach for several hours - especially if a person has eaten several fruits at a time. In such a situation, one may feel heaviness in the epigastric zone, or even pain.
To avoid discomfort, you must at least follow these rules:
- do not eat dense, unripe fruits;
- do not eat several fruits at once (1 / 2-1 fruit is enough for one time).
Also, we must not forget that during the period of relapse of gastritis, eating persimmons is prohibited: it is necessary to wait for the stage of remission. Persimmon will harm health during erosion in the stomach, as it can irritate damaged tissues, thereby causing the formation of ulcerative defects. But with hyperacid gastritis, the inclusion of persimmons in the diet is not only not prohibited, but even encouraged: of course, in this case, it is necessary to postpone the consumption of the fruit until the onset of remission.
Persimmon for gastritis with high acidity
Persimmon is recommended for use in gastritis with hypersecretion of stomach juice. The fruit contains a small amount of acids, therefore it does not irritate the inflamed mucosa. In addition, ripe pulp contains thiamine, a substance that maintains a stable level of acid in the digestive juice and has a mild anti-inflammatory effect. Thanks to thiamine, the development of pathogenic bacteria Helicobacter pylori is inhibited. [1]
But with a tendency to form ulcers and erosion, it is better not to add persimmon to the diet, so as not to aggravate the situation. You can not eat persimmon and with an exacerbation of pathology: you must wait for the stage of symptom relief.
Persimmons are consumed fresh, after freezing for a short time, and then defrosting them in the refrigerator. This technique allows you to get rid of the specific astringency and viscosity of the product. Peel off before use.
In addition, persimmons for gastritis can be baked, made soufflé, smoothies, puddings from it.
Persimmon with erosive gastritis
Patients who are diagnosed with an acute erosive inflammatory process in the stomach, it is advisable to delete persimmons from the diet. If you do not do this and continue to consume this fruit, then such negligence can lead to an acceleration of the course of the disease and an increase in the risk of developing adverse complications.
With erosive gastritis, the gastric walls are not just inflamed, but have individual injuries and defects. The components of persimmon pulp in such a situation are capable of provoking spastic pains and aggravating the problem. [2]
Despite all the known benefits of persimmon fruits, they should not be eaten with erosive gastritis. Against the background of a sparing diet, outside the exacerbation stage, it is allowed to eat a small amount of sweet jelly prepared on the basis of this fruit. However, it is recommended to discuss such a step in advance with your doctor.
Persimmon for gastritis and pancreatitis
If gastritis is complicated by pancreatitis, then it is not prohibited to eat persimmon outside the stage of exacerbation, but in strictly limited quantities. It is better that these are baked fruits, or dishes prepared from them.
You cannot eat more than one fruit per day.
Persimmons are allowed to be included in the diet only with a prolonged absence of symptoms of gastropancreatitis.
The patient is initially offered a very small amount of heat-treated pulp. If all is well and there is no discomfort, then after a few days you can try a little fresh fruit without the skin - just a couple of teaspoons. [3]
For a patient with gastropancreatitis, you should choose only fully ripe fruits that do not have astringent properties.
If everything is done correctly, persimmon will be very useful even for a sick person suffering from digestive disorders.
Persimmon is considered an extremely healthy fruit. Many oriental healers talk about the healing properties of these fruits, which is explained by the valuable and varied composition, represented by vitamins and minerals, proteins, amino acids, fats, etc.
In general, the beneficial abilities of persimmon can be easily listed:
- tones up and refreshes, saturates with useful components and moisture (in a ripe fruit there is about 80% moisture);
- contains a large percentage of vitamin A and ascorbic acid, thanks to which it supports the immune forces, which is especially important during the recovery phase after an illness;
- creates protection against the development of malignant tumors;
- stabilizes the digestive system;
- provides a diuretic effect, cleanses the urinary organs;
- has some antimicrobial effect, since it inhibits the development of bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli;
- lowers blood cholesterol levels;
- improves cardiac function, favorably affects vision, accelerates wound healing;
- strengthens blood vessels;
- increases the overall tone of the body.
In order for the persimmon to be beneficial, and not harm, you need to choose the right fruits and use them correctly. Before buying an orange treat, carefully examine the fruit: it should be moderately soft, translucent, with dry leaves. Green leaves and dullness indicate immaturity and excessive astringency of the fruit. The presence of a characteristic "cobweb" and dark spots or lines on the skin is allowed. Rotten fruits, as well as unripe fruits, are best set aside. [4]
You also need to use persimmon for gastritis according to the rules:
- not on an empty stomach, but not in combination with other foods (optimally - half an hour after eating);
- removing the skin is a must;
- with the beginning of the fruit season, the use of persimmons should be started with one teaspoon of pulp, gradually increasing the daily dose.
When discomfort in the abdomen appears, the use of the fruit is stopped.
Here are the cases in which you should definitely not use persimmon for gastritis:
- if you are allergic to such fruits;
- with a tendency to increased gas formation, the development of fermentation processes in the intestine;
- in the acute period of gastritis, regardless of the acidity of gastric juice;
- with irritable bowel syndrome;
- with persistent constipation, acute hemorrhoids, anal fissures;
- in the acute period of cystitis, pyelonephritis;
- with diabetes mellitus;
- with erosive gastritis, peptic ulcer.
When drawing up a dietary menu for a patient with gastritis, it is important to first consult with a doctor: he will make a list of products that are allowed, permissible and completely undesirable in the patient's diet. It is important to take into account the condition of the digestive system as a whole and the patient's stomach response to treatment.
The quality and ripeness of the fruit is also of great importance. The more tender the pulp is, the easier the stomach will digest it. The skin should be removed in all cases, regardless of the form and stage of the disease. [5]
If you ignore the doctor's recommendations regarding the use of persimmons for gastritis, then such difficulties may arise:
- relapse of the inflammatory process;
- the formation of ulcers and erosions, the development of gastric ulcer.
Only the attending doctor can make a final verdict regarding the possibility of using persimmons for gastritis. After all, it is he who has complete information about the results of diagnostics, about the dynamics of the disease, about his response to treatment and the use of various foods. However, if you still want to try a little fruit, remember: the portion should really be small, not taken on an empty stomach or at the relapse stage.