Dietary table number 10: list of permitted and prohibited foods, recipes
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The diet, named diet №10, is intended for patients with cardiovascular problems, in particular, in cases of circulatory failure of the І-ІІА degree. There are not too many restrictions in it; in fact, dietary table number 10 - a healthy diet, useful for all people. Less salt, liquid, irritating and stimulating substances, moderate culinary processing of products, exclusion of heavy food is not a big price, if you get a healthy heart and blood vessels in return, and at the same time a slim figure.
Variants of a dietary table №10 is intended for patients with problems of heart and blood vessels. The indications for the appointment are as follows:
- hypertension;
- circulatory disorders (ischemia);
- arrhythmia, heart defects;
- recovery after a heart attack;
- high cholesterol;
- accumulation of fluid in tissues, associated with heart failure and kidney failure;
- arteriosclerosis of blood vessels.
Diet №10 is characterized by the following features:
- Reduced by reducing fat and carbohydrates by caloric content;
- significant restriction of table salt and coarse fiber;
- a decrease in the norm of drinking to 1.1 liters;
- the exclusion of acute, irritating, difficult to digest, conducive to meteorism food;
- an increase in the amount of potassium and magnesium, alkaline products.
During cooking, gentle treatment is recommended, that is, boiling of meat and fish, and without salt, the use of warm, but not hot dishes, five meals regime, even portions.
The energy value of the diet is determined depending on the stage and symptoms of the pathology, age and weight of a person. The optimal proportion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is 80: 70: 350.
The daily portion of food should be divided into not less than five receptions, the last of them - about three hours before bedtime. After that it is allowed to drink only a glass of kefir.
Diet №10 for heart diseases
It is unlikely that anyone is aware of the exceptional importance of the heart as a physiological organ. Accordingly, the attitude to him is extremely sensitive and careful. After all, unfortunately, the heart disease pathology still remains the main cause of death in developed countries.
Food products have different effects on cardiac activity, so special recommendations have been developed to feed the cores, which are the basis of diet number 10 in heart diseases. Since cardiac pathologies are many, and they are due to different reasons, diet table No. 10 is specified depending on them. If you consider the most popular diseases such as angina, heart attack, arrhythmia, heart failure, then diet number 10 for patients with such diagnoses differs in some accents.
- Angina is caused by spasms or narrowing of the coronary vessels, through which the blood enters the myocardium. To prevent it, you need a sufficient amount of potassium and magnesium. These microelements supply nuts, cereals, potatoes, pumpkins, strawberries, mangoes and barley to the body. Harmful in this case are all dairy and meat products of high fat content, fast food, salty foods, alcoholic beverages.
With myocardial infarction, part of the heart muscle, due to coronary artery occlusion, irretrievably perishes. To restore the need to reduce the load on the heart and blood vessels. To this end, eat fruits, nuts, vegetables, potatoes, bran, olive oil, fish. To forbidden fruits include fats of animal origin in all species, all sorts of sausages, fried and fast food, sweets, alcohol, salty foods.
- Arrhythmia is a violation of the heart rate. In severe failures, this leads to failure and subsequent cardiac arrest. The best preventive products - enriched with potassium, and also magnesium and calcium. These are dried fruits, currants, bananas, potatoes, parsley, seeds, honey, cabbage. Under the ban - alcohol, energy drinks, too fatty food.
The essence of heart failure is that the main muscle of the body is unable to pump enough blood. To rectify the situation, the body needs products containing vitamin B1, as well as a set of "heart" microelements: potassium, calcium, magnesium. Simultaneously, the diet should help eliminate excess fluid. To stimulate cardiac activity, the diet includes dried fruits, dog rose, citrus, cabbage, cereals, currants, cherries, raspberries, and products of the sour-milk group. It is required to minimize the consumption of salt and sugar, to completely abandon alcohol.
Diet №10 with hypertension
For hypertensive patients it is recommended to diet table number 10 with a significant restriction of drinking: up to 800 ml. The patient has to refuse the use of soups, and their liquid products use tea with milk, barley drink, juices, clean water.
The direction of the diet is vegetarian. This is not a very strict food system, combining in a reasonable ratio of vegetable and non-fat meat products. Periodically, not so useful, but loved by the patient dishes. The daily menu for diet No. 10 includes a 5-fold meal: first and second breakfasts, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner and yogurt for the night. An approximate variant of a daily ration:
- 1.Prottaja porridge from oat or buckwheat groats, an omelet from egg whites (or soft cottage cheese), tea with milk.
- 2.Yogurt and biscuits or baked apple.
- 3. Steam cutlets from chicken, boiled cauliflower, zucchini or other vegetables, compote of fresh berries.
- 4. Beef of cottage cheese, apples and carrots, kissel.
- 5. Fish (boiled or baked), vegetable stew, boar.
- 100 g of kefir (shortly before sleep).
Favorite by many a steam omelet recommended by diet number 10 for hypertension and other pathologies of the cardiovascular system, is prepared from two eggs and 120 ml of milk. The beaten mixture with the addition of a teaspoon of oil is placed in a steamer or on a steam bath, that is, a pan is placed on a pot of boiling water. After about 15 minutes, the omelette is ready. For a change in a dish, add slices of vegetables or greens.
In the case of hypertensive crisis, the first days after a critical condition should be made unloading, using only vegetables, cereals, fruits. Salt as much as possible ignore and do not use it during cooking, adding a dish just before meals. Further nutrition after the crisis should include useful fatty acids, which are rich in marine products. Limit the liquid to 1 liter.
Diet №10 with atherosclerosis
Diet No.10 in atherosclerosis is aimed at normalizing metabolism, in particular, in the myocardium, reducing hemocoagulation, strengthening vascular and nervous systems. Of the useful products recommended for observance of diet table number 10, you can prepare food for the whole family, which will bring pleasure and benefit to both children and adults.
An important aspect of anti-sclerotic diet No. 10 is the adjustment and optimal ratio of all nutritional and vital components. The basic rules are as follows:
- A food on a mode, with short pauses between meals.
- Balanced by all criteria.
- Stew and boil instead of frying and smoking.
- Priority is for fresh and unruly dishes.
- Instead of rich broths - vegetable broths.
- Green light - vegetable and dairy food.
- As agreed with the doctor - days off.
Atherosclerosis "does not like" much of what the taste of healthy people. For example, from the diet exclude all sweets, sausages and other meat smoked products, offal, fruits with a lot of sugar, mushroom and bean soups, mango and rice, industrial sauces, sea fish, caviar, canned products. Atherosclerosis is especially harmful to carbonated and hot drinks, including cocoa.
A separate issue is alcohol and tobacco products, which are a frequent cause of illness in men. Smoking, abuse of strong drinks, a sedentary lifestyle, stresses exacerbate the course of the disease and lead to irreparable consequences. Therefore, in the presence of cardiovascular disorders, each person is obliged to abandon bad habits, control his nutrition and physical activity.
Diet №10 after a heart attack
Restoration of health after myocardial infarction is promoted by diet No. 10 with the letter "I". The diet of the patient who has suffered a heart attack depends on the recovery period and the motor regimen. The purpose of the diet number 10 after a heart attack is to reduce the calorie content, the amount of salt and liquid, fat and sugar, exclude foods that provoke flatulence, excite the nervous system and blood vessels, and organize a fractional diet of easily digested food.
Diet table number 10 in the first day or two of the acute period consists mainly of drinking. Suitable semisweet tea with lemon, diluted juice of orange or currant, mors, kissel, compote, still carbonated alkaline water. Drinks should be warm, because cold can cause pain in the heart. The patient does not need to be forced to eat until he does not want to.
At the end of this time, 1 ration is prescribed. It consists of the following components:
- rubbed the first dishes from vegetables, cereals;
- steam cutlets, meatballs, omelets;
- boiled fish, milk porridge;
- vegetable mashed potatoes, puddings, soufflé;
- fermented milk products;
- dried fruits, juices, other drinks.
Lean and butter, milk is added directly to the dishes. The food should be wiped, it should not be consumed too hot.
2 diet postinfarction diet is appointed in the subacute period, that is, in the second-third week of the disease. In the previous diet, add 150 grams of dried white bread, viscous cereal, casseroles, cauliflower puree, raw berries, grated fresh carrots, baked apples. Recommended soups with boiled ingredients, meat and fish - in pieces or in minced meat, vegetable and milk sauces. Improve the taste of unsalted food can be juices, boiled and slightly toasted onions. Drinks and fats - as in option 1.
During the scarring, option 3 is suggested. This is an enriched diet, in comparison with the previous two, including stewed carrots and beets, lean ham, saucers, pasta with homemade cheese, casseroles with manna and buckwheat porridge. Separately it is necessary to say about bread. Ration 3 offers the use of 250 g of wheat or 200 g of wheat plus 50 rye bread.
After three rations the diet is expanded, and in case of excess weight, additional days are prescribed. If the patient's condition improves, and the appetite remains reduced, it is acceptable to include in the menu of high-calorie foods - eggs, cream.
Diet №10 with stenocardia
Angina is called a clinical manifestation of coronary heart disease (CHD). Diet No. 10, along with a healthy lifestyle and the rejection of unhealthy habits, contributes to the improvement of the patient's condition and the quality of his life. After all, properly selected and cooked food normalizes metabolism, strengthens the vascular walls, helps the nerves withstand stressful situations.
The attack of angina develops with a shortage of food for the myocardium. Dietary table number 10 is designed to prevent an attack, provide fat metabolism and normal blood clotting. After all, with increased coagulability, there is a threat of thrombosis, and as a result, blood flow and cardiovascular blood become difficult.
- Diet №10 with stenocardia contains products enriched with minerals and vitamins. An important place in the treatment of IHD is vitamin C, which strengthens blood vessels, prevents the narrowing of their lumen, and also has antioxidant properties.
Table salt in the diet is virtually excluded, for the body it is enough of its natural amount contained in the allowed products. The patient should forget about such dishes as concentrated broths, by-products, sweet flour products, fat and other animal fats, all salinity-smoked-preserves, fat whole milk products.
Excess weight is reduced by adjusting the caloric intake of the diet, but only after consulting with the doctors. The approximate figures for the caloric content of a dietary diet are as follows: for a normal weight, up to 2,900 kcal, while for an increased weight, up to 2,100.
Fractional meals, recommended to all people with angina pectoris is mandatory. Food is taken up to six times a day, in small portions. Fresh vegetables, unsweetened and dried fruits, eggs, nuts, beans, vegetable oils, bread, coarse fish, lean meat (rabbit meat, turkey), seafood - the list of allowed food is quite extensive, which allows the recovering to eat deliciously, fully and rationally.
Diet №10 with renal colic
Acute pain in the lumbar region is provoked by a so-called renal colic. She is a harbinger of urolithiasis. According to statistics, the disease is much more common in men, presumably because women are more attentive to their health and diet.
If the seizures periodically recur, then after the examination, in addition to treatment, the patient is prescribed a diet number 10 with renal colic. This is a complex of products that can normalize metabolic processes. To avoid overeating and overloading the digestive organs, it is recommended to adhere to the mode of fractional nutrition, eat every four hours. Another principle of diet number 10 - the minimum amount of carbohydrates, fatty and difficult to digest dishes.
- By and large, dietary table number 10 preaches a regime that is useful in all cases, since proper nutrition minimizes the risk of any diseases.
Fish and meat are prepared by the way of cooking and quenching, roast and smoked is completely removed from the menu - along with buns and flour products. Welcome cereals, vegetable broths and juices with water, sour-milk dishes, tea with milk, fruit salads. Vegetable food is preferable to stew and cook, and also to use on a season when in vegetables and fruits the maximum of vitamins is concentrated.
- Diet table number 10 in colic depends on what kind of stones it causes. Often diagnosed with oxalate, phosphate or urate stones.
With oxalates, the emphasis is on limiting protein foods and leaching urine. Under the ban, plant products with high levels of vitamin C and oxalic acid, confectionery, sourish berries and fruits. Recommended vitamins B, sweet fruit, cereals (except semolina), lean fish and meat, butter, jelly and compotes.
With urates, the diet is not too different. Protein, salted food and smoked meat are also limited. Include cereals (except buckwheat), bread products from wholemeal flour, sweet berries, vegetables, various types of dairy products.
In the presence of phosphates, in addition to salty and smoked dishes, fish, milk, potatoes, sweet fruits, and curd dishes are prohibited. The list of allowed included egg whites, legumes, poultry meat, lard, butter, sugar, honey, the entire fruit and vegetable group, pumpkin, rose hips.
General information of the diet №10
A total of diets, developed by scientists under the guidance of the therapist Pevsner, there are 15. They serve to correct the health of patients with certain diseases. Dietary table number 10 - a food system designed for people with cardiovascular disorders, in particular - with circulatory failure.
The essence of the diet is in correction of the diet in order to improve blood circulation and other functions of the cardiovascular system. In this case, the body is provided with a full and delicious food.
- Useful products help to normalize metabolism, improve and strengthen the defenses of the body.
- Rejection of harmful food prevents the digestive organs, liver and kidneys from irritation, accumulation of toxins.
Diet is an important part of the complex of therapeutic measures and is prescribed in hospitals, sanatoria, home conditions for patients suffering from malfunctions in the work of the heart and blood vessels. The diet offered by diet No. 10 reduces the burden on the heart, therefore it is useful for hypertensive patients, for cores, for people with high cholesterol in the blood, and also for the recovery period after the infarction. The diet helps to remove the excess fluid accumulated in the tissues, improve kidney function. As a result, the quality of a person's life increases significantly.
Hypocholesterol, lipid-lowering diet №10
Pevzner's food called hypocholesterol, hypolipidemic diet No. 10 is prescribed in cardiac pathologies - in order to stabilize blood circulation and restore the normal rhythm of the heart. Hypocholesterol diet significantly restricts animal fats, yolks and other fatty foods.
The dietary table №10 has the modifications "а", "б", "г", "и", "р", "с", which are applied depending on the specific disease. That is, the principles and tasks of these modifications are the same, but each has features.
Diet No. 10 is designed to relieve vessels and myocardium, stimulate renal activity and cleanse tissues from excess fluid. Thus, it slows the spread of pathological processes in the vessels and the heart muscle. The energy value of the tenth table satisfies the physiological demand of the organism in energy and nutrient components. The menu is made individually, taking into account the nature of the pathology, the severity of the condition, the taste preferences of the patient.
During the period of the medical diet it is allowed to use:
- dry biscuits, black bread;
- cereals, except rice and semolina, pasta from durum wheat flour;
- fish and meat low-fat, doctor's sausage;
- proteins, up to 10 per week;
- light soups - vegetable, dairy, mushroom and meat;
- low-fat milk products;
- soft or peeled fruit;
- every other day, jam or jam;
- a little butter;
- Herbal teas, compotes, jelly, still water.
Prohibited food, rich in cholesterol, exciting the nervous system, blood vessels and heart muscle. The following products belong to this category:
- white bread and sweet pastries;
- all legumes;
- egg yolks;
- marinated and smoked products;
- radish, sorrel, onion, garlic, spinach;
- salted cheeses of high fat content;
- berries and fruits, rich in coarse fiber;
- chocolate, ice cream;
- soda, alcohol;
- coffee, tea, sour juices.
As in other cases, to avoid overloading the stomach, food is taken often, but little by little. To finish off the day it is recommended that the broth is boar or kefir. Usually, after a week, a positive result is observed: the stabilization of the heart and kidney function, weight reduction, normalization of sleep and mood.
The salt-free diet №10
It is known that salt retains water in tissues and inhibits metabolic processes. However, without salt, it can not be done: with its deficiency, nervous and mental disorders, anorexia, and osteoporosis begin in the body. Therefore, salt-free diet No. 10 is not a complete refusal of salt, as it may seem at first glance.
Diet No. 10 salt-free implies the use of a salty ingredient in a home kitchen in a minimal amount and excludes industrial products that initially contain a lot of salt. This way of feeding can not last long. There are options for 4, 7, 14, 15 days. With proper adherence to the diet table No. 10, the body loses excess weight and cellulite, restores water-salt balance.
One of the popular salt-free diets is called Japanese. A lot of rice, sea fish, green tea, all without sweet and spicy ingredients - the basis of such a diet. All dishes are steamed or boiled. Mandatory rejection of long-term storage products, because the guarantee of their safety is precisely the high concentration of salt. One thing is pleasing: that you can use your favorite drinks, including coffee, without restrictions (although without sugar).
- Unsaluted food is useful in hypertension, puffiness. People who are used to it, say that over time, food without salt ceases to seem tasteless. And what is most natural salinity is felt in protein dishes - meat, fish, dairy products.
However, this method of nutrition is not suitable for everyone. The lack of sodium, which is an integral part of table salt, adversely affects the work of the cardiovascular system, so it is better for cores not to use risky methods to reduce body weight.
And not all dieticians are delighted with the salt-free diet; some believe that reducing weight solely by removing excess water - this is not a "real" weight loss. And what is more effective are those methods that help burn fat, and not just remove excess fluid.
Menu for the week of diet №10
When appointing a therapeutic diet number 10 is recommended to make a list of dishes, calculated immediately for a week. Practical people borrow ready-made examples of the menu for the week of diet No. 10 and, starting from them, create their own schemes of therapeutic nutrition.
Diet table number 10 with six meals can include such dishes:
- Breakfast - cereal with milk from millet, egg-white omelet, berry drink.
- 2 breakfast - baked apple or pear, you can with honey.
- Lunch - a half of borscht, seasoned with lean oil; fillet of turkey with vegetable puree, fruit jelly.
- Afternoon snack - acidophilus 200 g, pudding from rice.
- Dinner - casserole from homemade cheese, with the addition of sour cream and jam, pike fillets under dairy sauce, vegetable ragout, barley drink.
- Before going to bed - a chic drink and a dry biscuit.
The next menu option, while observing diet No. 10, offers a five-fold meal mode:
- Breakfast - milk porridge of pumpkin and millet, biscuit, tea (green).
- Lunch - steam omelet, plum juice in half with water.
- Lunch - rice and vegetable soup, caviar from courgettes, cauliflower, braised rabbit in milk, Uzvar.
- Afternoon snack - dried apricots with barite drink.
- Dinner - baked in mackerel foil, mashed potatoes mashed, chicor drink.
If desired, before a dream is allowed a light drink - kefir, yoghurt, milk with honey.
Recipes of dishes №10
Dietary table number 10 can not only reduce the intensity of cardiac pathology, but is also considered an effective preventive measure against angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease, stroke, coronary disease. The effectiveness of diet No. 10 has been tested by time and by several generations of patients combining medical treatment with healthy nutrition.
In addition to the positive effect on blood vessels, the heart, other vital organs, dietary nutrition has a beneficial effect on the exterior and the whole body, normalizes metabolism and body weight. Recipes for diet No. 10 are available on the Internet, and foods for healthy meals are not more expensive than others. Such food is not a sin to eat, without waiting for special recommendations of doctors. Simple recipes for healthy dishes:
- Cauliflower, stewed in sauce
Boil disassembled on the inflorescence head in water without salt, put in a separately cooked milk sauce. For the sauce, you need 200 ml of milk, a spoonful of flour and parsley. Cabbage stew in sauce for about five minutes. Salt the minimum when serving.
- Meatballs with rice sauce
Minced meat is prepared from 0.5 kg fillets (take chicken or turkey). The ground meat is mixed with 3 tablespoons of cooked rice and egg. Having spiced the most a little, form small balls, spread on the form and cover with foil. Bake in a preheated oven for about 40 minutes. Serve with milk or sour cream sauce.
- Apple-pumpkin casserole
For 200 g of apples take 600 g of pumpkin. Peeled fruits large grate, put into a frying pan with oil for a few minutes, rub to homogeneity. Pour 100 grams of milk and pour 60 g of manga, stirring for 10 minutes. In a mass cooled to 60 degrees, drive the egg, lay on a greased and sprinkled baking tray. Top with sour cream and melted butter. Bake the casserole out of the oven with oil or sour cream.
Therapeutic diet number 10 has several options. They are designated with the letters: A, B, C, P, D, I. The benefit of the diet is that instead of useless or obviously harmful food, the body is offered a useful, saturated with components necessary for the myocardium, central and peripheral vessels. Dietary nutrition restricts fats and salt, caloric content, instead, enrichment of the diet with vitamins, Omega3 fatty acids, trace elements is suggested.
The regime of the dietary table №10 provides for fractionality. The entire daily dose is divided into approximately equal parts, which should be consumed at the same hours, for five to six receptions. The first breakfast should be easy, and the last meal is made no later than two or three hours before going to bed. The quantity of useful drinks is limited, harmful are excluded completely.
- As a result of this diet, cholesterol and body weight decrease, which facilitates the load on the myocardium and reduces the risk of atherosclerosis.
What can and what can not?
Some people who do not particularly follow a healthy diet, after reading the recommendations on diet number 10, are surprised to ask: how and what can you eat, cooked without salt and spices? It's tasteless! And only after the results received at compulsory observance of a dietary table №10, give due to such way of a food. Many are particularly pleased with the side effect of reducing excess weight.
Useful foods and diet dishes number 10:
- vegetarian and dairy soups;
- dried white bread;
- inconvenient pastry, biscuit, sweets (non-chocolate);
- low-fat meat, poultry - baked or fried after pre-cooking;
- fish, seafood;
- soft-boiled eggs, omelettes;
- puddings, porridge on water or milk;
- fresh, boiled, baked vegetables;
- flooded dishes, jelly, jelly;
- fruit salads, vegetable caviar;
- pasta;
- unsalted cheeses, low-fat milk products;
- gravy on vegetable broth, sour cream, tomato;
- soft fruit, jam, honey, dried fruits;
- light tea, coffee drink with milk, juices, broth of wild rose;
- vegetable oils, creamy and melted low fat content;
- vanillin, cinnamon, citric acid.
In a limited number are recommended: sour cream and cream, green peas, cabbage, sausage type doctoral, raw vegetables, dill, parsley, grape juice.
The short answer to the question of what can not be eaten with diet number 10 is that you can not eat harmful food. Such advice should be taken into consideration not only for people who have circulatory disorders, but for everyone who considers themselves healthy.
When appointing a dietary table number 10, the patient should be ready to refuse the following products:
- fresh bread, products from butter and puff pastry, pancakes, fritters;
- broths from mushrooms, fish, meat;
- fatty varieties of poultry, canned food, smoked products, liver;
- smoked, salted, canned fish, caviar;
- sharp and fatty varieties of hard cheese;
- fried and "cool" eggs;
- decoctions and second courses from legumes;
- salted, pickled, pickled vegetables;
- spinach, garlic, radish, onion, sorrel;
- fruits containing coarse fiber;
- chocolate, cakes, culinary fats;
- pepper, horseradish, sauces, cooked on meat and fish broths;
- fat, fast food;
- coffee, cocoa;
- alcoholic, energy, carbonated drinks.
It is impossible to list absolutely all prohibited products. It's easier to focus on the permitted, but what is not on the list, then refer to the taboo. You can not be afraid that the diet will be meager and not tasty; in fact, from the products of diet number 10, you can prepare a variety of daily and full-fledged food. It is important to use gentle methods of cooking and adhere to the regime - to eat fresh dishes at the same time.
Possible risks
Hypertension is undoubtedly useful to reduce the salinity of food. However, salt-free diet No. 10, which consumes less than 3 grams of salt per day, can cause heart attack, stroke and other pathological conditions associated with blood vessels and heart.
Risks associated with the diet can be minimized if you resort to it only on the advice of a competent specialist, and not for self-motivated reasons. And follow the recommendations of the dietary table number 10 sporadically, not permanently.
Due to the loss of a large amount of salt, the salt-free diet No. 10 causes weakness, apathy, headache, unwillingness of active movements.
Possible complications do not allow to resort to dietary table number 10 to pregnant and lactating mothers.
Full refusal of salt is fraught with cardiovascular pathologies. When using a salt-free diet for weight loss, a return to the previous method of nutrition causes the return of lost kilograms.
Olga, who had suffered a heart attack, claims that she lost 35 kg in 10 days with the help of her diet №10. Dietary table number 10 combined with motor activity. He feels great, does not feel hunger.
Natalia was on a diet for two years. Beginning with difficulty, after the first results I felt a second wind. Has got rid of edemas and pressure jumps.
Most of the reviews are in the same spirit. However, some patients can not stand fresh food for a long time, as all dishes without salt seem to them the same taste.
Dietary table number 10 is quite varied and balanced. At simple infringements it is offered soft, at difficult - more rigid variant of a diet. And while compliance with diet No. 10 does not replace medicines prescribed by medics, but in combination with them, it helps to restore the body and prevent complications of pathologies. The only condition is that it can only be prescribed by a cardiologist or a nutritionist, and not by the patient himself.