Diet with glomerulonephritis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Diet with glomerulonephritis should be observed properly. Many people do not observe a special diet, and do not understand the seriousness of the whole situation. But diet is one of the important elements of the whole treatment. It is necessary to eliminate all kinds of factors that can aggravate the situation. Treatment should be multistage, and one of these steps is a diet.
Features of the diet with glomerulonephritis
In many cases, glomerulonephritis does not manifest itself in any way. It can only be diagnosed in a state of neglect. The disease can develop on the background of severe hypothermia, prolonged exposure, in the cold. The problem can arise because of the presence of colds and infectious diseases associated with the respiratory system. The cause of the problem can serve as children's infectious pathologies.
Therapeutic diet is considered an important component in the whole therapy of the disease. It is important to observe the specific regime of the day and nutrition. Based on the diagnostic data a person is assigned a certain set of products, as well as their number and regularity of fluid intake. This allows you to provide maximum peace for the kidneys, and also to facilitate their overall work.
The diet is based on the exclusion of those dishes that adversely affect the metabolism. It is important to give up spices, spices, seasonings, broths based on meat and fish. Fatty grades are all the more forbidden. Canned and smoked products are among those that are worth noting. Alcohol and coffee are also prohibited. In most cases, it is worth giving up carbonated drinks. The exclusion of certain products will allow to normalize the metabolism, and also to reduce arterial hypertension.
Diet 7 with glomerulonephritis
The main indication for this diet is the presence of glomeronephritis, especially during the period of fade-out. It is important to limit the intake of protein, sodium chloride, as well as substances that irritate the kidneys. It is important not to excite the cardiovascular system, as well as the central nervous system. It is negatively affected by meat and dairy products, including broth. Negative effects, can be caused by essential oils.
The total energy value of consumed calories should not exceed 2750-3150. Daily you need to eat 80 grams of protein, 90 grams of fat, 400-500 grams of carbohydrates. To include in the diet is also sodium chloride, in the amount of 5-7 grams.
Food is used exclusively in boiled form, while it is strongly crushed. It is possible to roast the meat, but before that it must be cooked in addition. You need to eat at least 5 times a day. It is recommended to pay attention to food rich in protein. It can be meat, fish, cottage cheese and egg white.
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Diet with acute glomerulonephritis
The main indications for use: the presence of acute glomerulonephritis. Gentle eating will help to cope with impaired renal failure. Thanks to the diet, protein metabolism is unloaded, diuresis is increased, and favorable conditions for blood circulation are created. This will significantly reduce arterial hypertension.
Special nutrition can reduce the energy value of the diet. This is due to the restriction in the consumption of fats and carbohydrates. Human nutrition is enriched with vitamins. Limit your need for fluid intake, as well as foods that irritate the kidneys. These include extractives, essential oils and oxalic acid.
The energy value of the diet should not exceed 2200 kilocalories. Every day you need to consume 20 grams of protein, 80 grams of fat, 350 grams of carbohydrates and not more than 2 grams of sodium chloride. All dishes should be prepared without the use of salt. It is acceptable to boil them, bake them and lightly fry them. The food is taken up to 6 times a day. The diet is designed for a week.
Diet in chronic glomerulonephritis
Chronic glomerulonephritis is a bilateral inflammation of the glomeruli of the kidneys. A state can develop on the background of the acute phase of the disease. Practically in 90% of the patient the course of the disease is imperceptible, the symptomatology is not manifested. Changes can be detected only when analyzing urine.
Usually people in hospital are recommended to resort to a diet 7b. It represents a special food, with the use of unloading days. They can be rice, sugar and even compote. In no event should you smoke, and also meat and fish broth. Spices are also prohibited. You can eat fruits and vitamins. Pay attention to vegetables, dairy products, as well as broths of wild rose.
After the person is discharged from the hospital, he must eat somewhat differently. The energy value is 3,200 kilocalories. Daily you need to eat 50 grams of protein, 90 grams of fat, 450 grams of carbohydrates, as well as 8 grams of salt. Eat at least 5 times a day.
The diet should be filled with protein products. Limit, is the consumption of meat and fish broth. They can negatively affect the work of the kidneys and lead to their irritation. It is necessary to provide the body with vitamins, they will lower blood pressure. This is due to the allocation of sodium, and with it, and excess fluid. The amount of fluid consumed should be 500 ml more than the excreted urine.
Pay attention to bread, vegetarian soups, low-fat meat. Useful cereals, boiled eggs, raisins, dried apricots, low-fat fish. You can eat even sweets, but in limited quantities. From drinks it is recommended to drink not strong tea.
Diet with glomerulonephritis with nephrotic syndrome
The main goal of this diet is a gentle effect on the kidneys. It is necessary to achieve anti-inflammatory effects, as well as to increase diuresis. Food should not only have a beneficial effect on the body, but also remove nitrogenous slags from it, as well as under-oxidized exchange products. This will reduce pressure and create favorable conditions for blood circulation.
Moderate reduction in protein intake is necessary. This will significantly reduce the amount of fluid in the body. Sodium chloride in food should not enter. If necessary, a person is simply given 2 grams of substance per day. The energy daily value should not exceed 3000 kilocalories. The daily diet includes 40 grams of protein, 90 grams of fat, 500 grams of carbohydrates.
All dishes must be steam processed. You can eat up to 6 times a day. Every day you need to eat boiled meat or fish, in the amount of 50 grams. You can dilute all 200 ml of milk or kefir. It is allowed to eat cottage cheese, but not more than 100 grams, and also one egg.
Diet with glomerulonephritis in children
The main link in the therapy of ailment is the maintenance of a small amount of protein, salt and liquid in the diet. Such a diet for children is not difficult, because kids are not so attached to food, and on the contrary are happy sometimes to skip another meal. And there are no special restrictions in the diet either. Therefore, everything is transferred quite simply.
From the baby's nutrition, it is necessary to exclude foods that cause allergic organism. The diet should be diluted with potassium. Therefore, pay attention to the raisins, dried apricots, bananas and potatoes. Protein should be limited in consumption in case of renal insufficiency. Remove from the diet you need meat, cottage cheese and fish. Smoked meat, strawberries and strawberries are also banned. The diet should last at least a month. If there is a persistent remission, then prolong that half a year.
The daily energy value is 2800 kilocalories. If the baby suffers from a chronic form of the disease, then you need to limit the protein intake by replacing it with fats and carbohydrates. You can eat milk, eggs, kefir, vegetables, fruits and cereals. With persistent remission, the diet is diluted with wheat bread, boiled meat.
The diet menu for glomerulonephritis
You can create the menu yourself, starting from the list of prohibited and allowed products. Below, two variants of approximately daily ration will be presented.
- Option 1. The first breakfast can consist of carrots and apple cutlets. Naturally, they should be baked in vegetable oil. You can eat milk porridge from sago, drink everything with tea. For the second breakfast - fresh fruit. Lunch: vegetarian soup, boiled meat along with tomato sauce, potatoes and jelly. At mid-afternoon, a decoction of wheat bran. Dinner can consist of pilaf with fruit, vegetable salad. It can be filled with vegetable oil, washed down with a weak tea. At night, it is quite acceptable to use a glass of fruit juice.
- Option 2. The first breakfast - cabbage salad, a small pudding consisting of rice and apples, tea. For the second breakfast - carrots and grated apples. Lunch: vegetarian vegetable soup, boiled meat with potatoes, as well as compote of dried fruits. For dinner, a fresh cheese with sour cream is suitable. You can eat an egg, hard-boiled, and also tea with milk. At night, drink a glass of jelly. For the whole day you can eat no more than 300 grams of bread, 30 grams of sugar and 15 grams of butter.
Diet regimens for glomerulonephritis
There are many interesting recipes that can be used in everyday life. So, you can cook lettuce green. It is prepared very simply, it is enough to take 2 fresh cucumbers, finely chop them and add dill with parsley. Refill with vegetable oil.
- Vinaigrette with cauliflower. For cooking, take 2 potatoes, carrots, one beet, 5 cauliflower inflorescences and a few lettuce leaves. As a filling, vegetable oil and dill are suitable. All carefully washed, boiled and cut into cubes. After that, dressed with dill and butter, then mixed. Delicious and healthy salad is ready.
- Soup puree from cauliflower. For preparation it is necessary to take a head of cauliflower, one zucchini, a quarter of a glass of milk, a glass of vegetable broth, and a teaspoon of flour and butter. For decoration, a boiled egg is suitable. The first thing to do is prepare the cabbage and beat it with boiling water. Zucchini is washed, cleaned and cut into cubes. After that, the vegetables are piled into a saucepan and languish on low heat with oil and a quarter of a glass of water. In the meantime, butter and flour will be in the pan. All ingredients are fried, then diluted with broth and boiled for 10 minutes.
- Borsch summer. You should take the beet with the tops, young potatoes, zucchini, carrots and tomatoes, just one piece. For taste, it takes butter, egg and sour cream. Beet, along with the tops and carrots, is fried in oil. Then you have to cut the tomato and put it out. Potatoes and zucchini, diced, placed in boiling water and cooked until half cooked. Then the beet is added here and is brought to full readiness. The boiled egg is finely chopped and put in ready-made soup in the form of a decoration.
- Chicken knuckles. To cook this dish, you need to take 150 grams of chicken fillet, 50 grams of bread, half a glass of milk, a tablespoon of butter and an egg. Meat is passed through a meat grinder along with soaked bread. Then the egg and butter are added here. After which everything is properly lost. Next, the knots are formed and are prepared for steaming.
What can you eat with glomerulonephritis?
In fact, dietary restrictions are not critical. It is quite possible to eat bread and flour products. Among them there are saltless bread, pancakes and pancakes, cooked on yeast. Salt should be excluded everywhere. With regard to soups, then give preference to vegetarian options. You can fill them with weeds, but not spices.
- Meat and poultry. Allowed low-fat varieties of meat products, they need to cook for a couple. After boiling them you can lightly fry them. To consume everything is in chopped form. A fish. You can eat lean fish, of course, it should also be boiled. As for dairy products, it can be anything, but only in limited quantities.
- Cereals. You can eat any cereal, and even pasta. Of vegetables, potatoes are especially useful. It is important to properly process it for a couple. You can dilute the diet with salads, a vinaigrette will do. As for sweets, then pay attention to berries and fruits, jam, as well as ice cream. Sauces and spices are used in limited quantities. Of the drinks to pay attention to is not strong tea, coffee, fruit juices.
What can not be eaten with glomerulonephritis?
It is necessary to exclude any pastry, including bread, which contains salt. Do not eat milk soups, as well as those that contain meat, fish and mushrooms. Broths on these products are strictly prohibited.
Fatty varieties of fish and meat are prohibited. Everything in fried and dried form can not be used. Refuse to have from sausages, canned food and any smoked products. Fatty species of fish are also banned. To exclude is the caviar and too salty fish. The human body should receive a minimum amount of salt.
As for dairy products, cheeses are completely excluded. Eggs can be eaten, but limited, no more than 2 pieces per day. Bean cereals should not be included in the daily diet. As for vegetables, no pickles, garlic, onions, radishes and radishes should be. From sweets you can not eat chocolate.
Meat broths, as well as mushrooms and fish, should be excluded. Spicy seasonings, as well as additives in the form of mustard, pepper and horseradish should not be eaten. Strong coffee is excluded, as well as water rich in sodium content. Pork fat is banned.