
Sound therapy

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Vibroacoustic therapy is a curative effect of complex modulated mechanical oscillations. With this effect, the organism or its individual parts can "find" their own resonant frequencies, i.e., frequencies having a physiological effect.

Thus, low-frequency oscillations selectively excite mechanoreceptors of the skin (Pacini's body, Meissner's and free nerve endings) and vegetative nervous conductors. Mid-frequency vibrations affect the vessels, and high-frequency vibrations affect smooth muscles. Such frequency-selective influence reflexively causes vasodilation of the dermis and activation of microcirculation, reduction of edema and an increase in the turgor of the dermis. It is assumed that the vibroacoustic effects activate the venous and lymphatic outflows due to the action on the valves (vascular pumps), which flow the liquid only in one direction.

Melomassage (from Greek melos - song, melody) - a sliding massage of the face and body with tuning forks. When working on the face, a frequency of 128 Hz is used, corresponding to the frequency of the facial expression. When working on the body, low-frequency vibration (up to 40 Hz) is usually used, which excites encapsulated mechanoreceptors that form reflex activation reactions of local blood and lymph flow (a sliding microscope) and relaxing tensile surface muscles with a subsequent increase in their tone.

Melomassage is effective for all conditions, which are accompanied by swelling of the face and neck, for example, postoperative edema or physiological puffiness around the eyes.

Ultrasonic therapy is the application in the treatment and prophylactic purposes of ultrahigh-frequency sound waves (ultrasound) in the range from 500 to 3000 kHz. Ultrasound is able to penetrate the skin, and the depth of penetration will depend on its frequency: the higher the frequency, the worse penetration. So, ultrasonic waves with a frequency of 800-1000 kHz reach a depth of 8-10 cm, and with a frequency of 2500-3000 kHz - depths of 1-3 cm.

Ultrasonic waves used for therapeutic purposes are propagated by a conical beam; the space pierced by them is called a sound field. Skin, like any biological tissue, is a heterogeneous system and consists of different structures (media) with different acoustic conductivity. When ultrasound passes from one medium to another, refraction and / or reflection of waves is observed. Thus, the refraction of ultrasonic rays occurs at the boundary of the epidermis-derma, subcutaneous fatty tissue-muscle. The lowest absorbing power is subcutaneous fat, the largest - muscles, nerves, bone tissue. Absorption of energy increases at the boundary of different tissues.

Indications for the use of ultrasound therapy in cosmetology are cellulite, hyperpigmentation, degenerative-destructive joint diseases, the consequences of injuries, inflammatory diseases of the skin and muscles, wrinkle smoothing, atopic dermatitis, trophic ulcers.

Music therapy. Stress is the inevitable companion of man. Emerging on different occasions and in different situations, it affects our body, disrupting harmony and psycho-emotional status. It is of little use to tidy up the skin and appearance of the person in whose soul the confusion is created.

A good cosmetologist is also a subtle psychologist. In the "treatment" of the soul, any methods that restore harmony and enhance mood are good. The healing power of sound is a beneficial effect on our inner world: good music, the sounds of nature (singing birds, the sound of water, the rustle of leaves) relieve stress and improve mood.

Often, the cosmetic procedure is accompanied by musical design. In the concept of SPA music occupies such a significant place that it is given very great attention - up to the fact that they write special melodies designed to create an atmosphere of relaxation. How can I not remember the expression "music of the soul"!
Sound destruction

Ultrasonic peeling is a common method of cleansing the skin of the face with the help of physical influences. Exfoliation of horny scales from the skin surface (desquamation) is controlled by enzymes (including chymotrypsin), which destroy the intercellular bonds. In turn, the activity of chymotrypsin depends on the water content, since it is able to work only in a liquid medium.

One way to break the links between corneous flakes and accelerate exfoliation is the action of intense ultrasonic waves, causing the effervescence (cavitation) of the contact medium deposited on the skin. This in turn leads to destruction of desmosomes between keratinocytes, which hastens their exfoliation. Ultrasound also affects the dermis, especially its dense fibrous structures, "loosening up" and accelerating their renewal. The effect of lifting, observed after the ultrasound procedure, is primarily due to the increased hydration of the stratum corneum.

Ultrasound is used to inject into the skin drugs that inhibit hair growth. Typically, several procedures are required, since the gel acts only on those follicles that are in the active stage of growth. This method is painless (except for the preliminary waxing), but it has many contraindications. In particular, the active drug does not know how to distinguish embryonic hair cells from cells from other tissues and can destroy the surrounding skin cells.

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