
Breast plastic surgery

The beauty of the female breast is now practically cultivated, so plastic is one of the most sought-after cosmetic surgeries today. Breast plastic surgery is a surgical correction of the shape and size of the mammary glands. This procedure often solves not only aesthetic problems, but also psychological, as well as problems of personal self-realization.

Increasing mammoplasty, the history of the development of methods of increasing the mammary glands

Implantation of biological allomaterials. A new era in the development of methods to increase mammary glands began in 1940 with the use of skin fat transplants, taken from corpses.

Anatomy of the Female Breast

The normally developed female breast extends from the 3rd to the sixth rib vertically and from the sternum to the anterior axillary line and horizontally, covering a large part of the large thoracic and anterior anterior toothed muscle.


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