Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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If there is a problem, people try to solve it. First by themselves, using improvised means, then by improving tools and technologies. But, as we know, there is no limit to perfection, and entire industries are working on solving various problems. According to this scheme developed and aesthetic direction of cosmetology. In particular, on the issues of epilation-depilation, that is, the elimination of unwanted hairiness. Photoepilation is one of the effective techniques, which today is practiced by many cosmetic institutions.
Which is better laser or photoepilation?
The dilemma: what is better - laser or photoepilation, does not have an unambiguous resolution, and preference is given depending on individual characteristics and tasks. The effect of the procedure of photoepilation comes due to the ability of melanin to absorb light radiation. And this pigment, remember, is contained in the shaft and in the bulb of each hair, determining their color.
The benefits of photographic hair removal technology are as follows:
- Versatility: suitable for hair of different shades (except gray and very light), age, structure, phototype.
- Gripping up to 5cm of simultaneous action.
- In 1 to 2 sessions the hair is thinning and destroyed, it takes 3 to 7 manipulations at appropriate intervals to complete the action.
- Safety: the rays used are close to sunlight, but are devoid of its harmful component - ultraviolet.
- There is little or no pain felt during treatment.
- Non-contact: thanks to this, the integrity is not compromised and therefore there is no risk of infection of the treated surface.
- Complications and undesirable effects are minimal if the technology is followed.
- No ingrown hairs are formed.
- The procedure is possible on any area of the skin, including the intimate area.
What is the difference between photoepilation and laser hair removal?
If we talk a little simplified, then the question, what is the difference between photoepilation and laser, can be answered with a counter question: and what is the difference between blondes and brunettes? That's right, the color of hair. Laser epilation is effective for dark hair. Light and gray hair laser does not perceive. Dark-skinned and tanned people have too much pigment, "seducing" the laser to unnecessary in this case activity. After all, he, "iron", does not care where to destroy melanin: in the hair - or in the skin.
Several bulbs are treated with the laser at the same time, for a total of 1 square centimeter. This corresponds to the area of the handpiece. Thus, the upper lip is treated for 10 minutes, shins and thighs - from one to two hours. A maximum of 5 sessions are required for complete hair elimination, with a break of up to 2 months. The procedure causes almost no discomfort.
- Photoepilation on the principle of action resembles laser, but it uses light pulses, the spectrum of radiation - from 590 to 1200 nm. They are produced by krypton lamps with filters that cut off the radiation spectrum dangerous for the skin.
Additional filters concentrate energy in a narrow range. Some specialists criticize the creators who present the technology as an innovation. They see the main disadvantage of the procedure in the fact that severe overheating poses a clear danger to the skin. Whereas laser treatment does not threaten such danger. Contraindications for epilation in both cases are the same.
What is the difference between photoepilation and electroepilation?
In every cosmetic establishment with a good reputation, interested customers are clearly explained the difference between photoepilation and electroepilation. They will also advise which method is better in a particular case, how long it will take and how much money it costs. The advantages of photoepilation are mentioned above.
- Electric hair removal has been known for several decades, it consists of destroying hair follicles with an electric current.
To do this, a thin needle is inserted under the skin to the depth of the follicle and the discharge destroys the growth zone. The session lasts from a quarter of an hour to several hours. It all depends on the area and hairiness of the skin: moustache removal, eyebrow correction or the whole leg. On average, an hour of treatment eliminates about a thousand hairs. This is a rather labor-intensive and not a quick process.
- To be honest, the procedure is not very pleasant. Therefore, the salon may offer local anesthesia to prevent pain.
Repeat treatment is necessary because new hair that has been dormant grows over time. Fresh growth appears about a month after the first session. It is destroyed in the same way. For cleansing the upper lip is enough 3-4 procedures, for residual correction of the shape of the eyebrows - two, for epilation of legs - up to 6 sessions.
The essence of photoepilation
The photoepilation procedure provides radical hair removal on any area of the body, without pain or side effects. To achieve completely hairless skin requires several procedures, gradually eliminating periodically growing hairs. The essence of photoepilation is that the light pulse acts specifically on the follicles.
- The energy is absorbed by melanin and converted into thermal energy, heating the hair follicles, which leads them to further die off. This process is called thermolysis. Since it is performed under the influence of light energy, it is essentially photothermolysis.
The hair development cycle is up to 4 weeks. This is the interval at which subsequent sessions are carried out, as epilation is effective only during the period of active hair growth. Soon after the procedure they gradually fall off, and the skin becomes smooth and soft after a while.
- The technology is based on observations of residents of the equatorial belt exposed to intense year-round solar irradiation.
It turns out that their bodies are almost completely free of hair. Observant specialists have borrowed this effect and applied light energy for cosmetic purposes. Even improved and made safer, because the radiation used is devoid of ultraviolet rays. And it is they that can cause harm in the case of excessive solar radiation.
How often can photoepilation be done?
Different hair and skin types do not accept photoepilation in the same way. Lighter structures absorb light less well, so they require more sessions. At the same time, the intensity of the beam is regulated by the devices.
In brief, the scheme is as follows. Hair in the growth phase is permanently killed by the first treatment with pulsed light. They fall out within 2 weeks and in their place new ones do not grow. Such hair is about 20%. The remaining "future" hair must be removed by subsequent treatments. Depending on the area of epilation requires from 3 to 10 repetitions, with intervals of 3-4 weeks.
Insufficient hair removal can also be caused by other factors: insufficient capacity of the equipment, incorrect settings, low professionalism of the staff. Due to these situations, the hair is damaged but not completely destroyed. Therefore, it is impossible to foresee exactly how often waxing can be done.
- On average, if done correctly, a full course of hair removal is enough for several years. Sometimes it is necessary to have a preventive procedure every six months.
The influence of the overall hormonal picture on local hair growth should also be considered. In case of various imbalances, the effectiveness of hair removal can be reduced to zero. It is desirable to know about such nuances, for example, when planning pregnancy, which is necessarily accompanied by changes in the hormonal background. Most procedures at this time it is better not to carry out.
How long does photoepilation last?
The question of how long photoepilation lasts does not have a definite answer. Ideally, with the most favorable combination of all factors, unwanted vegetation disappears forever. In fact, not everything is not so rosy, but this does not deny the success of photoepilation. On average, the guaranteed period ranges from six months to five years.
- Much, as always, depends on the peculiarities of the body, the experience of the specialist, the quality of equipment.
In addition, the hair is affected differently by the epilator. The effectiveness depends on the location and area of treatment, the density, thickness and pigmentation of the hair. If on the face hair grows back in about 7-8 months, then on the extremities - after years. After this time, the procedure can be repeated, but even after the first course they grow back less intensively and are not so visible on the skin.
- Those who choose for themselves a method of hair removal, it is interesting to compare statistics with other popular techniques.
So, after shugaring, the effect lasts for several weeks, up to a month. After wax strips - a little less: up to 3 weeks. The indicators of laser hair removal are closer: the duration is measured in years - the smoothness of the skin lasts for five years and longer. However, practice shows that in about a year or two the procedure should be repeated.
Depilatory creams are characterized by low efficiency. Even the most expensive of them eliminate vegetation for no longer than a week. It is also often necessary to use an epilator, which removes hair only on the surface of the skin. In this case, the rest of the vegetation soon takes their place with friendly sprouts.
How old can I get photoepilation?
The topic of excess hair has been on girls' minds since their teenage years. Even then they begin to think that it is necessary to remove them, the only question is how to do it: to use a simple razor, photoepilation or another tricky method? For their part, moms are involved, whose point of view is the opposite: is it too early to start? And isn't it expensive?
- So the question "From how old is it possible to do photoepilation" is relevant for both generations.
Indeed, the question of vegetation removal is very individual. Before you say yes, you should be sure that it is really necessary.
The background is as follows. As a rule, the first hairs, thin and inconspicuous, appear on the legs and armpits of girls by the age of 10, and on the pubic area - by 11. Sometimes the delicate fluff is "seeded" even at 9.
Over time, they become darker and tougher, that is, more noticeable. It is at this time that the first waxing can be done. It is important that in this delicate matter, the girl trusted her mother. Perhaps the mother will be able to persuade the young beauty in her intentions and further conversation will not go. If still the decision does not change, then it is better that the mother was next to the first procedure.
Epilation is justified not only for aesthetic reasons, but also for hygienic reasons. Hair protruding from the armpits is not attractive, and dust and sweat accumulated on the hair is a source of unpleasant odor and the cause of inflammation and rashes.
Photoepilation for men
As you know, shaving takes a man at least a quarter of an hour every day. In our busy age, this is a lot. No wonder that men are ready to use photoepilation to remove hair on the face and neck. And in other places where hairiness prevents them from looking according to the current canons of aesthetics. This is especially characteristic of people whose appearance is important in a professional sense: actors, athletes, models.
- Photoepilation for men is indicated not only for cosmetic reasons, but also due to allergies to traditional depilation methods. It is available on breasts, back, thighs, shins, armpits, nose and ears, intimate areas.
In preparation for the procedures, men should stop visiting tanning salons and sunbathing. Get rid of hair only by shaving. If during this period the man takes any medications, the doctor should know about it, so that, if necessary, to cancel them for a while. The day before the photoepilation area should be carefully shaved.
In one session, 20-30 percent of the hairs can be removed. Sessions are repeated until all follicles are destroyed. Usually 7 to 10 repetitions are enough for men.
With proper care, the patient does not require recovery and can immediately lead a normal life. Redness characteristic of the first two to three days is relieved with anti-inflammatory applications.
Photoepilation in pregnancy
The effectiveness of photoepilation in pregnancy is reduced due to changes in hormonal balance. In addition, the effect of pulsed radiation on the fetus is poorly studied, which is a significant reason to refuse photoepilation during this important period. If a woman would still like to use a salon service or home photoepilator, she should study in detail all the recommendations and features, paying attention to contraindications and risks.
- Especially since cosmetologists are confident: pregnancy is not a direct contraindication for epilation.
But: the technique of photoepilation is not sufficiently studied, no one is ready to guarantee that it does not affect the development of the fetus. Hence the question: what is the reason for a woman to risk her child's health, if in just a few months the hormonal balance will be restored and any risks will disappear?
Particularly high risks arise in the following cases:
- on high terms;
- in the presence of complications;
- in case of varicose veins in the epilated area;
- when it comes to the intimate area;
- with a low pain threshold;
- if the patient has not undergone such procedures prior to pregnancy.
Preparing for the planned pregnancy is also not the time for waxing. It is no secret that the body during pregnancy is unpredictable: it reacts inadequately even to the usual procedures. And even more so, it is not known what to expect from the procedure performed for the first time.
Photoepilation while breastfeeding
The hormonal changes that occur after fertilization continue after childbirth, especially if a woman is breastfeeding her newborn. Therefore, photoepilation during breastfeeding is not recommended as an ineffective and possibly dangerous method of hair removal. Photoepilation is especially undesirable in the initial months after childbirth. The reasons are as follows:
- During this period, hormonal imbalance continues to occur. This situation affects the structure of the hairs and the rate of their growth. The procedure can take place in vain, do not meet the expectations of the pregnant woman.
- Childbirth is stressful and weakens the body for a while. Even mild habitual stimuli can provoke a negative reaction. No one can say how the procedure will affect lactation and milk composition.
- Some drugs used for anesthesia are not allowed during breastfeeding. Without them, epilation may be too sensitive.
- The stress hormone produced by pain has a negative effect on milk and is passed on to the baby. Lactation is also adversely affected by skin heat, which can lead to overheating.
In short, you should choose non-hardware methods, for example, depilation with a razor, to remove hair at this crucial time of life.
Photoepilation for varicose veins
Varicosis is characterized by enlarged veins that protrude above the surface of the skin in twisting threads. It most commonly affects the lower extremities, but symptoms can occur in other areas as well. With varicose veins, the choice of hair removal method is significantly limited. For example, wax that heats the skin is not suitable for depilation, because heat is contraindicated in varicose veins.
Photoepilation for varicose veins has no negative effect, although heat is also emitted. But it acts specifically on the follicle of the hair, not on the skin and not on other organs. Photoepilation has other advantages:
- is done quickly, which is very important with varicose veins;
- the result lasts for a long time;
- pain and burns are ruled out;
- rehabilitation after manipulation is not carried out;
- without risk of infection;
- ingrown hairs don't form.
To avoid unforeseen consequences, before you go to the center of aesthetic medicine or beauty salon, get advice from a phlebologist. After all, if varicose veins are on the legs, and waxing is needed elsewhere, the procedure can be carried out without restrictions, enjoying the result for many months.
Photoepilation for psoriasis
Whether or not it is possible to perform photoepilation in psoriasis should be decided by the doctor in each individual case. In general terms, the answer is as follows: if psoriatic lesions are localized in some places, but other places can be epilated, why not?
Briefly about psoriasis. The disease is characterized by a chronic course, that is, the patient should adapt and live with this problem, preferably qualitatively and comfortably. Psoriasis is not an infection, does not infect those near and far around you. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of plaques, which are just an accumulation of exfoliated cells.
All this positive information does not help patients feel confident and interested in photoepilation or other ways to combat unwanted vegetation. Nevertheless, it is quite realistic to choose a suitable technique. It is important to know the following:
- any type of depilation is forbidden in exacerbation, when the affected areas release lymph, there are wounds and bleeding;
- do not do the procedure yourself at home, so that unprofessional actions do not harm the skin.
Some experts do consider the presence of psoriasis a risk factor. In particular, it is rare, but it happens that photoepilation leads to a negative consequence called the Kebner effect. Then the condition of the skin deteriorates sharply, new scaly plaques are formed on it.
Photoepilation for vitiligo
Vitiligo, in fact, is not a disease, but a cosmetic defect. It does not affect the well-being and condition of the body, but to say that it does not affect the person, too, it is impossible. Unpleasant white spots on the skin cause discomfort to their "bearer" and cause slanted glances from others. This is often a decisive reason to refuse laser or photoepilation.
- In fact, experts believe that photoepilation in vitiligo is not a contraindication. If the doctor knows about the peculiarities of the patient's skin, he will always be able to choose a more or less gentle mode to competently perform the procedure and prevent complications.
Obstacles to photoepilation are oncological and infectious pathologies, varicose veins in the area of enhanced hair, coronary disease and hypertension in the exacerbation phase. After successful treatment of some diseases, the procedure becomes available for such people.
The peculiarities of vitiligo is that there is a risk of white centers after photoepilation sessions. And although the complication is extremely rare, but ignore this possibility doctors do not advise. Therefore, no one can speak unequivocally about the appropriateness of epilation light methodology for people with vitiligo.
Photoepilation near a mole
It is hardly necessary to explain what a mole is. You can only bring synonyms: nevus, birthmarks. They can be congenital or acquired, in color - brown, black, purple, reddish and other shades.
- Photoepilation near moles is not recommended, especially if there is a whole cluster of them. Treatment of other areas of skin free of nevi is not prohibited.
Single pigmented formations do not interfere with photoepilation, but such a mole should be covered from irradiation. After all, light pulses and laser beams react exactly to the pigments and can lead to burns. There is even an opinion that epilation in the area of moles or papillomas can provoke the formation of malignant neoplasms.
- Usually, during hardware hair removal manipulations, the mole is covered with a white colored cosmetic pencil.
All this information is general. The specific situation should be evaluated by a doctor and give his verdict: when and how to get rid of excess vegetation, so that it does not harm your health? In case of any alarming symptoms, you should not resort to self-treatment, but consult a doctor.
Indications for the procedure
The main indication is the solution of aesthetic issues, i.e. The elimination of unwanted vegetation in various locations of the body. There are also medical indications, when excess hair is a consequence of pathological condition of the skin or the body as a whole. Also in the presence of hemangiomas, hypertrichosis, hirsutism, telangiectasia, with decreased skin tone.
Both women and men resort to photoepilation. Additional indications are as follows:
- the presence of age spots;
- high fat content;
- wrinkles;
- vasculature.
For men, the procedure helps to get rid of constant irritation after shaving and aesthetic discomfort caused by excess hair. Male clients come to cosmetic establishments for waxing because of the irritation of the shaved skin of the face and neck that occurs after every shave.
For photoepilation there is a special equipment. In addition to professional, there is equipment for home manipulations. Salon equipment differs from home equipment by some indicators: power, number of programs, working resource. Powerful pulses produce broadband sources with wavelengths from 500 to 1200 nm.
- Photoepilation is prescribed after meeting with a doctor, examining and assessing the condition of the skin, informing about the technique and the result of the procedure.
Preliminary preparation for the first session consists mainly of growing the hair to the desired length, approximately 1.5 mm. For two to three weeks, sunbathing and tanning should be avoided.
At the appointed time, the specialist communicates with the client, removes cosmetics, residues of massage and other products, if they are present on the skin. The client opens the area to be irradiated, if it is hidden under clothing. Both participants of the procedure wear special goggles to prevent accidental beam from getting into the eyes.
- A cooling gel is applied to the surface of the problem area. If the skin is highly sensitive, it is anesthetized in advance with an anesthetic cream. It usually contains lidocaine.
Photoepilation device is adjusted according to the parameters of a particular person: the properties of the skin and hair, the amount of work, the location of problem areas. The action occurs due to periodic light flashes that destroy hair follicles.
Whether to shave hair before photoepilation
During the preparation for the procedure there is a reasonable question: "Do I shave the hair before photoepilation?". Or the device itself will do everything necessary, at any length of hairs?
- In fact, the quality of photoepilation depends very much on the length of the hair.
If it is insufficient, the desired result will not occur: the technician simply does not see the hair. If the vegetation is overgrown, the energy is partially used not on the follicles, but on the hair itself, along its entire length. Specialists say that the razor is the only acceptable method of depilation before the course of photoepilation.
Therefore, experts have developed recommendations on the timing of shaving hair in different areas of the male and female body. For example, women should shave their shins and thighs three days in advance, the hollows under the arms and the bikini area two days in advance. Men should shave the areas that will be subjected to treatment, a day before the session. We are talking about arms, legs, abdomen, chest. The service of shaving the back or other hard-to-reach area is usually provided in the institution where waxing is performed.
Some areas cannot be shaved by yourself. Chin, temples, mustache, ears, cheeks are shaved by the master who performs the procedure. This applies to both sexes. The specialist must personally see the line of vegetation growth in order to perform his work beautifully and effectively.
Photoepilation machine
Special equipment used for photoepilation is divided into two groups: broadband (IPL) and elos-epilation (E-Light).
IPL device for photoepilation is used to remove black, brown, russet hair on light skin. The abbreviation stands for intense light pulse. Thanks to light filters there is a concentration of action on individual pigments. This device is used for aesthetic correction.
The technology is not suitable for white or gray hair, red hair and light blonde hair. The same applies to very swarthy skin. The problem is due to the difference between the amount of pigments in the hair and skin.
Elos (electro-optical synergy) is a combination of radio wave and light technology. It is a safe and effective method. Interchangeable filters provide the possibility of a wide range of cosmetology services: in addition to hair removal, vascular and pigmentary defects are corrected.
Professional and home photoepilators are produced by many world companies: Phillips, Sanitas, Kemei Original, Beurer. Thanks to the attachments, any area covered with unwanted vegetation can be epilated quickly and painlessly.
Photoepilation lumenis
Photoepilation machines make the process of removing excess vegetation fast and qualitative. Clients get the opportunity to make smooth and soft skin in places traditionally covered with hair in some amount. Special equipment is produced a lot, universal device for photoepilation lumenis - one of the most convenient, comes in handy in any clinic or salon.
- The M22 works on the principle of Intense Pulsed Light (IPL).
Radiation of the appropriate wavelength heats and destroys the structures containing melanin and hemoglobin. At the same time, the other structural elements are not affected. At the same time, the rays cope with the problem of hyperpigmentation and have a rejuvenating effect.
In contrast to the laser device, the light device is slower but gentler. That is, more treatments are required to bring the surface to an optimal state, but the client generally tolerates them more easily.
The M22 is equipped with several parameter options for novice practitioners. Experienced personnel can manually adjust the settings individually for each patient. Conveniently, the lumenis is also equally successful in treating hair on smooth, flat surfaces as well as on difficult areas.
Philips photoepilation machine
One of the most powerful Phillips photoepilation devices - Lumea Prestige, based on IPL technology, with adapted programs for each area of hair removal. It is designed for home use. Promises a 92% hair reduction in just three sessions. Phytoepilation with this device has the following advantages:
- equipped with 4 nozzles;
- is designed to last 20 years;
- selects the optimal settings for your specific skin type;
- after 12 sessions provides smoothness for 6 months;
- allows you to work quickly, safely and efficiently.
Lumea is the result of a long-term collaboration between practicing scientists and medical professionals. The technology has been tested on 2000 women in different countries. Most models are equipped with a UV filter nozzle for skin protection and delicate facial treatments.
Photoepilator is equipped with smart parts to perform manipulations on arms, legs, abdomen, upper lip, chin. The attachments differ from each other in shape, window size, filter, treatment program.
- The facial nozzle provides gentle treatment of problem areas. The optional filter automatically adjusts the optimal performance of the device.
- The body nozzle is designed for large areas of skin - abdomen, arms, legs.
- The special bikini nozzle helps to effectively remove strong, stiff hair. Equipped with an additional filter.
- The curved underarm nozzle eliminates hard-to-reach vegetation in this area.
Photoepilation goggles
When should I wear goggles for photoepilation? Sometimes it is thought that when manipulating in the near-eye area or on the face. In fact, professional glasses should be worn regardless of the treatment area, because the work of the equipment is constantly accompanied by bright flashes of light.
- Special glasses protect the eyes of doctors and patients from ultraviolet and laser radiation, harsh light and mechanical damage. They protect the organs of vision from accidental ingestion of solid particles formed during photoepilation, and during laser procedures provide better visibility of the beam.
Most modern epilators have built-in protection against light pulses. If you do not look at the treatment area during the flashes, you can do without protection. However, accidental blinding is not excluded. Therefore, protective accessories are included in the package or offered separately. By the way, safety glasses can be put on ordinary glasses. They have a convenient design and are made of durable and damage-resistant material.
Eye protection goggles should be worn when performing the procedure at home. In addition, you should avoid surfaces that reflect light: mirrors, glass and metal objects. Otherwise, the light beam may enter the eyes, face or head.
Photoepilation gel
Dry treatment causes pain and discomfort to the patient. Therefore, the protocols of photoepilation provide for the mandatory use of cooling gels. The transparent substance eliminates the air layer between the skin and the device, moisturizes and softens the skin surface. The gel for photoepilation is necessary for the following reasons:
- 1.Increases the effectiveness of the procedure: preserves the energy of the beam, prevents its scattering.
- 2.Reduces beam reflection, reduces the number of sessions for complete hair elimination.
- 3.Facilitates sliding of the nozzle, preventing burning in areas with particularly delicate skin.
- 4.Cools, minimizes pain sensation.
Universal conductor gels are colorless, viscous, water-soluble. They are used in cosmetic and physiotherapy rooms for procedures where the equipment comes into contact with the skin surface. The substance does not cause irritation and allergies, does not leave traces on the body and clothes; it can be easily wiped off with an ordinary napkin.
Gel brands: SkinClinic, E-Swil, ECO Supergel, Diagel, Venco Cooling, Sorisa Academy of Scientific Beauty, Cooling gel.
Technique of the photoepilation
Having finished preparing and setting up the equipment, the doctor performs photoepilation by sequentially applying the device to the hair follicles. The light pulses heat them up and cause their destruction.
An experienced specialist, who has a special education and knows the technique of photoepilation of hair, is necessarily interested in the feelings of the person with whom he works.
- In case of pronounced pain syndrome, the intensity of the device is reduced to prevent surface burns.
After finishing the treatment, the beautician lubricates the skin with a softening preparation. In case of sensitive skin, Panthenol is used to prevent burns and accelerate the regeneration of the epidermis. Modern salons and centers use innovative techniques and technologies that guarantee safety and minimum side effects, but it is not unreasonable to be reinsured against trouble.
- Hair in the growth stage disappears after the first session.
They gradually, over several weeks, fall out of the damaged bulbs, clearing the surface of the treated area of unwanted vegetation. Hair in the inactive phase is not irradiated, so repeated treatments are required.
The result achieved is evaluated after the entire course has been completed. It is maintained for a very long time, ideally permanently.
Do I need a medical degree to perform photoepilation?
When communicating with a specialist offering services, psychological contact is very important. Especially when it comes to such a delicate matter as cosmetic procedures, photoepilation in particular. The trust of the patient, who anxiously awaits the procedure and its result, is won by a correct, respectful, friendly attitude. This is no less important than a positive answer to the question of whether you need medical education to perform photoepilation.
- A competent specialist knows how to calm, instill confidence, properly prepare the client and conduct all actions.
During manipulation, a trained doctor is interested in the patient's well-being, or rather, the sensations of the patient, decides what intensity of exposure is optimal for the treated area.
- Qualified nursing staff is as important as professional equipment. The person with the epilation equipment in their hands must be trained and licensed to perform these operations.
A person with medical knowledge can more easily master the technique, understand the processes occurring in the body due to external interference, and foresee their consequences. He will not miss important details that are contraindications and can prevent possible undesirable consequences.
Elos photoepilation
The combination of light energy and radio waves is called elos-photoepilation. Its essence consists of a double pulse attack on the hair follicles. Light rays warm the pigment, and high-frequency current (i.e. Radio waves) intensifies the heating and impact. Because of this, elos treatments are more effective than pure photoepilation. Elos is preferred by those whose hair is not amenable to laser without the risk of burns.
- In the case of highly pigmented skin, the technique is adjusted to achieve the effect without damaging the skin surface, which is not easy to achieve with a laser.
- By adjusting the radio wave, it is possible to increase the intensity of the effect on light-colored vegetation.
Elos procedure is quite sensitive, sometimes even anesthesia has to be applied. The gel acts as a conductor of light and cooling. The same task, plus anesthesia, is performed by a special system, which is equipped with a nozzle. It is used to treat the entire area step by step, piece by piece.
- Hair falls out of the follicles on its own, within a week and a half or two weeks. It is not necessary to help the process.
The frequency and number of manipulations depends on several factors. More impact is required on facial hair. The ideal result is considered to be 85% less hair after the course of treatment than at the beginning.
An additional result of elos is softening and strengthening of the skin. It becomes less sensitive to various irritants and mechanical influences.
The procedure has contraindications; apart from the standard ones, these include the presence of a pacemaker or hearing aid on the body.
Photoepilation areas
Each area of the body has its own peculiarities, which determine the speed, efficiency and cost of photoepilation. Elimination of vegetation requires several approaches, so the full price is significantly different from a single session. In the price lists of clinics there are different rates, depending on the zones of photoepilation.
The procedure is performed on any area covered with unwanted or excessive vegetation:
- upper lip in women;
- chin and second chin;
- eyebrows, interbrow;
- forehead;
- breasts;
- sideburns;
- cheeks;
- armpits;
- legs;
- hands;
- back and chest in men;
- neck;
- scrotum;
- bikini.
Men order epilation of all body parts similar to women's, but have specific areas where women normally do not grow hair. These are the back, chest, abdomen. Modern fashion canons believe that a hairy male chest, especially the back, is unaesthetic.
- The trend is for glossy, feminine smooth, but athletically toned torsos. This is why the clientele of beauty salons is by no means exclusively female.
In continuation of the topic of "male photoepilation" it should be clarified that facial hair in men persistently continues to grow more intensively than on the female. This happens due to the abundance of male hormones responsible for secondary sexual characteristics. Therefore, to get rid of hair and from the need to constantly shave, a new course of hair removal will have to be done annually.
Photoepilation deep bikini
Under the procedure of photoepilation deep bikini means the removal of vegetation on the pubic area, perineum, and sometimes the space between the buttocks. These are places with delicate and particularly sensitive skin, which want to get rid of hair once and for all. Photoepilation allows you to do this, however, not in one, but in several sessions.
- This area is not exposed to solar radiation, it is hidden from the prying eyes of outsiders, so procedures can be carried out regardless of the season and weather.
When preparing intimate areas, the specialist should be particularly careful. Even the slightest deviation from the rules can lead to injury. Thus, the bikini area should be maximally cleaned of cosmetic preparations and wiped dry. A slight moisturization is enough to cause a burn. Do not apply cosmetics and some time after the procedure. More detailed care instructions are given by the doctor performing the epilation.
The same delicate treatment is required for the labia. To avoid damaging the delicate skin, the device is set to slow flash mode.
For the desired result, 3 to 7 sessions are done, at monthly intervals. Dark hair is removed more effectively than light hair.
Photoepilation of lips
When they talk about photoepilation of the lips, they mean tendrils above the upper lip in women. They appear for different reasons, but in any case cause trouble to their owners. Photoepilation - an effective way to remove hairs above the lip of any origin, returning women confidence in their beauty and femininity. The cosmetologist will help in this after examination and assessment of the condition of the hair.
- The procedure consists of a series of flashes produced by a special machine that destroys the hair follicles. The skin is covered with a gel to soften and protect it. The patient feels no pain during the epilation process, but may experience a slight burning sensation.
The tendrils must not be plucked or shaved during preparation. They must be 1 to 3 mm long. Two weeks before the course is forbidden to be in the sun and tanning in a solarium. All this can not be done and within a few days after epilation. On the treated area should not apply alcohol-containing substances.
- Several sessions are required to permanently eliminate the tendrils.
How many visits depends on your body's characteristics and the specific situation. The average number is from 5 to 7 visits. The course is prescribed with intervals of up to 2 weeks.
Many people are interested in whether the moustache is finally gotten rid of after such a course. Specialists say that in the absence of contraindications and compliance with care recommendations, unwanted vegetation will no longer cause trouble.
Photoepilation of underarms
Girls start shaving their armpits even earlier than their legs. And it is quite justified: not only aesthetic, but also hygienic requirements. After all, vegetation in places where maximum sweat and dirt accumulates, looks unkempt and aggravates and unpleasant odor.
- Photoepilation of the underarms gets rid of all of this, as well as the need to constantly shave or another method of depilation.
Despite the sensitivity of the skin in these areas, photoepilation takes place without pain and discomfort, without disturbing the integrity and risk of infection of the skin surface, which often happens during shaving with blades.
The procedure takes little time, while activating the production of collagen, that is, it rejuvenates the epidermis. Modern equipment, with which professionals work, provides safe and painless treatment, without the use of anesthetic drugs. And most importantly, after a few sessions, the hair stops growing.
- Not only dark but also light-colored vegetation is eliminated in the underarm area, but it requires a few more sessions.
In preparation for the procedures, it is important to pay attention to contraindications. In addition to general, photoepilation on the armpits includes additional contraindications: enlargement of lymph nodes or veins, as well as the presence of tumors in this area.
Postoperative care also has specific features. In particular, it is not allowed to use cosmetics, primarily deodorants; avoid getting liquid on the treated surface and do not use any regenerating agents. Compliance with the recommendations accelerates recovery and consolidation of the result.
Photoepilation of legs
After mustaches and underarms, photoepilation of legs is the most popular service. After all, the smoothness and beauty of legs is the key to a woman's confidence and good mood. There are few women who do not need such procedures.
Photoepilation - not cheap, but a reliable alternative to shaving, wax, shugaring and other manipulations that give temporary results.
- Flashes of light absorbed by the hair pigment cause the follicles to heat up and collapse. As a result, the dead hairs fall out while the surrounding tissue remains healthy.
The preparatory stage includes a ban on sunbathing and water procedures. Legs should be shaved so that by the appointed day their length is 1-3 mm. For one session is removed about a third of the hair that is in the active phase of growth. The treated hair becomes softer, grows slower, falls out. To completely get rid of them, it is necessary to undergo a course of 4-10 sessions.
The treatment on the legs lasts up to half an hour. Suitable for men and women, regardless of age and phototype. From contraindications should pay attention to varicose veins, which are localized mainly on the extremities. Without consultation with a specialist in vascular pathologies to perform light epilation will not undertake any qualified cosmetologist.
Photoepilation of hands
Light and soft hair on women's arms is almost invisible and does not constitute a problem. Sometimes, due to genetic predisposition or hormonal failure, they become dark and stiff. Photoepilation helps to solve the problem of hairiness on the hands better than other ways. After all, it is known that, for example, shaving aggravates the situation: the vegetation coarsens and becomes even more noticeable.
- Photoepilation of the hands is the best option to get rid of unwanted hair.
After analyzing the information about the skin and hair condition, the cosmetologist prepares the patient and the technique. Dark glasses are put on the eyes, a cooling gel is applied to the treatment area to neutralize heat energy. At the end of manipulation, the skin is moisturized with cream.
Hair with destroyed hair follicles soon falls out and does not grow back in those areas. The regrowing hairs with intact roots are destroyed during subsequent sessions. This is done several times until all unwanted growth has disappeared.
The treatment on the hands lasts from 10 minutes to an hour. Exposure depends on the area to be exposed to the pulsed light. The skin is not traumatized: the beam acts on the hair follicles, but not on the epidermis. The effect is guaranteed on male and female skin and hair of any shade, except where there is no pigment. That is, gray and completely blond.
Photoepilation of abdomen and back
In the case of male photoepilation, the service is available for the same parts as in women. However, there are places on the body where hair does not grow in women, except as an exception, with strong hormonal imbalances. These are the back and abdomen.
- Photoepilation of the abdomen and back is a very popular procedure - mainly due to the fact that lush vegetation in these areas is considered unsightly by both sexes.
The hair on the back can be very thick. This fact makes it necessary to use an epilation device with high frequency. It is a good thing that there are fewer receptors located on the back than on the rest of the skin. Otherwise, the treatment would not be as painless as it is advertised by cosmetic establishments.
- A handsome male torso is a hairless torso.
Such rules are dictated by the modern beauty industry, and "nem na tse for the sake of it", as it was once said on a completely different occasion. Hair-free breasts and abdomen do not retain sweat and odor, do not create a favorable environment for microbial growth.
Among the list of standard contraindications, the item "underage" draws attention. It is clear that while the body is growing and forming, it is premature to remove hair. Time will make adjustments and show whether it really needs to be done.
Photoepilation of the anus
Choosing a method of hair removal on such an intimate and delicate place, it is difficult to find an ideal one. Each has disadvantages: shaving gives a short-term effect, vaxing is painful, chemical depilatories are dangerous with burns and allergies. What about photoepilation?
- The newfangled technique has enough advantages to be one of the most popular.
The pulsed light destroys the bulbs in the thickness of the skin, which causes the actual hairs to fall out. Photoepilation of the anus is fast and not too painful. I'd like to say it doesn't hurt at all, but it's hard to guarantee it in such a sensitive area.
As in other places, vegetation varies in color. Photo-removal is not recommended for light and gray coloring. If the methodology suits you, then be prepared for the fact that one session will not do. As the regrowth of the procedure should be repeated - and so on until the complete destruction of vegetation. The number of repetitions is determined on an individual basis.
Among the contraindications - the presence of acute inflammation, taking certain drugs, excessive insolation, hypersensitivity. Photoepilation of this organ is fraught with many complications. The most likely are the following:
- erythema;
- hyperpigmentation;
- itching;
- swelling;
- flaking.
Photoepilation of the scrotum
Some professions require an appropriate appearance. And it is not only about natural beauty, which is either there or not, but also about those moments that can be corrected. For example, athletes and artists, resorting to waxing, pursue aesthetic goals, chefs - hygienic.
- Photoepilation is chosen because it is maximally effective on men's hair, which, compared to women's hair, is somewhat darker, stiffer, thicker and better conduct the light beam.
Purely male service - photoepilation of the scrotum is also ordered by people who are sophisticated in intimate life, for whom it is important to demonstrate to their partner something especially, in their opinion, interesting. Smooth skin in places visible only in private with a partner, in intimate moments, as if it should contribute to success in the opposite sex.
- The procedure removes testicular hair permanently - if it is dark in color and stands out against light skin.
But it is painful, unpleasant and very time-consuming. Even multiple sessions do not always guarantee complete elimination of hairiness. And most importantly - no one has not studied the distant consequences of the impact of pulsed equipment on the state of the reproductive system. Simply put, will the patient be able to become a father in the future after repeated photo-irradiation? And will his offspring be healthy?
Based on this uncertainty, men who are planning parenthood are opting for safer and proven techniques - cosmetic creams or shaving.
Photoepilation of the pubic area
The pubis and labia (small lips) form the deep bikini zone. Many women prefer to do photoepilation of these intimate areas themselves, in the comfort of their own homes - if they have the opportunity to purchase a special device with attachments.
Act exactly as instructed so that the hair follicles are destroyed and the skin is not damaged. Photoepilation of the pubic area is effective due to dark hair, but it is important to control the rate of time, so as not to overexpose to irradiation particularly delicate in this area of the skin.
- Looking ahead, we recommend starting a course of procedures at the end of winter. In this case, the maximum effect will be achieved right at the beginning of the beach season.
A day or two before the proposed epilation should be shaved pubes, so that for the remaining time hairs industry to the desired length: 1-2 cm. In the process of preparation, study the instructions, charge the epilation device. Clean the skin with a scrub, so that by the time of manipulation it was clean and dry. By this time you should know your skin and hair type. If everything is correct, the indicator will react with a green color, if something is wrong - prohibitive red.
- A special gel should diffuse the light and reduce pain. Move the epilator horizontally or at a 45-degree angle. Do not forget to wear protective goggles, remove objects that reflect the beam so that it does not accidentally damage your eyes.
Correct actions cause mild discomfort, burning. This is normal. The absence of irritation can signal insufficient intensity of the beam. And vice versa: severe pain indicates that the optimal values have been exceeded.
After epilation is completed, apply a cream that soothes and moisturizes the treated area. For the first day it is not allowed to take hot and cold water procedures, wear tight underwear, apply chemical and alcohol-containing substances. In case of severe redness and burning, it is necessary to treat the pubis with "Panthenol". Finally, do not forget to clean the device from fat, gel, hairs.
Neck photoepilation
Hardware photoepilation of the neck is reasonably considered a modern alternative to traditional daily shaving. After a course of such therapy, the hair on the neck stops growing, which eliminates skin irritation and the feeling of unproductive wasted time.
- Photoepilation can be performed from the age of 18.
Compared to laser, the procedure has the advantages that it gives an effect regardless of the intensity of pigmentation and minimizes pain. As a bonus, cosmetic salons promise improved skin condition - in particular, whitening of scars and post-acne.
A session of neck hair removal does not last long: up to 15 minutes. It is recommended to perform three to five sessions to finally get rid of unwanted "overgrowth". This depends on the rate of hair growth and their pigmentation.
- Before the procedure, the patient is seated in a comfortable chair, wearing goggles to protect against light and accidental ingestion of hard elements. The position should also be comfortable for the physician, allowing him/her access to the neck before treatment.
After applying the gel to the skin, the specialist works with an apparatus with a nozzle that generates light pulses. Melanin absorbs the generated heat, conducts it to the follicles, which are heated and destroyed by the high temperature. Soon the hair with damaged follicles falls out, leaving smooth soft skin.
After the hardware treatment, the beautician lubricates the area with a soothing cream and says goodbye to the patient until the next session.
Types of photoepilation
Epilation techniques allow you to get rid of unwanted hair for a long time, ideally forever. Photoepilation belongs to this group. Special equipment removes vegetation of different color and structure on different parts of the body, with different phototypes.
- There are types of photoepilation that can solve the problems of both women and men.
IPL system is a procedure performed by means of a pulsed lamp with a wide range of visible and invisible rays. They act on the skin in the form of flashes, the intensity of which may cause pain. To prevent discomfort, the surface is treated with a cooling gel. The technique is ineffective for the destruction of red, gray hair and light fuzz.
- Elos hair removal is a treatment with short, intense pulses of light, which does not overheat the skin and does not cause burns.
A special gel applied before the session serves to prevent pain. After the procedure, the area is treated with a spray. The method allows the removal of light-colored vegetation, but it requires more sessions than for dark hair.
LHE sessions destroy hair follicles through a combination of effects. The low-density energy flow is less painful and does not require gel protection. The treatment is carried out on a dry surface. Even gray hair is removed, but for this use double treatment and maximum power. And this is fraught with skin irritation.
However, an experienced master conducts any procedure delicately and without pain. Those who have experienced the short-term results of ineffective methods give credit to photoepilation, regardless of its type.
Professional photoepilation
In beauty salons and medical centers, specialists perform professional photoepilation. Professional equipment produced by the world's leading companies is used for the services. The effectiveness of photoepilation depends on the quality of the devices and, of course, on the qualifications of the specialists working in these institutions.
- With a favorable combination of these factors, the salon procedure is quick, easy, and safe.
Professional devices are successfully used at home, which allows private cosmetologists to practice the procedure. They do not require special premises and additional equipment.
The advantages of photoepilation machines are as follows:
- Special sensors detect the client's phototype and select the optimal treatment mode. In this way, burns are avoided.
- Non-contact hair removal of all problem areas is available.
- The cooling system prevents discomfort.
- Time is saved due to fast recharging and sufficient flash area.
- Minimal risk of complications is ensured by the high quality of the technique.
- Rejuvenation, treatment of couperosis, acne, vascular and other blemishes can be performed in parallel.
Home photoepilation
To perform home photoepilation, you should purchase a device for this procedure. This will save time and money for a visit to the salon, although, objectively speaking, some brands of epilators are also not cheap.
- The plus side is that self hair removal can be done at your convenience, in the comfort of your own home.
Many companies produce equipment for photoepilation at home: Beurer, Braun, BaByliss, Philips, Panasonic, Remington, Rowenta, Rio Beauty, Silk`n. Philips and BaByliss products are characterized by a wide range of products. In particular, they offer portable and network versions, with attachments for various operations, additional options.
The effectiveness of home appliances depends not only on the cost, but also on the settings. They must be suitable for the task: to destroy the bulbs and not to burn the skin. In order to avoid unforeseen consequences, manufacturers have limited the power to values that do not allow damage to health.
The switched on and adjusted device is brought to the skin in the correct position - horizontally or at an angle of 45 degrees. Sensitive areas are protected from pain by a special gel. An audible signal limits the treatment time for each area and also informs about the end of the session.
- Eyes should be protected from accidental exposure with special glasses. There should be no mirrors or shiny surfaces in the room that can reflect light and direct it in an undesirable direction.
It is especially important to protect the treated areas during the first day after the procedure. For this purpose, apply a soothing cream, then - sunscreen (on areas not covered by clothing). Do not:
- expose problem areas to hot and cold water;
- going to the tanning salon and the beach;
- eliminate hair in other ways;
- apply preparations containing alcohol.
On average, 5-6 home treatments are required for complete elimination of vegetation. They are performed periodically to remove hair in the right phase of growth.
Photoepilation gel at home
Home photoepilation should preferably be planned for the evening. Probable redness due to the manipulation will disappear by morning and will not cause discomfort. Special gels for photoepilation at home are designed to protect the skin from radiation and burns. Quality preparations provide optimal light conduction and do not give an allergic reaction.
Home epilators are created on the basis of professional epilators, the effectiveness of which is proven practically. If the instructions are clearly followed, the result of the home procedure is equal to the salon one. Often gel is applied only on particularly sensitive areas to disperse light and reduce unpleasant sensations.
Some devices, such as the Brown BD 5001 brand, do not require the use of gel. Epilation is performed on dry clean skin, with maximum contact with the surface. If there is no contact, the device will flash red.
- An interesting innovation is a special application for smartphone, which helps to control the regularity of procedures, a kind of calendar of epilation sessions.
When choosing a device, find out for yourself exactly what you need from it. Because different modifications have different functions, taking into account male or female needs. The effectiveness is not the same in different areas of the same person.
Contraindications to the procedure
When choosing a method of epilation, you should make sure that there are no contraindications to the epilation. In the case of photoepilation, these include:
- skin infections;
- allergic reactions;
- hypertension;
- varicose veins;
- cardiovascular disorders;
- diabetes;
- hemophilia;
- photodermatosis;
- tumor processes;
- acute herpes;
- treatment with photosensitizing drugs;
- psychiatric pathologies;
- young age;
- pregnancy and lactation period.
In addition to general, there are local contraindications: permanent makeup and tattoos, gold threads in the thickness of the skin, nevi, symptoms of inflammation and parasitic diseases.
Harm of photoepilation
No matter how convincing does not look convincing advertising and assurances of beauticians in the safety of photoepilation, before deciding to decide to take a course, you should ask about the consequences, including remote. Does not carry a threat to health methodology, which consists of heating tissues, the destruction of natural vegetation? And if yes, what is the harm of photoepilation?
- Often problems arise in women who go to dubious facilities. Here procedures can be cheaper than in high-tech centers, but there are also risks: lack of quality equipment and low-qualified staff.
Centers that value their business reputation will not allow themselves to ignore contraindications, which most often lead to unpleasant consequences or unpredictable reactions. Dermatologist or cosmetologist will necessarily find out the cause of increased hairiness, in particular, exclude endocrine disorders or recommend to see an endocrinologist to treat them.
Normally, hyperemia, peeling, and dilation of blood vessels may occur after the procedure. Sometimes swelling and bruising may occur. People with a low threshold of sensitivity and in particularly delicate areas during the session may be painful. But such sensations will not bring harm to health - neither at the salon, nor at home procedure.
Pros of photoepilation
The following are considered to be the convincing pros of photoepilation:
- Efficiency;
- safety;
- painlessness;
- quickness;
- elimination of ingrown hairs;
- minimal chance of infection;
- rejuvenation as a bonus;
- the duration of the result.
The negative impact of photoepilation on the skin is reduced to zero due to the use of light energy similar to solar energy, only more intense. And since the rays of the ultraviolet spectrum in the pulses are absent, the harmful effects are minimized. Plus can become a minus only if the rules of using the equipment are violated: incorrect mode of operation, exceeding the exposure.
- Analyzing the available information, it can be argued that the pros far exceed the possible risks.
The disadvantages include the high cost of services, the likelihood of burns and scars, a considerable list of contraindications, the lack of data on long-term consequences. This is due to the fact that the technique is relatively new and there is still not enough research.
Separate risks exist when carrying out manipulations outside the salon conditions, home apparatus. This is not prohibited, but a woman should carefully prepare. Because even a fresh tan or tattoo on the area with vegetation can be a significant obstacle to light epilation.
Photo rejuvenation with photoepilation
Photoepilation procedure attracts women because it is not only effective, but also effective. The effect is a visible rejuvenation of the skin, which is important not only for the face, but also for other parts of the body. The skin becomes lighter, fresher, healthier. How does photo rejuvenation with photoepilation take place?
- Under the influence of powerful light beams penetrating into the dermis, many processes are activated:
- Melanin is destroyed, thanks to which pigmentation disappears.
- Small capillaries are coagulated, and larger vessels become almost invisible; this helps to eliminate rosacea and similar vascular problems.
- Fibroblasts more actively produce collagen, hyaluronic acid, elastin.
- Reduces pores, increases turgor.
- It kills harmful microflora, which helps to get rid of acne.
Several photo rejuvenation techniques are practiced in aesthetic medicine establishments. People with pigmented areas, enlarged pores, vascular pathologies, reduced turgor and fine wrinkles come here. The method is offered depending on the individual characteristics and wishes of the clientele. Manipulations are done quickly, without the risk of side effects and the need for a recovery period.
Photorejuvenation is contraindicated for dark-haired women (phototype 4, 5), tanned and insolated not more than three weeks ago, pregnant and lactating women, with photodermatosis, acute herpes, skin lesions and infections in the treatment area. An obstacle is the intake of photosensitizing drugs, severe pathologies.
Consequences after the procedure
In order to exposure to a powerful light beam did not cause unforeseen consequences after the procedure, you should not tempt fate and expose the problem skin to irradiation. Psoriasis, birthmarks, dermatitis, tattoos are contraindications for manipulation. Particularly sensitive skin can react to photoepilation redness, peeling, even burns.
- Avoid procedures and their consequences should be avoided by women expecting and nursing a baby - because of the unstable hormonal balance.
Despite the assurances of advertising about getting rid of hair forever, you should be prepared for the fact that about five years later you will have to repeat the full course of hair removal. During these years, the follicles will certainly recover and give rise to new vegetation, quite viable. It is important to maintain the result obtained, about every six months repeating epilation.
Some of the consequences can really be avoided by following the care recommendations. So, the doctor must necessarily warn that a few weeks after treatment it is forbidden to sunbathe, swim in the pool, use cosmetics and antiperspirants, use other epilation techniques. Ignoring the rules of rehabilitation leads to the appearance of spots or scars.
Hair after photoepilation
The condition of the hair after waxing depends on the stage it is in and the number of sessions performed. After the first session, hair in the growth stage is ideally removed completely. Of course, the nuances depend on the peculiarities of the skin, hair, zone of exposure, perception of technical effects. But, according to calculations, almost a third of hairs are in this stage and it is they due to photoepilation die first. To destroy the other group of hair requires a cycle of procedures.
- The procedure consists of damaging the follicles. The loss of hair growing from them is a consequence of the effect of pulsed light on these points.
After technical intervention, hair stops growing for a long time. And only if the follicles are able to recover, the reappearance of unwanted vegetation becomes possible. This can become a reality even after five years.
- Faster re-growth happens when mistakes are made by the technician performing the waxing.
Incorrect parameters, for example, disturb the vital activity, but do not destroy the bulbs. Hair in this case grows slowly, its thickness and strength decreases.
Fine hairs, as well as red and gray hairs remain invisible to the light equipment. This is due to the lack of coloring pigment in this type of vegetation. These patients are offered a hair removal option that is appropriate for their hair type.
Skin after photoepilation
Photoepilation technology has a positive effect on the condition of the skin. It increases elasticity and turgor, lightens pigment spots, eliminates vascular defects. The surface becomes clean, smooth and soft. Thanks to the procedure, unwanted hair is reliably and permanently get rid of. Unlike some other techniques, the skin after photoepilation does not have ingrown hairs. Such changes indicate the rejuvenation of skin tissues.
- But there is a flip side to the coin. The skin doesn't always stay healthy.
Although the device is equipped with a cooling system and UV protection, the treated skin becomes red, swollen and sometimes inflamed. In such cases, rehabilitation for several days is required: local cooling, anesthesia, protection from heat and sun exposure.
- It can be even worse - a seemingly safe manipulation fails and something goes wrong.
Burns are formed on the treated skin, which should be treated, pigmentation is disturbed, scars grow. Possible allergic reactions in the form of dermatitis, inflammation of follicles, recurrence of herpes in the presence of viruses in the patient's body. Complications are treatable, and they can be avoided in almost 100% of cases, if you order services in clinics with a good reputation, take into account contraindications and do not ignore the advice of doctors on preparation and post-procedure care.
Photoepilation and cancer
In the majority of thematic publications the connection between photoepilation and cancer is denied. As if the carcinogenic effect of the procedure is a fiction and speculation. The most that can threaten the patient due to photoepilation is some complications, such as burns at the treatment site. They can be a consequence of ignoring contraindications. This is the fault of either the specialist, who failed to detect abnormalities in the health of the client, or the client himself, who did not disclose their presence.
- Undesirable consequences can occur even in the presence of problems, at first glance far from the desire to remove excess hair. Examples - taking certain groups of pharmaceuticals, peculiarities of the course of menses, individual factors that are virtually impossible to foresee.
There is also a more cautious opinion. Some experts are concerned that the risk of malignant tumors is present in people whose skin is prone to scarring. Do not epilate areas covered with moles or papillomas: they can develop into cancerous tumors.
In order not to provoke such a severe pathology, you should consult with qualified medical professionals. It is better to refuse procedures than to risk health for the sake of even a noble goal of eliminating excess hair. Competent specialists will always give sound advice on how to eliminate the problem in a safe way.
Complications after the procedure
In the presence of flat or convex nevi photoepilation is prohibited (as well as other methods of removing hair growing from them). To avoid complications after the procedure, it is better to cut such hair with scissors.
If necessary, the moles are removed. If hairs reappear, they are epilated with the method recommended by the doctor. With such neoplasms should be treated very delicately, so that irradiation does not provoke their malignant degeneration.
- Intense radiation can cause burns and scarring.
The risk of burns is high if the skin is tanned and if sensitive skin is treated with a high density energy flow. Burns can result in skin pigmentation disorders.
- Sensitivity to anesthetics or sunlight can provoke allergic symptoms: urticaria, itching, dermatitis.
If there is a latent herpes virus present in the treated area, symptoms of infection may appear in the area. To prevent this phenomenon, it is recommended to take antiviral medication a few days before epilation.
A serious complication can result from failure to observe the rules of eye protection, especially when manipulating the eyebrow area. If the eyes are not protected with special glasses, vision may be impaired.
It is extremely rare, but graying of the hair is possible. Due to the loss of pigment after the procedure, gray hairs grow back instead of natural hairs.
Burns after photoepilation
The epilation equipment is equipped with protective devices against damage to the health and appearance of patients. Adjustment of beam power, filters, selection of optimal parameters for a particular person prevent undesirable consequences as much as possible. But sometimes the so-called human factor can work, i.e. Insufficient training of the personnel performing the procedures.
- Superficial burns after photoepilation occur if the client has a fresh tan, or if he has thin, swarthy skin.
To avoid a burn with subsequent color disturbance, protect the skin from sun exposure three weeks before the scheduled procedure. To prevent complications, it is best to schedule treatments in the fall or winter. The same consequences are possible with photoepilation on very sensitive skin. That is why it is so important on the part of the specialist to take into account the individual characteristics of the epidermis.
Physiological reaction to photo-irradiation is manifested by hyperemic swelling, pain when touching the treated area. Visually, the picture may resemble a burn. If it is difficult to tolerate, local anesthetic preparations ("Panthenol", "Olazol") or appropriate injections are used. The skin returns to normal after a few days.
Care after the procedure
Many articles say that there is no rehabilitation period. This is not entirely true, or rather, it may be the result of a successful combination of all the factors important for photoepilation. Unfortunately, it is never the case that everything goes and ends perfectly for everyone. Each person is an individual, and in the cosmetic sense, too. Therefore, many require care and rehabilitation after the procedure, regardless of its complexity and duration. The recovery period lasts from 5 to 9 days.
- So, the treated skin should be moisturized, disinfected, protected from ultraviolet light with creams not lower than 30-50.
Protect the skin by avoiding hot baths, sun exposure and swimming in pools or ponds. If the treated area is red and swollen, it should be anesthetized with "Panthenol", preparations with aloe, chamomile or another method recommended by the doctor. Lubricate the problem points in the morning and evening. But in no case with alcohol-based preparations.
Do not apply cosmetics to this area, or use antiperspirant in the case of armpits. Showering at a comfortable temperature is allowed to the extent necessary. No other hair removal products may be used between courses of photoepilation.
What should not be done after photoepilation?
One of the minuses of the procedure is considered a complete answer to the question: what can not be done after photoepilation? That is, a significant list of restrictions. By the way, the restrictions "before that" is also quite a lot. Although for those who rarely or not at all visit saunas and pools, the list is shorter.
In addition to water procedures, all those who have undergone photoepilation for several days are forbidden to use cosmetics, massage, epilation by other methods.
- To prevent restrictions from making adjustments to your summer vacation program, plan your waxing activities in advance, when it's cold and windy outside and the sun is hiding behind snow clouds.
If you violate the ban on sunbathing, dark spots may appear on the skin, which are poorly treatable. For prevention, even in winter, it is recommended to protect treated exposed areas with a special sunscreen.
Tingling and irritation are natural symptoms in this case. This is a reaction of the skin to the action of light flashes. Discomfort is relieved by soothing therapeutic agents (usually prescribed "Panthenol") or infusion of chamomile. It should be remembered that alcohol and various chemical ingredients in the composition of preparations do not contribute to soothing, but on the contrary, increase irritation.
Cream after photoepilation
For photoepilation to give the effect for which people come to clinics and pay a lot of money, you need to do everything by the rules. Both the actual procedures performed by specialists and the care measures that the patient will have to follow afterwards. Creams after epilation are important for care and protection from unfavorable factors that can harm the vulnerable treated areas of the skin.
- Cosmetic products are used after epilation to soften, moisturize, nourish the skin surface.
Areas that are more or less irritated need soothing, softening, anesthetizing, preventing inflammation or complications. Cream, milk, body lotion or face lotion are suitable for application.
Another category of preparations is also relevant in this period - against ultraviolet light. When going out in the sun, they are applied to those of the treated areas that are not hidden under outer clothing. Protection is mandatory even in cloudy weather. Such measures are carried out during the first week after each session. Gradually redness, swelling, peeling decrease and soon disappear completely.
If the procedure provoked side effects, then therapeutic creams, ointments or sprays may be required. For example, "Panthenol" if there is a burn. Aggressive cosmetics, including creams, should not be used in the recovery period. Also harmful is steaming, sunbathing, solar procedures, massages.
Sugaring after photoepilation
Neither shugaring before nor shugaring after photoepilation is not recommended. The patient receives permission not earlier than a month after photo hair removal. Why there is such a need, if the "lion's share" of vegetation should remove epilation, explain the peculiarities of hair growth.
- The fact is that photoepilation is effective exclusively at the time when the hair is actively growing.
One part of the hair remains in this state. Therefore, to completely clean the same surface from vegetation requires repeated manipulations, which remove newly grown hairs. Experts have found that the optimal interval between them is about a month. At the time when the new growth will appear, and the next session is weeks away, something must be done about it, that is, somehow removed.
Specialists advise using a regular depilatory razor instead of shugaring, wax and laser. This is, in fact, the only acceptable method of hair removal between photoepilation sessions. The razor cuts the part of the hairs that protrude above the skin, and do not affect the bulbs that sit in the thickness of the skin. Their turn to "go out" will come at the next session of epilation.
The sensations described in the reviews are very individualized. Some people feel almost no pain, others can't stand it. But if they are satisfied with the result, they are ready to go for repeated sessions.
The author of one of the negative reviews claims that the procedures were painful and ineffective, which does not fit with their high cost. They complain of severe pain during photoepilation of the bikini, especially the first time.
Effectiveness and results of photoepilation
In many ways, the effectiveness and results of photoepilation depend on the specific situation. The average statistical indicators from centers providing such services give figures from 8 months to 2 years. Quite quickly hair grows back on the upper lip, lower extremities remain clean after photoepilation comparatively longer.
Immediately after the first session, about one-third of the vegetation disappears. But it does not happen instantly: at first, only the follicle is destroyed, and the hair itself dies off gradually, over several days. One course consists of 5-6 sessions, with breaks of about two weeks each.
- They also write about more distant results - up to 5 years. Hair stops growing for such a period after several courses of epilation: 3-6 times with repeats every month and a half.
Over time, the intervals lengthen as the manipulation helps to slow down the growth of vegetation. During this time, the skin remains smooth and soft.
There are some unfortunate results. For example, when the follicles regenerate and hair grows back from them. This happens with incomplete destruction of follicles. Hormonal disorders can also offset the effect.
The following conclusions can be drawn from practice: hair stops growing more often in small areas - in the armpits, on the face. The procedure on the legs usually has to be repeated after several years. But even so, they are not as noticeable as before.
What is better than shugaring or photoepilation?
Women interested in the topic invariably have questions: what is better - shugaring or photoepilation? Or laser? Or something new?
- Shugaring was still used by women living in countries that were prosperous at that time: Ancient Egypt, Persia, Greece. It turns out that even then, smooth body was already in trend in high society.
Today, traditional shugaring is no less popular than photoepilation. The procedure is as follows: a caramel paste made of sugar and additional ingredients is applied to the epilated area. The advantages of shugaring is that it is easy to carry out at home, from ready-made or self-cooked paste. The composition includes natural ingredients that do not cause allergies and do not traumatize the surface. The mixture removes keratinized epidermis, gradually destroys hair follicles. The effect of this procedure lasts 3-4 weeks - much shorter than after epilation with light pulses.
- The hardware procedure is much more effective, but is more expensive and has disadvantages.
Thus, gray, light, fine hairs are invisible to the epilator. For quality removal requires multiple sessions, preferably in professional conditions. And even compliance with these conditions does not guarantee the absence of burns or scars. Comparing the two techniques, choose for yourself what you like and what you can afford.
The beauty secrets of women are different, but the issue of unwanted vegetation is common to all. And not only women. The evolution of methods of its elimination has led to the fact that today both traditional razors and creams and technical devices, including photoepilation devices, coexist on equal terms. What is better - choose you, taking into account contraindications and possible risks.