Nettle Face Mask
Last reviewed: 19.11.2021

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Nettle Mask is an excellent cleanser for the skin, which has a powerful anti-inflammatory and refreshing effect.
Thanks to medicinal properties, nettle belongs to the category of plants from the "home medicine chest". It contains many vitamins and other nutrients, and is therefore widely used in alternative medicine and cosmetology, in particular as an effective treatment for skin diseases (acne, inflammation, acne), and moisturizing and restoring dry, fading skin.
What is useful for nettles for the face?
Nettle face mask is used in many cases, when there is a need for effective skin cleansing, acne treatment, skin inflammation. Infusions and decoctions of this amazing plant are also used for additional hair care. The wide use of nettle in alternative medicine is associated with its unique healing properties.
What is useful for nettles for the face? There is no unambiguous answer to this question. After all, this plant is considered one of the best anti-aging, tonic and anti-inflammatory drugs. To prepare all kinds of face masks, we usually use nettle leaves. Before use, they are ground and doused with boiling water to remove the "burning" properties of the plant. For various cosmetic purposes, both fresh and dry leaves of nettle are used. The components contained in this plant have pronounced bactericidal properties, which is especially important for the care of problem skin of the face.
The nettle contains a large amount of vitamin A, so that irritations on the skin, acne and acne can be cured in no time. In addition, the plant contains a useful vitamin C, which makes the skin of the face more elastic, and also has an amazing wound-healing ability. In addition, vitamin C increases the tone of blood vessels.
Another powerful antiseptic substance that is contained in the nettle is vitamin K. In addition to its ability to relieve inflammation, it also effectively fights with swelling of the skin and well eliminates freckles. To give the skin freshness and radiance called carotene, thanks to which nettle is effective in combating dry skin of the face.
The mask for the nettle has a pronounced rejuvenating effect due to flavonoids and tannins, which smooth out the skin relief and at the same time have an effective anti-inflammatory effect. Organic acids, which are contained in the nettle, are able to smooth the skin color, and are also famous for their rejuvenating properties. Such a useful component as potassium, is able to maintain the natural level of moisturizing in skin cells.
Thus, nettle as a medicinal plant has a number of positive characteristics and is a highly effective product of natural origin. With proper observance of recommendations, this plant is almost safe for health and can help in various situations related to the need for additional care for dry and problematic skin.
From nettle, you can prepare a lotion for cleansing the pores of the face, compress, restoring the mask, but you should remember about existing contraindications about the use of these products. The fact is that a high concentration in nettles of formic acid can cause skin burn, if you neglect the recommendations. It is not recommended to keep a mask of nettle on your face for more than 10 minutes, and for sensitive or thin skin such a mask is completely contraindicated.
Effect of nettle on skin
Nettle mask is an excellent tool for home skin care. It has anti-inflammatory, tonic, rejuvenating effect and is especially useful in caring for problem or oily skin.
The effect of nettles on the skin is proved by unsurpassed results, confirming the healing properties of this plant. Nettle contains many useful substances, including vitamins, organic acids, tannins and microelements. So, vitamin A prevents skin aging, and vitamin C perfectly tones up the skin and increases its elasticity and elasticity. Anti-inflammatory effect on the skin renders vitamin K, and carotene and organic acids perfectly moisturize it.
Nettle can be considered a universal tool for preserving beauty. It is useful both for the treatment of acne and acne, and for the care of fatty and dry skin types. Ingredients that are part of the nettle juice, both nourish and moisturize the skin.
Nettle can effectively deal with skin problems such as shallow wrinkles, acne, acne, acne, fading and dehydrated skin. However, this plant should be used with caution for people with sensitive skin due to the presence of a large amount of formic acid in nettle juice. For this reason, it is recommended to keep the mask of nettle on your face for no more than 10-15 minutes.
The leaves of the young nettle are especially useful. They contain a lot of vitamins, which perfectly nourish and refresh the skin. It should be taken into account that the intake of nettle inwards in the form of salads and soups also has a beneficial effect on the skin. Before its use, the leaves should be doused with boiling water. If there is no possibility to collect nettles on their own, you can buy "pharmacy" packaging of this plant in dried form.
Our grandmothers used a decoction of nettle with the addition of elderberry black to treat hives. With the same purpose in the Russian baths used brooms from the nettle. A special collection, which included nettle, helped fight the skin itch. To prepare such a collection it was necessary to collect nettle and burdock root (1 tablespoon), grind them, then add a glass of walnut shell, as well as 1 teaspoon of sage leaves, lemon balm, basil, peppermint and valerian roots. The broth is prepared as follows: the nettle and burdock root in a crushed form are mixed together with the shell, poured into one and a half liters of water and boiled for 20 minutes. Then add the remaining ingredients and boil this mixture for another 10 minutes. Decoction filter and cool. Take 1 tbsp. Spoon inside after taking food for one month.
The effect of nettle on the skin always gives an excellent result. In the presence of various skin diseases, herbal preparations are used, which necessarily contain nettle. It improves the functioning of excretory organs, releasing skin cells from metabolites, restoring their vitality. In addition, the skin is saturated with vitamins, which promote the acceleration of metabolic reactions and blood exchange.
Therapeutic properties of nettle for skin
Mask for the face of the nettle has found its wide application in cosmetology. Thanks to the wonderful properties of this plant to have a curative effect on the skin, a positive effect is achieved in caring for it. The nettle contains useful substances that can refresh and nourish the skin with useful substances.
The healing properties of nettle for skin are known since ancient times. For the preparation of funds intended for the care of the skin of the face, nettle juice, crushed leaves, or dried raw materials are used. In addition to external use, nettles are used for food, which also has a beneficial effect on the skin. "Burning" grass helps to maintain the elasticity, youth and freshness of the skin, and also improves the natural complexion. It contains useful acids (ferulic, pantothenic, formic, coffee), phytoncides, various microelements and tannins.
The therapeutic effect on the skin renders a number of vitamins contained in the nettle:
- Vitamin C is the strongest antioxidant.
- Vitamin A helps to maintain elasticity, improve blood supply and cell renewal.
- Vitamin B improves the general condition of the skin.
- Vitamin K is able to relieve the skin of puffiness, freckles and pigmentation, and also has an active anti-inflammatory effect.
Vitamin E protects the skin from harmful ultraviolet radiation and inhibits aging processes in it.
In the juice of nettle contains trace elements such as copper, calcium, magnesium, iron, which contribute to the renewal of cells and thus have a rejuvenating effect on the skin. Organic acids have exfoliating and rejuvenating properties.
Using alternative recipes for the preparation of natural cosmetic products from the nettle, you can achieve good results in the care of the so-called "problem" skin of the face, treatment of acne, because this herb has pronounced antiseptic and bactericidal properties. In addition, the "burning" properties of the plant activate metabolic processes at the cellular level, thus regulating the work of the sebaceous glands and greatly increasing the tone of the skin. For this reason, nettles are actively used in the care of a fatty type of hair and face.
In addition to broths, infusions and nettle masks, ice cubes made from frozen juice or sliced leaves of a plant diluted with water can be used. By rubbing their skin, you can achieve toning and tightening of the expanded pores.
Nettle Mask Recipes
Nettle mask is a wonderful tool for cleansing and moisturizing the skin. For its production use fresh leaves of the plant in a crushed form, as well as juice and dry raw materials. This mask has a pronounced antiseptic effect and is able to prolong youthfulness of the facial skin.
The recipes for nettle masks can be very diverse. Everything depends on the cosmetology goal. Sometimes you need to moisturize the skin, and sometimes - to rejuvenate or cleanse of acne.
- For the mature, fading skin of the face, the following recipe is suitable: fresh nettle leaves (about 2 tablespoons) to grind, turning into a liquid slurry, and then mix half with warm honey.
- To moisturize dry skin, you can use this tool: dry nettle leaves (2 tablespoons) grind and pour water. Kashitsu heated and used as a mask, and the decoction can be used as a natural means for washing.
- As a tonic for the skin, you can use the following recipe: fresh nettle leaves in a crushed form (1 tablespoon) thoroughly grind with 1 egg yolk, and then mix with the same proportion of warm milk in a homogeneous mass.
- For oily skin, you can use the recipe for a refreshing mask: in equal proportions, you need to mix fresh and dry leaves of nettle, pre-chopping them, and then grind with protein. In this mask, you can add a few drops of lemon juice.
- Anti-aging face mask: 1 tbsp. Spoon the crushed fresh nettle leaves mixed with milk (3 tablespoons) and warm honey (1 teaspoon).
- Anti-inflammatory herbal mask: a pinch of crushed dry nettle leaves with the same number of petals of dried roses and flowers of medicinal chamomile. Then the herbal mixture should be poured with boiling water until a thick consistency is formed.
To eliminate the problems associated with oily skin of the face, you can apply this tool: the equal proportions of nettle and plantain to grind with a blender until a homogeneous mass. In the resulting herbal mixture add grapefruit juice (1 tablespoon), then apply it to the skin and leave for 10-15 minutes. Rinse with cold water. This mask is well refreshed, tones and cleanses the skin, and organic acids, contained in nettle and grapefruit juice, effect the pilling effect.
As an option, for oily skin a mask, created from crushed leaves of nettle and sorrel, is used. In the mixture should be added 1 tbsp. A spoonful of starch, half diluted in water. The mask is held for 10-15 minutes and then rinsed off with cool water.
Before using nettle as a herbal remedy, make sure that you do not have an allergic reaction to this plant. With caution, you need to take a nettle broth inside those who have an increased level of coagulation.
Nettle broth for the face
A mask for a nettle's face is a natural multivitamin that helps to cope with a fading and problematic skin. However, from nettles, you can prepare and other equally effective skin care products, for example, decoctions, tonics, lotions, creams, etc.
Nettle broth for the face contains a large number of vitamins and has antiseptic, wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties. Thanks to the ingredients that are part of the nettle, the disinfecting and deodorizing properties of this plant are provided. Chlorophyll helps to improve tissue cells, increase their tone, enhance metabolic processes in the skin. A decoction of nettle can even change the complexion, make it more natural and fresh. The skin will get a healthier look. Especially useful for health May Nettle, which is a powerful vitamin supplement.
How is this miracle cure prepared? Very simple! To do this, you need to collect fresh nettle, - for this purpose, both young and mature plants with roots, seeds and inflorescences are suitable. If the cold season is cold outside, you can use dry raw materials. To prepare the broth, pour boiling water (1.5 liters) a handful of nettle (100 g) and put it on the fire. Cook the broth for 15 minutes, then strain and use as directed. Such a decoction - a real find to maintain the beauty of the skin of the face. It improves the condition of the problem skin, the complexion, is used to purify the pores, get rid of inflammation and acne. Decoction of the nettle can be frozen and applied in the form of ice cubes, daily wiping their face. This is an excellent preventive against wrinkles. Favorable effect on the skin and has an internal reception of the decoction for a month. In addition, he normalizes the metabolism, and the skin of the face will acquire a fresh, healthy appearance.
Nettle for the face from acne
A mask for a person from the nettle helps to get rid of various problems associated with fat, pigmentation, inflammation of the skin. Nettle painfully stings, but at the same time has a number of positive properties that make it a special plant among other medicinal herbs.
Nettle for the face from acne is widely used in alternative medicine as an effective anti-inflammatory and bactericidal agent. Such a problem as the appearance of acne and acne on the face, especially relevant in adolescence. For treatment or prevention use both dry grass and fresh plant. To prepare a medicinal product, you need 3 tbsp. Spoon nettle pour 200 ml of boiling water, and then infuse for 1 hour. With this solution, you can rinse your face or rub the problem areas on the skin, but before use, it should be diluted with water in equal proportions.
You can also make lotions from the juice of nettle, pre-soaked them with a thin gauze. Nettle will help get rid of almost any kind of acne. For the best effect, it is necessary to combine the external application of nettle in the form of lotion, decoction or tonic together with the internal intake of nettle broth for a month. Thus, in the body, there is a normalization of metabolism and active removal of toxins. It is recommended that you pay attention to the food intake during taking this medication. It is best at this time to give preference to natural products and completely give up alcohol, sweets and carbonated drinks.
Effective in the fight against acne such a nettle mask for the face: whip with a corolla 1 quail egg, add to it 1 tbsp. A spoonful of grapefruit juice and 2 tbsp. Spoons of crushed strawberries. Ingredients should be mixed thoroughly and applied to the face with a cotton swab. Leave it for 15 minutes and then rinse with cool water. Such a product perfectly cleanses the pores and relieves the skin of accumulated dirt and fat, because of which acne often occurs.
Infusion of nettle for the face
A mask for a nettle's face can work wonders! It is a natural remedy with a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, this mask cleanses the skin, tones and makes it more elastic. It should be noted that almost all the products from the nettle give a good result in the treatment of acne eruptions, and are also used for irritations, inflammations, dehydration of the skin. For example, fading mature skin can be "rejuvenated" with the help of such a mask: washed nettle leaves in nettle water through a meat grinder (or juicer), and then freshly prepared juice to wipe the skin of the face. You can moisten the gauze folded in half, in the nettle solution and apply it to a face that needs moisturizing and toning.
Infusion of nettle for the face can be taken as inside (especially effective for acne), and in the form of lotions and lotions, intended for cleansing the skin of the face. To prepare this product, you need to pour 200 ml of boiling water dry leaves of nettle (15-20 leaves), then soak the mixture for an hour (preferably in a thermos) and strain. To prepare a nettle broth, this mixture should be boiled for 2-3 minutes, then insist and strain.
In addition to the problems associated with acne and pimples, the nettle infusion is used for external treatment of burns, wounds and even trophic ulcers. In such cases, the wound surface is applied well washed in boiled water and carefully mashed nettle leaves. To this end, you can also use a piece of gauze or a cotton swab soaked in fresh nettles. Nettle is effective in the treatment of radiculitis, rheumatic polyarthritis, gout. In such situations, it is recommended to rub the joints with freshly squeezed juice of this plant.
Nettle extract is often included in various cosmetic products: creams, shampoos, lotions, tonics. To prepare nettle infusions, it is best to harvest the plants in the spring or summer. To do this, you should stock up on gloves, so as not to "burn" your hands. The tops of the stems are cut at harvesting, and the leaves are cut off after a couple of days, when they completely fade. Nettle drying should be done under a canopy or in an attic, avoiding direct sunlight, which can destroy the healing properties of the plant. An important condition for drying the plant is good ventilation. To do this, the ripped nettle stems must be spread in a thin layer (4-5 cm) on clean cardboard, mesh or fabric. It is necessary to make sure that the leaves do not dry out - in that case they become brittle and at the same time quickly turn into a dry powder. The shelf life of dry nettle is 2 years.
Feedback on Nettle Masks
A mask for a nettle's face is a natural remedy that is very popular with women who seek to preserve their youthful face. This mask is very effective in use, it helps to get rid of pimples and acne, it tones well and cleanses the skin.
Reviews of facial masks from nettles are always positive. It is important simply to follow the indications and not to keep such masks on the face skin for too long to avoid burns that can result from the strong action of formic acid. On Internet forums, you can find high ratings of consumers who used nettles as an alternative means for skin care. Especially useful are the products, which contain nettle, aimed at caring for the problem skin of the face. Such skin types as oily, sensitive, dry, require special care. It is the mask from a natural product (in this case - nettles) that can relieve irritation and all sorts of skin inflammations, saturate the skin with minerals and a complex of vitamins, while having a beneficial effect on the cellular level.
For example, a harsh-honey mask helps fight excessively dry facial skin. To produce it, you need fresh leaves of nettle, rubbed into a gruel, mixed with honey in a liquid consistency and put a mask on your face. It will relieve the sensations of tightness of the skin, as well as saturate the mature skin with the necessary vitamins and beneficial microelements.
Judging by the reviews, many women use masks from nettles with the addition of other natural ingredients: fruit pulp, cream, grapefruit juice, etc. To prepare masks, both dry and fresh stems of nettle are used, depending on the season. Nettle grass is able to store its healing properties for 2 years after collection.
In addition to masks for the face, nettles are used for hair care, tk. It strengthens hair well, makes it healthier and silky, prevents dandruff, and promotes better hair growth. To prepare a decoction of 1 tbsp. A spoonful of nettle leaves is poured into a glass of boiling water, insisted for an hour and filtered. After the main washing of the head with such infusion, moisten the head, lightly rubbing it into the roots of the hair. In this case, it is not recommended to wipe the head.
A mask for a nettle's face is a source of health and beauty, everyone should know about its beneficial properties in order to apply recipes aimed at preserving youth, purity and natural freshness of the skin.