Magnetotherapy: mechanism of action, technique, indications and contraindications
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Magnetotherapy - is the use in the treatment and prevention of permanent, low-frequency variables and pulsed magnetic fields. In cosmetology, the most common method of low-frequency magnetotherapy, based on the use of non-intensive changes in pulsed magnetic fields.
Mechanism of Magnetotherapy
The biological activity of such fields is due to the electric fields and currents induced in the body, whose density is comparable to the values of the gate currents of single ion channels of excitable membranes. As a result, the speed of the action potentials along the nerve leads increases and perineural edema decreases. The resulting magneto-hydrodynamic forces increase the vibrational motion of the uniform elements and proteins of the blood plasma, activate local blood flow and increase the blood supply of various organs and tissues. The activation of the central links of the neuroendocrine regulation of the activity of internal organs leads to the intensification of predominantly metabolic reactions in them.
Low-frequency magnetotherapy has vasodilator, catabolic, anti-inflammatory, hypocoagulating, hypogensic, immunocorrective, adaptogenic and stress-limiting action
Indications for magnetotherapy:
- itching dermatoses;
- scleroderma;
- acne;
- postoperative conditions;
- edema of various genesis and localization;
- general and local immunocorrection;
- treatment and prevention of overweight;
- treatment and prevention of cellulite;
- flaccid purulent wounds;
- burns;
- keloid scars, etc.
Method of magnetotherapy
The longitudinal and transverse location of the inducers is used in the projection of the pathological focus or segmental zones. In the inductor-solenoid, the organs and limbs are located in the longitudinal direction of the main vessels along the length of the inductor, while in the inductor-electromagnets - in the transverse direction
The duration of daily or daily treatment is 15-30 minutes, the course of treatment - 15-20 procedures. Repeated course if necessary, appointed after 1 -2 months.
Treatment of acne: a course of 10 procedures, daily, the effect is on the frontal area - 10 min and on the rash zones - for 5 min. A combination of a low-frequency magnetic field of 40 mT in sinusoidal form, a constant magnetic field with an induction of 40 mT and electromagnetic radiation of the infrared range with a length waves 0.87 microns.
Combination with other methods:
- electrophoresis;
- deep heat;
- ultrasound therapy;
- microcurrent therapy;
- endermology.