
Hydroperite for hair removal

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Hydroperite is used more for discoloration of hair than for their total removal. Agree that light, thin hairs are less noticeable on the skin than gross and dark hairs. Hydroperite for hair removal, more precisely, for their "camouflage" used by our grandmothers, and indeed this method is very simple, accessible and relatively safe.

A hydroperite is a compound of urea and hydrogen peroxide. Peroxide affects the pigments of the hair, and carbamide helps in this process, acting as a "vehicle".

How is hydroperite used for discoloration, hair removal? It is necessary to prepare a 15% solution in this way:

  • To get 10 hydroperitis tablets in a pharmacy, we will need only 3 pieces, the rest will be spare, because the procedure will most likely have to be repeated several times.
  • Grind 3 tablets and mix them with 10 ml of boiled or purified water.
  • Add 8-10 drops of ammonia to the solution.
  • Apply the mixture to areas with undesirable hair covering with a cotton pad, swab.
  • Leave to dry completely and repeat the action.
  • After 20-25 minutes, the mixture can be washed off with warm water.
  • The next procedure, just like the previous one, will have to be done in 2 days.
  • Repeat the application of the hydroperite until the desired result is obtained.

In some women, the hair becomes not only lighter, but thinner, in addition, they grow more slowly. There are cases when the hydroperite overdoes the delicate and sensitive skin, so the solution should be pre-tested on the back of the hand (hand). If there is no irritation, redness, then the remedy can be used on larger areas of the body. It should also be warned about the inadmissibility of bleaching hair hydroperitic over the upper lip, instead of light hairs you can get reddened skin and hair of an unpleasant yellow tint.


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