Hair removal with wax
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The procedure for waxing hair has been used for many centuries. Since ancient times, women have started using the method of hair removal with the help of wax. And today the process of hair removal with wax remains still as popular among representatives of both the weaker sex and the strong. Elimination of hair in undesirable places with the help of wax is an effective and affordable remedy, although it is not the most pleasant method. Both in specialized salons and at home, such types of waxing are used: depilation with the use of cold, warm and hot wax, as well as water-soluble wax, based on sugar or honey. Let's take a closer look at each type of wax depilation.
Hair removal with hot wax
The basis of hot (hard) wax is usually pine resin and beeswax. In the wax is often added orange, lemon or some other vegetable oil, to avoid cracking the skin or strong adhesion of wax to the body. It is important to note that it is better to remove hair with hot wax in specialized salons than at home, especially if there is no hair depilation experience with wax, since in this case precise control of wax temperature is necessary. In case of overheating, you can get a burn.
Heated wax provokes skin ripening and pore expansion, which provides a less painful process during hair removal. The heating of the wax takes about half an hour, but still the regulation of its temperature should be given to a specialist.
Hair removal with warm wax
The basis of warm (soft) wax is also made of pine resin, which is often added to various softeners, such as honey and beeswax. Soothing agents for a sensitive skin type may also be present. Warm wax is safe and therefore its use is permitted and at home. The application of warm wax also allows you to expand the skin pores, so that the process would have a less painful reaction. But, one way or another, during the removal of hairs with warm wax, the pain is more pronounced than with hot wax.
Often, wax, used during warm depilation, does not dissolve in water. Therefore, after the procedure, it is still necessary to use means to remove wax from the skin. It is important to note that in case of incomplete hair removal, this procedure can be repeated no earlier than in 24 hours.
Hair removal with water-soluble wax
The water-soluble wax reminds of a creamy mixture that is made on the basis of honey or sugar. A distinctive feature of the process of hair removal with water-soluble wax is that this wax is applied not to the skin, but to the hairs that need to be removed. In this procedure, a special wand is used, which is applied to the wax paste directly on the hairs. Glued hairs are removed together with the frozen paste.
The advantage of this type of hair removal is its delicacy in relation to the skin and long-term ˗ hair begins to grow only after 6 weeks, as well as the fact that it does not require any additional means to warm up the wax. The disadvantage is that this method is applied only to the hands and feet; Hair removal is possible only with a hair length of at least 6 mm; painfulness of the process of hair removal.
Hair removal on face with wax
If you want to remove unwanted hairs on your face, it's best to contact professionals in the field. Self-depilation of hair on the face with wax can also be done, but very carefully. As already mentioned above, it is better to use warm wax for the process of depilation at home. It is easy to find in specialized stores, where it is presented on the shelves in special thermostats. Today, various extracts are added to the wax, such as: chamomile, aloe vera, rose, karite, olive, pine, ylang ylang, as well as natural oils that make the process more comfortable.
Before the epilation of any part of your face with the use of wax, you need to prepare well: cleanse your face, dry it thoroughly and degrease, wiping with lotion. Then apply a thin layer of heated wax to the necessary areas, evenly distributing it on the surface, then cover with a cloth or paper strip, leaving a couple of centimeters for easy removal of material from the skin. The band must be tightly pressed to the body, then, taking hold of the free edge, a sudden movement of the hand to rip against the direction of hair growth. The procedure is unpleasant and even painful, but the result is very favorable. Remains of wax must be removed with a special oil, which not only prevents the appearance of irritation, but also provides proper skin care. For several days, it is necessary to apply moisturizing cream in the morning and evening, and in no case should you use any means for a person with alcohol content. It also should some time to refrain from sunbathing, as well as rubbing the skin with a washcloth.
A warning of hair removal on the face with wax is the presence of wounds or inflammation on those areas of the skin where you want to remove hair. Very carefully it is necessary to treat depilation, if you have birthmarks or warts.
Hair removal above the lip wax
The process of removing hair over the upper lip of wax is not so painful, since the area above the lip is small and the procedure is very quick. Of course, hair removal over the lip is better to provide a specialist, especially if you do not have experience in using wax for depilation. But still, with a great desire, to remove hair over the lip of wax can and yourself at home.
The principle of application of this method is similar to hair removal by wax on the face. Wax, in this case, is best used cold, because the skin on the face is very sensitive. A wax strip is applied to the thoroughly cleansed skin. It is smoothly smooth, after which a sharp movement is torn from the skin surface. But if you have any lesions or acne over the upper lip, you can not apply wax depilation.
Hair removal on the legs with wax
Hair removal on the legs using wax is more effective when using hot wax. But in this case it is necessary to have certain skills and take into account some features that would not get a serious burn. Therefore, for self-hair removal, the best option is to use cold or warm wax, since in this case, the risk of trauma to the skin is minimal. Before the waxing procedure, it is necessary to disinfect those areas of the skin on which you want to remove the hairs.
Scheme of hair removal with wax on the legs:
- Waxing on a long clean cloth strip.
- Uniform and accurate application of the strip on the skin.
- Careful smoothing over the entire length.
- After a few minutes, stripping the band with a sharp movement against hair growth
When removing unnecessary hairs with hot wax, the procedure is similar, the only difference is that the wax needs to be heated to a certain temperature.
It should be remembered that when wounds, scratches, abrasions or specimens are found, as well as with varicose veins, depilation with wax is strictly prohibited.
Hair removal in hands wax
If you want to remove hair from the skin on your hands, you can also use wax depilation. Hair removal with wax is good because the hairs are removed together with the root and the appearance of new hair occurs only after three weeks.
Depilation of hair on the hands is usually carried out with hot wax, which is heated to 37-40 degrees. No more, otherwise the probability of getting a burn is high. The heated wax is evenly applied to the hand using a spatula, after which a paper or fabric strip is applied. As soon as the wax solidifies, a sharp confident jerk breaks the strip against the growth of the hair.
Hair removal with wax usually gives a good result: the skin remains smooth for a long time. The following procedure can be carried out only when the hair grows no less than 4 mm.
Hair removal under the hands of wax
The skin under the armpits is very sensitive and therefore hair removal with wax in this part of the body can cause a very painful reaction. If you still decide on this method of hair removal, you must adhere to some recommendations.
Hair removal under the armpits can be carried out with hot wax or warm. In the case of a low pain threshold, it is better to give preference to hot wax, since the pain will be less noticeable.
Perhaps, you paid attention, buying a set for waxing, to the fact that the shovel included in the set has a complicated shape. Its concave side is designed for depilation of the legs, the angular part - to remove the hair above the upper lip, and the rounded part is intended just for depilation of the armpits.
Now consider the rules and tips for the correct method of removing hair under the arms of wax:
- It is necessary to disinfect the skin.
- On dry skin, it is recommended to apply talcum powder.
- It is necessary to prepare small strips of fabric.
- Depilation is done in two steps (due to the fact that the hair grows not in one direction under the arms): in one part of the armpit, the wax is distributed from the middle of the armpit towards the elbow, in the other part of the ˗ lower ˗ in the opposite direction.
- A rounded part of the blade is used.
- The hand needs to be lifted up in order to stretch the skin well.
- The wax band breaks down against the growth of the hair.
What would after depilation quickly calm the skin, it is recommended to immediately press it with your hands, then apply talcum powder.
Wax for professional hair removal
The long absence of hairs on those parts of the body where depilation was performed is the main advantage of wax removal of hair. During the hair removal with the help of wax, the hairs are pulled out together with the bulb, which ensures their slow growth. With the constant use of professional wax depilation, hair growth can practically or even completely cease.
Professionally, hot wax is often used during hair removal, because it provides a longer lasting effect, and the process is less painful, since the skin is well-steamed and the pores are dilated.
In the professional hair removal wax, waxes of such manufacturers as Rica, Depileve and Tessiltaglio are often used. These waxes include natural beeswax, paraffin, natural resins, vegetable extracts and natural oils. Waxes that are part of the "hot" group often have the form of a disc, a pellet or a bar. The melting point of hot wax is 45-47 degrees. This group of waxes is mainly used for delicate depilation.
Cartridge waxes for epilation are very popular. They are often used both in professional salons, and at home. Waxes in cartridges are classified as warm waxes. Their composition can be different, depending on the consistency, density and adhesive properties. Before the use of warm wax in cartridges take into account not only the type of skin, but also the hair. To achieve the necessary temperature of the wax, which is best suited for the process of hair removal, a special vertical heater is used. Usually a special roller is attached to the wax cartridge, which allows the wax to be applied evenly to the surface of the body.
In professional depilation, waxes are frequently used in cans, which often refer to warm types of wax. The components of warm wax are various natural resins, white beeswax and natural additives. Foam wax - one of the varieties of canned wax ˗ is most often used in the process of hair removal in the bikini zone. This wax, which melts at a temperature of 38-39 degrees, is used without fabric or paper strips.
Reviews about hair removal with wax
"For a long time I could not decide on waxing under the armpits. But I made up my mind and did it myself at home. The process was, as I expected, very painful and unpleasant, but it was worth it! For three weeks, I completely forgot about the need to shave the hairs. One bank was enough for the whole summer, so I highly recommend it! "
"She made depilation with wax on her legs. The result I was very pleased, the pain was, but tolerable. Hair does not grow for a long time. The first time there was a slight annoyance, but a couple of days later it all passed. In the following times the pain was less, and irritation almost did not appear! Very pleased with the wax depilation! "
"I wiped my hair on my feet in the salon. The price more and less pleased, the process, of course, unpleasant, but you can live. After the procedure, I had a slight allergic reaction, either to the wax or to the procedure itself, I still did not understand. But soon everything went away. Smoothness of the skin was observed for about three weeks, which, in general, is not bad. For the repeated procedure, you must wait until the hair grows even at half a centimeter. But still the result is worth it. "
"I was always shy of my dark hairs above the upper lip, so I recently decided to remove them with wax. You know, I thought it would be more painful (but maybe I just have a high pain threshold). Now I'm very happy, the skin is smooth and there are no extra hairs that have tormented me for so long! But for everyone this is individual, because someone can wax therapy to remove hair to cause irritation or an allergic reaction. But in my case everything went very smoothly! "