Facial hair removal
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Hair removal on the face is a painful topic for both women and men, not only in the past few decades. All sorts of facial hair removal were done in ancient states, such as Persia, Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. Before you start removing facial hair, you need to find out what the hair is, where mostly and how it grows not only on the body, but also on the person's face.
The human body is more than 95% covered with hair. At someone hair light, practically imperceptible, at someone have more sated color that allocates them against a light skin. However, if for a man this does not play a special role, then for women, hair is a kind of indicator of untidiness, uncleanliness, old-fashionedness. Especially obsessive problem are the hair on the face, which spoil even the most pretty face.
Usually the facial hair grows in three zones - on the chin, on the cheeks - so called, sideburns, and over the upper lip, which torments many women. What are the reasons for the increase in facial hair in women? The simplest explanation is the high content of testosterone in the body of a woman. No less influential on the growth of hair on the face of women is the reception, permanent or prolonged, of contraceptives that are displayed on the hormonal background of the body. Also strong influence is exerted by strong stress or prolonged and painful illness. Often increases the density and color of the hair during pregnancy, during puberty, or even during menopause.
With the most difficult hair situation facing dark-haired ladies and women of the East.
So, the fair sex representatives in all possible ways and ways try to get rid of unwanted hair and, sometimes, even go to extremes. Hair removal on the face is a long process, involving careful preparation and endurance. Every woman sees for herself when the very moment came, when it is necessary to remove facial hair.
Hair removal on the face forever
Each young lady, who considers her scalp to be her problem, at least sometimes dreams of hair removal on her face forever. To end these endless torment with pulling, shaving and lightening ill-fated hairs.
Not so long ago, in cosmetics and aesthetic medicine, a remedy appeared that allows hair removal on the face for good. The installation of "Synchron Play" is a high-tech miracle of medical equipment, which allows carrying out many types of cosmetic procedures, including laser hair removal. For the removal of facial hair, two types of lasers are permanently used: alexandrite and neodymium.
The latter helps to get rid of the scalp on the face of all the phototypes of people. Alexandrite laser helps to get rid of hair of any type on the face with any type of skin. After carrying out epilirovaniya on the skin does not remain a single hair.
It is worth noting that it is possible with the help of the Synchro Play device not only to slow down the growth of hair on undesirable areas of the body, but also to completely stop them in time.
Removal of unwanted facial hair
Removal of unwanted facial hair - the procedure is quite amusing, if viewed from the side. So, almost daily, most women adjust the shape of the eyebrows, plucking unnecessary hairs. This is one of the simplest ways to get rid of hateful thickets for a while.
Methods of facial hair removal
It is worthwhile, at last, to tell, what there are the most widespread ways of removal of hair on the face. So, the most popular are:
- shaving or hair removal depilatory - for men it is good, for the woman opposite. The removal of hair on the face with a depilator contributes to a change in the structure of the hair, its coarsening and darkening. That is, the hairs become stiff, coarse, thick and noticeable. Having resorted to removing facial hair from the depilator all the time, you become his hostage and will have to carry out this procedure constantly;
- plucking - the method is good in certain situations, when there is no other choice, however, it is ineffective. Plucking, as well as the previous method, negatively affects the structure of the hair, damages the hair follicle. After the "tweezer torture" on the skin may appear irritation, sometimes the tissue can scar. And as a result of plucking, we do not get rid of hair, but provoke their further growth and multiplication. Similar methods of combating undesirable hair are advised to use only when there are few hairs and they are far from each other. However, it is worth noting that on the site of the torn thin hair will grow thicker. However, the advantage of plucking before shaving is that, when pulled, the hairs grow slower;
- wax or sugar hair removal - are the most effective weapon in the fight for the purity of the skin of the face. Similar procedures help to pull out the hair along with the bulb. Removing facial hair with wax and sugar more favorably affects the purity of the face and release from the hair. As a result of this procedure, the newly growing hair becomes more delicate, brittle and inconspicuous. The result of hair removal on the face with wax or sugar can be observed up to a month;
- epilation with the help of clay prepared by the owner at home - this mass is used in a way similar to wax and molten sugar. From 1 kg of sugar, green, half a glass of water, half a glass of vinegar, a dense mass is cooked, which looks chilled in a chilled form. A thin layer of it is applied to areas of skin with hairs and sharply torn off. It is necessary to apply the composition for growth as an ox, tear it off against growth;
- special cream for depilation - this cream removes hairs (not all), but does not affect the structure of the hair, which does not affect the frequency of the necessary depilation.
There are many other ways to remove facial hair, as well as masking them.
Removal of facial hair on the face
To remove cuff hair on the face of women use all of the above, or even more!
However, how is it best to remove the facial hair on the face?
Dilation - removal of cuff hair on the face, when remove the visible part. That is, the depilation acts on the end of the hair that comes out of the skin. To carry out removal of facial hair on the face by the method of depilation, mainly chemical creams are used, which destroy the disulfide bonds connecting the protein chains in the hairs.
Epilation - a method of deeper effect on the hair, when together with the visible part of the hair, the bulb located in the skin is also removed. In order to achieve maximum effect when removing facial hair on the face by epilation, alternation with other techniques is also recommended: shugaring or waxing, using light and photo epilators.
Facial hair removal cream
The safest method of removing facial hair is using a cream. The cream does not affect the bulb and does not damage the structure of the hair. However, the period of the need for facial hair removal is reduced by the cream, since the hair starts to grow faster.
In some creams, helping to remove facial hair, the composition includes special components that slow hair growth.
Women, faced with the problem of facial hair removal cream, recommend such cream-de-dusters as OPILCA, Cliven, Daen and others.
During the application of the cream for depilation, be sure to read the instructions and perform a skin sensitivity test.
Rivanol for facial hair removal
Rivanol or ethacridine lactate is a medical product that has a disinfectant and healing effect. This solution is a gray-yellow color that helps to gradually remove and reduce the growth of facial hair.
Rivanol to remove hair on the face of a woman can use the house without fear of harm. To remove hairiness, only 1% solution is used, which is wiped by the hair on the face once a day. After several procedures, there will be no trace of hair left.
Rivanol will not only help get rid of unwanted hair, but also make the skin soft, soft and velvety. Thanks to the pharmacological properties of Rivanol, no wounds or rashes appear on the face. However, before using this drug, it is still recommended to test on less visible areas of the skin.
Hair removal on the face with a thread
One of the most effective mechanical ways to get rid of hair is to remove the hair on the face with a thread. To conduct such hair removal it is necessary to take a strong cotton thread, up to 50 cm long. It must be tied at the ends, so that a closed circle turns out, and several times be twisted, so that in the middle there are from 5 to 10 twists. With thumb and forefinger, widening the rings on opposite sides of the twists, we move twists 1-2 mm from the skin of the face. In the loops of the curls fall hairs that are clamped there and pulled out of the skin.
The method of removing facial hair with a thread can be painful, but it is effective enough in combating undesirable vegetation on the face.
Laser facial hair removal
The most effective way to lose hair is laser hair removal on the face. This method is suitable both for the removal of single hairs, and for the elimination of dense hair. During hair removal on the face of the laser, the hair itself heats up and dies. In addition to the hair itself, the action is performed on the follicle. However, not all of the hair that should be born immediately grows. Some of the hairs are in the skin, in a state of origin, therefore in 3-4 weeks they are activated and the procedure of laser hair removal has to be repeated.
The price for removing facial hair from the laser in the salons and clinics ranges from 400 to 1000 hryvnia. If you need to remove hair in one of the areas of the face, then:
- Upper lip - from 50 to 200 UAH.
- Chin - 60 - 200 UAH.
- Between the eyebrows - from 50 to 150 UAH.
- Eyebrows - from 55 to 210 UAH.
- Forehead line - 60 - 210 UAH.
- Cheeks - from 100 to 300 UAH.
- Whiskey - 50 - 200 UAH.
Hair removal on face soda
To remove hair on the face of soda you need to prepare the simplest remedy - 1 tablespoon of baking soda is poured into a glass of boiling water, allowed to cool, then gauze or cotton wool soaked in the prepared solution, wipe the areas on which unwanted hair grows. You can also leave this gauze or cotton wool as a compress for the night, and in the morning it needs to be removed. After several sessions hairs fall off themselves.
However, for women with dry skin, this procedure is not desirable, since soda can further dry the upper layer of the skin.
Face Hair Removal by Manganese
Before beginning the removal of hair on the face of potassium permanganate it is necessary to make a steam bath for the face, to steam out the skin for faster and more effective removal of hairs. In hot water it is necessary to add crystals of potassium permanganate, which will affect the hairs. After the bath, wipe the potassium permanganate with excess hair, but do not apply the solution to the entire face, because you can burn yourself and the skin will turn pink.