Face Mask with Solcoseryl - for skin rejuvenation
Last reviewed: 20.10.2021
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To keep the skin young is the natural desire of every woman. And in search of effective means to make the dream a reality, a lot of time and money is spent. And, probably, it was precisely these searches that led to the idea of using medical preparations for skin rejuvenation, which serve to benefit the health of patients in surgical departments, ophthalmologic clinics and burn centers... Here is one of these findings, and this is a face mask with solcoseril.
The effect of solcoseryl on the skin
The drug Solcoseryl belongs to the group of pharmacological agents that stimulate tissue repair, and is used to treat wounds, trophic ulcers and pressure sores, burns of various etiologies and skin lesions with radioactive radiation.
Solcoseryl is a drug of animal origin. Its main active ingredient is obtained by purifying (dialysis) the blood of dairy calves from the protein contained in it. In the blood dialysate, there is a whole range of low molecular weight components of the cell mass and serum: electrolytes and amino acids, nucleotides and nucleosides, regulatory peptides (oligopeptides), etc.
The peculiarity of these complex biological substances is that, when they enter the skin cells with the blood flow, they behave as a biogenic stimulator: protect cells from oxygen deficiency, help stabilize cell membranes and the activity of intracellular enzymes, stimulate the synthesis of collagen fibers from intercellular matrix fibroblasts. In addition, solkolseril supports the normal level of energy exchange at the cellular level, increases the rate of glucose in the tissue, improves their blood supply (including capillary), normalizes the level of acidity of the skin.
Face Mask Recipes with Solcoseryl
Solcoseryl for external use for therapeutic purposes is available in the form of a gel and in the form of an ointment (manufacturer - MEDA Pharmaceuticals Switzerland). For cosmetic masks, it is better to use an ointment that, in addition to the active ingredient, contains preservatives (methyl parahydroxybenzoate and propyl parahydroxybenzoate), an emulsifier (cetyl alcohol), natural fatty alcohol cholesterol, white petrolatum and water for injection.
The main way to use solcoseryl ointment in home cosmetic skin care procedures is to apply the drug twice a week on the face.
To achieve the desired effect and “rejuvenate” the skin of the face, it is necessary to apply ointment (after thoroughly cleaning the skin) with a continuous layer about 1 mm thick. The area around the eyes is not recommended for the first time. The mask is removed after 20-25 minutes using a tampon moistened with warm water. The ointment is quite oily, so it will have to be removed in 2-3 doses - along the massage lines of the face.
You can make a face mask with solcoseryl, which will help smooth facial wrinkles. To do this, mix a teaspoon of ointment with the same amount of oil solution of vitamins A and E (or Aevita). The mixture is aged on the skin for half an hour and removed with a dry napkin by blotting. Carrying out such a procedure twice a week during the month will be quite enough for the wrinkles on the forehead to become less pronounced, and the skin to become more tender, velvety and healthy. The next course is recommended after a 2-month break.
Mask with solcoseryl and dimexidum
To enhance the anti-aging effect, that is, to increase skin turgor, a mask with solcoseryl and dimexide is made. Liquid drug dimexide (dimethyl sulfoxide) refers to anti-inflammatory drugs for topical use.
It can dissolve many organic and inorganic substances, but at the same time, by dissolving the active ingredients of other medical preparations, it does not diminish their pharmacological effects at all. Dimexide is widely used in transplantation, because the effect of Dimexide on the skin is simply unique: it activates the restorative and replacement processes in all layers of the skin, increases the number of functioning vessels and thereby increases the survival rate of the transplanted skin.
But, using dimexide for cosmetic purposes, we use another of its remarkable properties - the ability to easily diffuse (that is, penetrate) through biological membranes, including the skin and mucous membranes, and quickly deliver "associated" drugs there. Thus, the combination of solcoseryl with dimexide allows all the beneficial substances to be transported to the basal layer of the skin. This layer is located at the base of the epidermis and is capable of cell division. And cell division provides a gradual change and renewal of the layers of our skin.
Dimexide requires careful handling: it should not be allowed to get on the mucous membranes and eyes. It is also contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.
And now back to the mask with solcoseryl and dimexidum for mature skin.
First you need to prepare a solution of Dimexid in the ratio of 1:10, that is, one teaspoon of the drug diluted with ten teaspoons of boiled water at room temperature. The resulting solution wipe the face (pre-cleaned of makeup). Then a layer of Solcoseryl ointment is applied to the face. It is recommended to keep the mask for 30-40 minutes and periodically moisten the face with water - to facilitate removal of the mask after the procedure is completed. To remove the mask is best with a wet swab.
If the skin is loose and “tired”, such a mask with solcoseryl and dimexide is done once a week for a month (and a month break). If the wrinkles are not very deep - twice a month.
Reviews of masks with solkoserilom
According to reviews of those who have tried the masks with solcoseryl on their own face, there really is an effect. Some ladies say that they are ten years younger: their complexion has improved, their skin has become much healthier, and their elasticity can be compared with the result of the most expensive cosmetic procedures offered by beauty salons...
In other women, the skin ceased to peel off, and the wrinkles around the mouth disappeared. Mothers say that thanks to Solcoseryl, their teenage children have less acne on their face.
Cosmetologists claim that even excipients of solcoseryl ointment have a positive effect on the skin, for example, cetyl alcohol protects it from moisture loss and makes it smooth.
However, there are other reviews about masks with solcoseryl. Thus, some dermatologists believe that calves cannot have any rejuvenating properties of dialysate from the blood of calves, since they do not penetrate the epidermal barrier and do not affect the reproduction of squamous epithelial cells (proliferation). Ointment improves recovery only damaged skin. So all publications on the use of this drug for home cosmetic procedures are... Advertising.
Strange, but specialists should be aware that it is a violation of the epidermal barrier, that is, the lipid layer of the stratum corneum, which leads to its dryness and fading. So, for the beneficial effects of solcoseryl on the skin should be no barriers.