Causes of the second chin
Last reviewed: 29.07.2024

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One of the most common cosmetology problems is the second chin. The opinion that it appears only in obese people with excessive body weight is wrong. There may be many reasons for its appearance - from muscle weakness and violation of the structure of subcutaneous fatty tissue to hormonal disorders and diseases of the endocrine system. In some cases, the second chin appears as a sign of psychosomatic pathology, which develops against the background of neuropsychiatric, emotional disorders.
Why does a second chin grow?
When analyzing the causes of the appearance of the second chin, it can be noted that there are quite a lot of them. Therefore, for convenience, they are classified into three main groups - causes associated with the internal state of the body, causes arising under the influence of external factors, and causes caused by psycho-emotional disorders. Let's consider each group of causes.
Thus, the most numerous group can be called the group that includes the reasons caused by the peculiarities of the internal state of the body. These can be various diseases, violation of homeostasis of the body, weakening of the muscular framework, violation of the structure and functions of the vocal cords, thyroid gland, tonsils, edema, violation of the structure of subcutaneous fatty tissue, hormonal failures and immune disorders, consequences of pregnancy, inflammatory and infectious diseases, surgical interventions.
Caused by external factors - improper skin care of the face, neck, insufficient muscle training, use of improper cosmetics, exposure to environmental factors - strong wind, sun, temperature fluctuations, and others. All this affects the condition of the skin.
Do not rule out the causes due to various nervous, mental and emotional disorders. It is known that a number of psychosomatic diseases occur if a person for a long time restrains or suppresses emotions, if he is in a state of stress, neuropsychic overstrain. On the nervous ground arise many diseases and disorders, including disorders of skin tone, metabolic processes in the subcutaneous fatty tissue, muscle layer, there are hormonal disorders, primarily thyroid disease. Stress often leads to metabolic disorders, excessive body weight, obesity, resulting in a second chin.
In order to determine exactly why the second chin is growing, you need to carefully analyze the presence of all possible risk factors contributing to its growth, undergo a laboratory examination, may require ultrasound, additional consultations with specialists. Only knowing the exact cause of the second chin, you can fight it.
Thyroid diseases
The thyroid, or thyroid gland, is anatomically located anterior to the epiglottis cartilage. Many thyroid diseases significantly change its localization and morphological features, it may shift slightly, or increase in size. In this regard, there is a visible protrusion on the front surface of the neck, creating the appearance that a person grows a second chin. However, an experienced doctor can accurately distinguish the second chin from thyroid disease by palpation. So, when palpating the front surface of the neck, a compaction is detected, the tissue seems elastic, hard. Sometimes nodules (small diffuse seals) can be felt.
If the second chin is not associated with thyroid disease, the tissue on the neck, as a rule, loses elasticity, becomes less elastic. The skin on the front surface of the neck lacks tone, looks saggy, wrinkled. As a rule, in this case the skin becomes dry.
You should also take into account the fact that some thyroid diseases can be hidden. The thyroid does not change in size, does not enlarge, however, it has a significant impact on the condition of the body as a whole, including metabolism, skin, muscles, subcutaneous tissue, percentage of fat in the body, turgor of cells and tissues. The thyroid belongs to the glands of internal secretion, and is part of the hormonal system. Therefore, it secretes hormones (thyroid hormone, tyrosine, self-totropin) that directly or indirectly regulate the structural and functional state of the body. Hormones are included in the general system of hormonal regulation. Violation of the endocrine system can entail a violation of certain functions of the body. One of the manifestations of hormonal imbalance in the body can be the growth of the second chin. In order to rule out thyroid pathology, it is necessary to consult with an endocrinologist. You may need an ultrasound of the thyroid gland, or other diagnostic tests.
It is possible that the second chin acts as a psychosomatic disorder. Psychosomatics is a condition in which a person's mental state is projected onto his physical state. For example, some emotional clamps, mental traumas, stresses, post-traumatic syndrome, become the cause for the development of various diseases and disorders in the body. Some emotions that a person experiences constantly, or does not live fully, are similarly reflected in the patient's health condition.
The second chin can be associated with such emotions as greed, a sense of deprivation, lack of something, a constant need for something. A person has a desire to accumulate, to put everything "in reserve". Accordingly, a person forms a similar projection of mental state on his physiology. In the organism the hoarding function is switched on, many nutrients are hoarded, deposited in the form of spare nutrients. The main place of accumulation of spare nutrients in the body is subcutaneous fatty tissue, dermis. The greatest number of these structural elements are located on the sides, in the waist area, as well as in the area of the front surface of the neck, where the second chin is formed. The second chin is also often formed as a result of fluid retention in the body, then it is essentially edematous tissue.
In addition, there is a slowdown of metabolic processes in the body, resulting in a reduced rate of excretion of nutrients and water from the body, there is an excessive accumulation of various substances, including water, toxins.
At the physiological level, psychosomatics is explained quite simply: certain emotions, mental states, lead to the fact that the sensitivity and reactivity of receptors increases. Gradually, they send nerve impulses along the reflex arc, appropriate reactions occur (neurotransmitters, hormones are released). The electrical impulse turns into a chemical impulse, which entails corresponding biochemical and hormonal changes in the whole organism, or in individual systems.
Second chin in women
Statistics show that second chin in women is formed much more often than in men. This is due to many factors. First of all, it should be taken into account that in women the structure of the skin and subcutaneous fatty tissue is sharply different from that of men. Thus, in women it is more loose, the cells are located parallel to each other. As a result, the tissue is more susceptible to various transformations, easily absorbs and accumulates various substances, actively stores substances. In addition, metabolic processes in the body of a man run much faster than in the body of a woman. Accordingly, the metabolic rate is much higher, as a result of which the probability of deposition of spare substances is much lower. The structure of subcutaneous fat tissue in men is less adapted to the storage of nutrients than in women. This is due to a number of ontological and population reasons. In particular, women have a greater need than men to store nutrients because they are the ones who carry and nurture their offspring.
It should also be noted the differences in the hormonal background in men and women. Female hormones: estrogens, prolactin, contribute to the formation of a more loose tissue structure, forms less turgor. In women, for various reasons, hormonal disorders and thyroid diseases are significantly more common than in men.
Second chin in pregnancy
In pregnancy, the second chin is formed in many women. This is due to the fact that the woman is intensively gaining weight, in her body significantly change the basic metabolic processes, the hormonal background changes, intensely run accumulation processes. Many women at this time, swelling, fluid retention in the body. In addition, the structure of the skin and subcutaneous tissue changes, it becomes more prone to accumulation of spare nutrients. This is facilitated by the hormone progesterone, which is formed only in the body of a pregnant woman (with the formation of the placenta), prolactin level increases. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that training and the general level of physical activity on the body during pregnancy is sharply reduced, which leads to a weakening of the muscle layer.
The second chin can be as a norm, and disappears quite quickly after childbirth, after full recovery of the body. But it can also be a sign of many pathological conditions, such as thyroid disease, hydrocele of pregnancy, hormonal disorders, metabolic disorders.
In order to avoid the formation of a second chin in pregnancy, you need to perform special physical exercises for the neck and chest, to engage in breathing practices. It is especially useful to practice chest and clavicular breathing. It can be practiced at any term, in addition, it will prove to be a useful and necessary skill during labor. In addition, you should use special masks and compresses for the neck, use specially designed cosmetic care products for the neck and décolletage area, and massage.
Second chin in men
The second chin appears quite often in men. As a rule, it appears in obese men with excessive body weight, in men who do not exercise enough, have little physical activity. Often the second chin is formed in athletes who were engaged in various sports, and then abruptly quit sports. In particular, those types that are associated with lifting weights, high load on the neck and pectoral muscles.
Second chin in men can indicate various hormonal disorders, diseases of the thyroid gland, vocal cords. Many inflammatory and infectious diseases of the throat, such as laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, can cause the development of a second chin. Often such a condition is observed if there is a history of chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract of the nasopharynx, pharynx. Many adolescents in the period of voice mutation often form a second chin. It can be eliminated with the help of properly selected physical activity.
The baby has a second chin
It is normal for a child to not develop a second chin. As a rule, the child has a high level of activity, sufficient physical activity, accelerated growth and increased metabolism, which does not contribute to the development of such conditions. Second chin can be observed in children who have a low level of motor activity, who have various chronic diseases, and sometimes violations of metabolic processes, hormonal background, biochemical cycles. Often the second chin is associated with the permanent localization of allergic and inflammatory processes in the neck, throat. The second chin is easy to confuse with lymphadenitis, lymphadenopathy, diffuse goiter, inflammation of the thyroid gland, thyrotoxicosis. A similar picture can be a consequence of tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, maxillary sinusitis and sinusitis.
Violations of microflora, intensive multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms against the background of reduced immunity and impaired resistance of the body, causes a corresponding reaction.
Indirectly can affect and other reasons - low immunity, violation of normal metabolic processes in the body, excess weight, slow metabolism, lack of vitamins, trace elements, mineral components.
Children with reduced immunity, children with frequent illnesses, children with long-term, recurrent diseases, chronic infection, allergic reactions, and edema are at risk. Second chin often appears in children with various foci of infection, with chronic infectious and somatic diseases, including dental and dermatological profile. Children with avitaminosis are at risk, especially if the body is deficient in vitamins C and D.
Second chin in a baby
An infant may have a second chin. This can be both normal and a sign of pathology. For example, in the norm, the second chin gradually disappears. By the first year of life, it usually disappears on its own. This is due to the fact that the newborn child has underdeveloped muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle. In addition, the stay of the child in the fetal position, contributes to the fact that he develops certain physiological bends, hypertonus appears. Gradually, as the child adapts to life outside the womb, there is a decrease in tone, strengthening of the muscle layer.
In some cases, improper (excessive nutrition), excessive moisture intake, can lead to the development of a second chin. Sometimes it is a reaction to artificial or mixed feeding, can be a sign of hormonal disorders, excessive body weight, homeostasis disorders.
Also in the risk group are children born with various types of intrauterine infection, with birth trauma, weakened children, children with low body weight, underdevelopment or functional immaturity of the body, children born prematurely or in connection with cesarean section.
Why do skinny people have a second chin?
Patients often ask the question: "Why do thin people have a second chin?". First of all, it should be understood that the appearance of the second chin is not always associated with overweight or obesity. The second chin appears in the first place, because the structure of the skin, subcutaneous fatty tissue, turgor (elasticity of tissues) is lost. In addition, there are always muscles under the skin. Weakening of the muscular layer of the neck is one of the common causes of the development of the second chin. A slowed metabolism (metabolism), can also cause a second chin. This is due to the fact that when metabolism slows down, there is an intense accumulation of metabolic products. Second chin can appear in many hormonal disorders, inflammatory and infectious processes in the neck, throat, in the presence of a chronic focus of infection. In women, pregnancy is often the cause of the second chin. In men - insufficient motor activity. Sometimes the appearance of the second chin can lead to stress, nervous diseases and mental disorders, poor nutrition, lack of vitamins, minerals, which leads to changes in the properties of the skin, subcutaneous tissue, violates metabolism. With age, regardless of body type, both thin and obese people can get a second chin.
Flabby second chin
At various stages of life, a person may develop a flabby second chin. It is wrong to believe that this problem concerns only obese people or elderly people. If you do not properly care for the décolletage area, neck, chest, the risk of developing a flabby second chin increases many times over.
In order for the skin to always be taut and firm, it must be properly cared for. It is necessary to periodically do massage, apply special cosmetic products aimed at normalizing the state of the skin. However, all this will be ineffective with insufficient physical activity. Neck muscles also need to constantly train, performing specially selected exercises for the neck and décolleté zone. It is also necessary at the appearance of the first signs to contact a cosmetologist. An experienced cosmetologist will always choose the most suitable way for you to eliminate the second chin. Today there are quite a few means that allow you to eliminate the second chin in a relatively short time. These can be both surgical and non-surgical techniques.