Breast lift surgery
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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Modern women often resort to plastic surgery to improve their appearance and figure. Breast lift is usually ordered in cases where the bust does not need to be enlarged. Where and how to do it better, is there an alternative? And what risks await the patient who decides to undergo surgery?
What's the name of a breast lift - mastopexy
Normally, the nipple is located at mid-shoulder height, i.e. Above the breast crease. When the level of the nipple becomes lower than the crease, breast ptosis is diagnosed. Plastic surgeons remove the unsightly sagging, redistribute the glandular tissue and return the breast to a beautiful shape.
- Not everyone knows what breast lift is called - mastopexy or mammoplasty? And what is the difference if both methods restore the aesthetic proportions of the breast?
In the first case the name comes from two words: "breast" and "fixation", in the second case it translates as "breastplasty". Mastopexy is one of the variants of mammoplasty, when the shape of the breasts is surgically changed.
During a mastopexy, the surgeon removes some of the stretched skin and forms a harmonious breast. The stitches are made so that they are practically invisible and the nipple is raised higher to its natural height.
The operation lasts up to 3 hours. If the intervention is not strong, the patient leaves the clinic the same day, in case of a large correction remains in the hospital for up to three days. Suture removal is scheduled depending on the patient's condition, in mild cases about 5-10 days.
The effect of the breast lift lasts for a long time in case of slight sagging of small or medium-sized breasts. The bust becomes firm and attractive, and its owner gains confidence in her irresistibility and psychological comfort. [1]
Indications for the procedure
Women who have experienced breast prolapse need a breast lift. This occurs due to lactation and breastfeeding, in case of sudden weight loss, as well as in connection with menopause and age-related changes - loss of elasticity, strength of skin and ligaments. Breasts droop and become less attractive than before.
- The bust can change due to hormonal factors - increase or decrease in volume.
The process is also influenced by external factors: improper underwear or lack thereof, poor body care, smoking, which destroys elastin fibers. And even irregular sexual relations. Regardless of the cause, the problem of sagging is the main indication for reconstructive surgery.
Several degrees are diagnosed - depending on the level of sinking.
- 1st - nipple at the level of the subpectoral fold or 1cm below.
- 2st. - lowering to 3cm, the nipple "looks" straight.
- 3st - dropping below 4cm.
You can determine the degree yourself - using the palm of your hand under the breast. If the lowered gland covers it by 2 fingers, there is a 1st degree. If all 4 fingers are "hiding", there is the 2nd degree, and in the 3rd degree the breast covers the whole palm.
Mastopexy is a very serious and complex operation, with the possibility of undesirable consequences. If everything goes according to plan, then as a result, the corrected contour is ensured for a long time. A repeat procedure is performed in exceptional cases. [2]
Breast lift after childbirth, after pregnancy
Very often women turn to surgeons to make a breast lift after childbirth, after pregnancy. What happens in the organ at this time, why the joy of childbirth for the mother is accompanied by some aesthetic losses?
- In the body of the future mother hormonal processes are booming, leading to an increase in the volume of the mammary gland. Heavy breasts stretch the skin and ligaments that support them.
After childbirth, some women lose weight and the skin and ligaments shrink back to their former size. But this does not always happen naturally; sometimes the breasts change for the worse and post-lactation ptosis develops. Especially pesky such a problem moms with large breasts, filled mostly with fatty tissue. This is when the need for a breast lift service (mastopexy) arises.
The surgery consists of moving the nipple and areola, removing excess skin and redistributing glandular tissue so that the breasts regain the desired shape with the same volume. It is performed in a clinic, where the patient stays from a few hours to a few days, depending on the extent of the intervention.
Work capacity returns after 1 to 2 weeks and physical activity up to a month. Scars mature from 6 to 12 months, after which they become invisible. The effect is long-lasting, but not forever. Repeated pregnancies, aging of the body and fluctuations in body weight can cause the gland to prolapse again.
Sagging breast lift
One of the reasons that bring patients to a plastic surgeon is significant stretching of the skin and ligaments of the mammary gland. Such a condition brings a woman not only psychological trauma, but also physical discomfort. Breast lift allows you to create the desired shape of the bust by distributing your own "material", that is, breast tissue.
The option of sagging breast lift is chosen by a specialist depending on the degree of sagging and the condition of the tissue. The degree of anesthesia and the duration of the procedure depends on the technique, although on average, any of them are finished no later than three hours. Sutures are performed cosmetic, so that the traces after the intervention are almost invisible.
- A paraareolar lift is recommended for small busts and mild ptosis. A sickle-shaped incision is made above or circumferentially around the areola and the nipple is moved upwards.
- Moderate mastoptosis requires a vertical mastopexy. An incision is made from the nipple to the crease under and around the breast, excess skin is removed.
- More severe defects are corrected with T-incisions. They are used for large volumes and severe prolapse. Due to the incisions, the method is the most traumatic, but it also solves the most difficult problems.
No less important condition for success than the reliability of the institution and the qualifications of the specialist is the personal responsibility of the patient. A woman should follow professional advice not only in the preparation process, but especially in postoperative care. Compression underwear, restriction of loads and water procedures, taking preventive medications - all this must be steadfastly observed in order to get an excellent result after the completion of rehabilitation processes. [3]
Preliminary preparation includes visits to a general practitioner, mammologist, gynecologist, anesthesiologist, blood and urine tests, ECG, fluorography. What kind of examination is necessary in a particular case depends on age, heredity, health in general. Such requirements exist to exclude fibrotic changes or cysts that need to be treated, as well as planning pregnancy. Contraindications to breast lift are also identified when conducting ECG, fluorography, general tests.
- Doctors prefer to work with patients who are as balanced and physically stable as possible. For this purpose, two weeks before and two weeks after surgery, you should stop smoking (or better - permanently) and do not drink alcohol.
Shortly before the procedure it is necessary to exclude for a while the intake of hormonal and blood thinning drugs (aspirin), and 5 hours before - the consumption of food. A few days before the lift should not overload the body physically and mentally. Any doubts about the upcoming procedure, it is best to find out personally, without shyness, in conversation with the surgeon. This will help relieve the anxiety and excitement that is natural before such an event.
If after the procedure you rely on someone else's help, it is important to stipulate the conditions in advance and familiarize your loved one with the recommendations for the care of the operated organ. In particular, after discharge, it is in no case recommended to personally drive to get home.
Local anesthesia
Anesthesia is a mandatory element of plastic surgery. What kind of anesthesia to use is decided by the anesthesiologist, depending on the results of the examination and the purpose of plastic surgery. Breast lift in most cases are made under general anesthesia, when the patient is given the opportunity to sink into sleep for the entire duration of the operation. And this is logical, since it lasts for quite a long time, and the operated area is saturated with receptors that signal pain.
- The patient does not have to endure pain while watching the doctor's actions, because it is a spectacle, as they say, "not for the faint of heart". The anesthesiologist preliminarily determines the tolerance of anesthetic drugs, and during the operation monitors the situation and the patient's sleep.
Some clinics use local anesthesia as an alternative. The technique requires high qualification, experience and consideration of the individual characteristics of the operated person. Drugs that relieve pain sensitivity are administered by injection, while the person remains conscious and adequately assesses what is happening. Sometimes a sedative pill or injection is offered to induce drowsiness, relaxation and insensitivity to pain sensations.
Local anesthesia is used if there are contraindications for general anesthesia. If there are no such contraindications, and the intervention is to be serious, then doctors prefer anesthesia to focus on the main thing and not be distracted by secondary actions, if they can be called so. In addition, there is a risk of overdose of drugs used for local anesthesia. This is fraught with seizures, arrhythmias and other complicating the task of surgeons. And given that this type of surgery is usually performed on young and relatively healthy women, anesthesia is not a threat to their condition.
Technique of the breast lifts
When planning the technique of breast lift surgery, the severity of ptosis is taken into account. It is defined by degrees: 1 (minimal), 2 (moderate), 3 (pronounced). There are also glendular and pseudoptosis.
The choice of breast lift technique also depends on the shape and size of the sagging. In turn, the shape and location of postoperative scars depends on the technique. It is possible to determine the degree by yourself, but in a clinic it is done by a doctor who prepares the client for surgery.
- A woman who has undergone preliminary examinations and tests, the doctor makes a marking of the breast and explains in detail the essence and procedure of the procedure. The choice of the method is based on the volume of the breast and the degree of ptosis.
For 1 degree of ptosis in small breasts, the incision is made in a crescent-shaped incision. The procedure is the least traumatic and leaves a small mark. Since the breast becomes flatter than before, the technique is recommended for cone-shaped breasts.
In stages 2 and 3, vertical and anchor techniques are used. They involve more incisions and, consequently, more stitches, but in the case of the described sagging, a beautiful shape cannot be achieved in any other way.
All of these techniques require general anesthesia and take up to 3 hours. During this time, the specialist has time to tighten the nipple and areola, remove excess skin, and fix the tissues in a higher position. [4]
Contraindications to the procedure
Do not think that breast lift can be done to everyone and always, indulging whims rather than based on real needs. Competent doctors strongly discourage the procedure if they see contraindications to the procedure. They are obvious if a woman is planning to give birth and breastfeed, or wants to urgently lose weight, or recently stopped nursing.
Although there is an opinion that mastopexy does not interfere with breastfeeding, because only the skin is tightened, not the glandular tissue and ducts where the mother's milk is produced.
There are also contraindications related to health conditions, namely:
- Endocrinology, including diabetes;
- Oncology;
- clotting disorder;
- mastitis;
- a tendency to scar;
- hormonal imbalance;
- obesity;
- of breast pathology;
- exacerbations of other chronic pathologies.
Consequences after the procedure
Any surgical intervention has both predictable and unpredictable consequences after the procedure. A breast lift is considered to be low risk. Nevertheless, this important issue should be discussed in detail during a personal meeting with the surgeon preparing you for surgery.
- The formation of swelling and hematomas is normal after any surgical intervention. In the case of a lift, they disappear on their own after about a week.
Sometimes infection and divergence of the incision edges occur. The wound is then more difficult to heal and the scars may become somewhat wider. They will have to be reduced by another simple procedure.
- When nerve endings are disrupted, the skin becomes numb. Then the process can develop in different ways: sensitivity is restored completely, partially or not at all. Sometimes the nipples lose it permanently.
Another unpleasant consequence is breast asymmetry. It is known that both halves of the breast are not absolutely symmetrical. The operation makes the symmetry maximum, but not absolute. But if it is disturbed so that it becomes noticeable, additional correction may be required.
- In addition to purely physical, moral feelings are also important. Usually a woman after mastopexy feels vague anxiety, sadness, anxiety.
Psychologists attribute this to the stress and excitement of waiting for a positive effect. Was I right to take this step? - involuntarily asks herself operated. And it is important to support a woman at this moment - both staff and close people, for the sake of whom, in fact, many women sacrifice their comfort. [5]
When are the stitches removed?
Practicing surgeons in their work use two types of suture material: resorbable natural and synthetic. The second option is used for breast lift, so the question of sutures is relevant in all cases.
- The number of stitches, as well as the decision when to remove the stitches, is made by the doctor, and it depends primarily on the type of surgery and the rate of healing.
This usually happens within the first 3 weeks, but not before the 7th-10th day. Whether it hurts or not depends on many factors, including individual characteristics.
Depending on the technique, there may be one continuous suture, two or three in one breast. The more radical the intervention, the more sutures that leave traces. It is estimated that they are less when using silicone implants, and the maximum number is associated with the anchor technique.
- In any case, stitches require special attention and care, constant monitoring of their condition. Initially red, as they heal, they lighten, shrink, become less noticeable.
The edges of the wound must be bound and protected from infection. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe treatment with antiseptic ointments, and after removal of the sutures - with resorbable preparations.
For the first few days it is not recommended to wash, let alone rub the stitches with a washcloth. Then protect them with a bandage, removing it after the procedure. To prevent the stitches from coming apart, it is mandatory to wear a compression bra for a month.
Inflamed, infected or separated stitches are a cause for concern. If the suture, at any stage, becomes red, swollen, painful and oozes blood or pus, you should see a doctor immediately to correct the problem.
Scars, scars
The professional skill of the surgeon and clinic staff plays an important role in minimizing undesirable consequences. The healing process of the wound after breast lift is monitored by the specialist who performed the procedure.
Healing occurs due to the formation of fibroblasts that fill the tissue defect. The edges gradually converge and form thin sutures. The resulting scars, scars are of different nature.
- Physiologic - placed at the level of the skin surface, they become invisible after two to three months.
- Atrophic ones are located below and hypertrophic ones are located above that level.
- Keloid - grows wider than the edges of the wound, may itch, "pull" the skin.
Physiologic scars are normal, and everyone has them. In case of healing disorders, a cosmetic defect is formed, which has to be removed by the same surgical procedure.
Compliance with the doctor's instructions on the part of the patient is as important as the qualifications of the medical staff. Violation of the regimen leads to increased pressure in the chest area and decreased healing rates.
- Strenuous activity, lifting heavy weights, and raising arms at or above shoulder level are prohibited to avoid scarring.
More aesthetic consequences are obtained with proper care, in young women with a normal weight, free from bad habits, full nutrition and do not violate the regime. Accordingly, the scars remain delicate.
Hematoma after breast lift
Postoperative complications are general surgical and specific. One of the surgical, along with seromas, rough scars, suppuration - hematoma after breast lift. Occurs, as a result of traumatization of blood vessels, in every surgical intervention. Blood is stopped by the operating staff with special manipulations, which is reflected in the term "homeostasis".
In the first few days after a breast lift, in the event of a sudden pressure surge, clotting disorders, trauma or overload, blood may reappear in the operated location. Renewed bleeding leads to a hematoma, which is recognized by the following signs:
- to increase the size and firmness of the breasts;
- pain and tension in the tissues;
- discomfort;
- the discharge from the breast where the hematoma formed.
The problem is corrected by repeated surgical intervention. After removing the sutures, the doctor removes the blood clots, washes the tissue with antiseptic and cauterizes the vessels if they continue to bleed. Next, new sutures are placed and, if necessary, drainage is applied.
This complication is fraught with dangerous consequences. If it is not treated urgently, it develops suppuration and necrosis of tissues, which are much more difficult to treat.
Complications after the procedure
No matter how simple the operation may seem, complications after the procedure are always possible. They can be provoked by surgeon's mistakes, contraindications, and the peculiarities of the individual. When performing a breast lift, the following problems are possible:
- contour asymmetry;
- secondary ptosis;
- swelling, bruising;
- temporary loss of sensation;
- infection and suppuration of the areas;
- a noticeable scar;
- hematoma;
- poor healing;
- tissue die-off;
- halo dystopia.
Breastfeeding may not be possible after the lift. In about 15% of mastopexy patients, nipple sensitivity is reduced. Secondary ptosis is real in case of large breast size.
Care after the procedure
In order to ensure that the breast lift was not in vain, its owners need to adjust their lifestyle for the next few months. Doctors have developed recommendations for six months after surgery - that's how long you need restrictions in physical activity and exercise. Care after the procedure for the stitches and skin is carried out in several stages.
- For two weeks, the stitches are treated with antiseptic and sterile dressings are changed. They must not be rubbed or brushed to prevent additional trauma. The stitches are removed at the clinic.
For better regeneration, doctors recommend the first few nights to sleep only on the back and for two weeks to refuse intimate relations. For the prevention of improper scarring under the ban fall swimming pool, sauna, sunbathing. Moisturizing creams are applied to the scars and around them a month and a half after surgery.
- The skin becomes dry and irritated due to tightening.
It should be moisturized with creams, but not earlier than two weeks after the stitches are removed. If the irritation is too pronounced, the skin is red and burning, it is necessary to use soothing remedies: ointments and compresses.
Some people may be frightened by a crackling sensation under the operated breast. This is normal: it is the behavior of air trapped in the breast pocket created after surgery. Over time, the air bubbles evaporate as they pass through the fatty tissue and disappear completely by about two weeks.
Many people are interested in the prospect of breastfeeding the baby after the lift surgery. Doctors reassure women about this, explaining that the structure of the mammary gland does not suffer, because only the skin and fatty fiber are tightened.
After the breast lift, the woman will have to spend at least 24 hours in the hospital. Doctors must monitor the patient's recovery from anesthesia and her subsequent well-being. Sometimes she may feel a slight pain, which should subside soon.
If everything is normal, then on the second day the patient receives a discharge and recommendations for proper rehabilitation:
- Wear compression underwear - to reduce pain and prevent swelling.
- Arrive at the clinic on a designated day (up to 2 weeks) for suture removal.
- During the month avoid physical activity and hot water procedures: do not do sports, do not visit the sauna and the beach. Swimming is allowed as a form of harmonic exercise.
- Do not go on diets for the purpose of losing weight.
- Avoid hormonal fluctuations.
The results can be objectively assessed not earlier than in 3-4 months, when the swelling disappears completely. If the lift is performed competently and rehabilitation advice is followed, the expected result can last for several years.
- When choosing an institution, be guided not only by prices, but also by the qualifications and experience of specialists working in this particular field.
This will maximally prevent the possibility of complications or errors, which, alas, happen in surgical practice. It is also important to ask about the technical capabilities of the clinic, whether there is the necessary equipment for anesthesia and full operation.
Doctors' opinion
The opinion of doctors should be treated critically. After all, to objectively assess the methods that they themselves use in clinics, plastic surgeons are clearly not in hand. And specialists who do not deal with breast lift, it is difficult to professionally judge this side of medicine. It remains to hope that the doctors of specialized clinics apply experience and knowledge exclusively in the interests of health and beauty of patients.
Patient Testimonials
In the reviews, women from 26 to 55 years old tell about their successful breast lift experience, naming specific clinics and doctors who satisfied their desire to have beautiful breasts. All are delighted with the results. They complain only about restrictions and prohibitions during the rehabilitation period, which are hard to follow for such a long time.
To be beautiful, to be liked by others and herself - a natural desire of a woman. In many ways it depends on herself, and even if you need the help of professionals, the more visible result is obtained in cases that are not neglected. With flaccid, heavy skin with excess fat deposits the same breast lift is much more difficult. But do not be disappointed: today developed approaches and methods effective for different breast conditions and any woman can choose the right one for herself.