Beauty mask for face
Last reviewed: 19.11.2021

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Beauty mask for the face has one main feature - a quick and simultaneously precisely directed action on the skin. A characteristic feature of face masks is the solution of a specific problem, for example, moisturizing, purifying, exfoliating, etc. Masks should be used in combination with other facial care products - creams, serums, etc. While the universal cream maintains a certain balance, nourishes, softens the skin, the mask has a therapeutic and health-improving effect on our skin, i.e. Is aimed at eliminating one existing problem.
Some women believe that the beauty mask for the face is absolutely not necessary in care, the usual cream has many wonderful properties - it rejuvenates, nourishes, moisturizes, in general, makes the skin irresistible and does not take too much time. But this is a mistaken opinion, the mask has a much deeper and wider effect in facial care.
The cream, unlike the mask, should last on the skin all day (all night). Before him is a lot of tasks - do not overdo, do not tighten, moisten, eliminate greasy shine, go for make-up, have a pleasant fragrance. That is why some of the ingredients that are part of the cream, absolutely do not need our skin. When creating a mask, the situation is quite different - it does not matter color, smell, consistency, here the main benefit and effectiveness. In the face mask contains a large number of active ingredients and use it once or twice a week. On the impact on the skin all face masks are different, in this case you need to choose, based on the skin problem - fatty, dry, fading, problematic, etc.
Nourishing, moisturizing masks
As the name suggests, masks nourish and moisturize the skin that needs it. Usually it is necessary in the cold season, when the skin suffers from a temperature drop, cold wind, overdried air in the room. If there is a tightness of the skin, there is peeling, then this mask is exactly what you need. Consistency of masks is usually thick, creamy, oily. Such masks do not absorb the skin, but remain a layer on the surface of the skin. There are such masks that do not need to be washed off (you should only get a surplus wipe with a napkin).
Mask-film has an exfoliating effect. Usually such masks are sticky, gel-like in consistency. After application on the face begin to dry out, forming a film that fits snugly to the skin. This mask is removed from below upwards (from the chin), along with the film, the horny skin particles are removed. In such masks, components can be added that enhance the exfoliating effect, for example, fruit acids.
This mask as well as the previous one has an exfoliating effect. The mask should be applied evenly on the face, it will dry up a little and form a dense soft layer, which must be rolled with fingers. The process of exfoliation is due to mechanical action on the skin (rolling), also the chemical components of the mask help to remove the dead layer, which helps to disconnect unnecessary cells. Usually the amount of such components is high enough that in case of dry or sensitive skin it was possible not to roll up, but simply to wash off with warm water, avoiding excessive injury of the skin.
Mask-pilling acid
Another kind of exfoliating mask. Such masks are an alternative to costly salon procedures. Their action is based on dissolution due to the upper layer of keratinized particles contained in the acid composition. It is not recommended to use such masks for dry or sensitive skin, due to too aggressive components.
Cleansing Mask
Virtually all cleaning masks contain clay (or it directly clay) in the composition. After applying such a mask after a few minutes, it starts to harden and tighten the skin. In this case, you can cover the mask with a layer of food film (pre-making slits for the eyes, mouth, nose). The mask will not tighten the skin, and the greenhouse effect created by the film will only enhance the effect of the mask.
Heating masks
This is another kind of cleansing mask. In contact with the skin, this mask begins to intensively heat, as a result of which pores are opened and harmful substances, dust, and contaminants are expelled outward. A good effect after this kind of masks are scrubs or peelings, which will remove the residue of contamination from the opened pores. Some manufacturers produce products that have a dual effect - thermo-scrubs. Such products on wet skin begin to heat up, and exfoliating ingredients help to remove dirt and clean pores.
Toning masks
Such masks, as a rule, are used when you need a quick result, for example, before a party. This mask perfectly refreshes, tightens up, returns a blush. The composition and consistency of the mask can be the most diverse, most toning masks contain vitamins, extracts of cocoa, ginseng, etc. Masks are simply necessary for women who live in large cities. In the people such masks are compared with the "Cinderella effect" because of a quick, but short-lived result.
Masks for the eyes (lips)
The skin in the eye area is very delicate and delicate, so to care for it you need to use the most light masks that are designed to care for these areas of the skin. Such masks can be moisturizing or nutritious, applied as usual masks, after a certain period of time they are removed with a napkin or washed off with warm water.
Special masks
Masks that solve a specific type of skin problems. For example, soothing, for sensitive skin, whitening, etc. Masks, depending on the purpose, have a different consistency, differ in composition, but invariably show a positive result on the face.
Scrubs can also be attributed to face masks, since they have the same effect: effective effect in a short time. Scrubs are applied to the face by massaging movements, then washed off with cool or warm water. In the process of massaging the skin gets all the useful substances that are at the heart of the scrub (oils, vitamins). When choosing a scrub, you need to take into account the abrasiveness of the exfoliating components (soft microballoons, apricot chips, etc.) and the composition of the main part. For oily skin, scrubs with oil content are not suitable, and when dry, scrubs that have anti-inflammatory components can not be used.
The use of beauty masks for facial skin
Beauty mask for the face can be used not only for basic skin care, but also to eliminate some problems. For example, with the help of a moisturizing mask the moisture balance is restored well even in very dry skin, you can solve problems with oily skin, acne, various inflammations, etc.
Face care with masks is not only home, now in the salons are popular various procedures using masks. Before applying the mask, the cosmetologist will first cleanse the skin, exfoliate the keratinized particles, and massage the face. On average, the mask is applied to the face for 10 to 15 minutes. The masks can include clay, aloe, essential oils, algae, herbal infusions, etc. When the time of the mask ends, the beautician removes the remnants with a napkin and applies a moisturizer or serum. In a good salon you can also get recommendations about what masks you need to use yourself.
The benefits of beauty masks for the face is as follows:
- food;
- toning;
- moisturizing;
- getting rid of acne, acne, inflammation;
- calming effect;
- rejuvenation;
- purification.
Masks for the beauty of the face can be done by yourself, every housewife in the kitchen has many effective ingredients for the mask. For home masks, the following products are good:
- cucumber (stimulates the regeneration of cells, refreshes, soothes the skin, heals minor injuries). Usually a cucumber is used as an eye mask, but it can also be added to other masks in grated form.
- avocado (a source of vitamins A, B1, B2, D, E and skin fats useful for skin). The mask of avocado is well suited for sensitive and dry skin.
- honey (moisturizes, tones, increases elasticity).
- papaya (it includes substances that help to effectively clean the skin of keratinized particles). If the skin is irritated, inflamed or burnt in the sun, papaya masks are contraindicated.
- eggs (the protein has a good cleansing and tonic properties, increases elasticity).
- yoghurt (in the composition there is lactic acid, which has a wonderful exfoliating effect). Yogurt can be applied to the face as an independent mask or used in a complex combination.
- potatoes (well removes swelling under the eyes, suitable for oily skin care).
- Herbs (chamomile, mint in the form of broths are part of many home masks).
For a skin prone to fat content or combined well suited mask of clay. It has a good cleansing effect, penetrates deeply into the pores, removes contaminants, the remains of cosmetics, while not drying out the skin. The systematic use of clay masks allows you to get rid of acne and acne. There are many masks, which contain clay, intended for sensitive skin.
Also a good effect on fat or combination skin is possessed by masks, which contain aloe or cucumber.
Dry skin is in dire need of moisturizing, it is more slope to aging than fatty skin. Special moisturizing masks not only help restore water balance, but also slow the aging process, make it more elastic, eliminate the feeling of tightness.
For dry skin, a variety of oils are excellent, especially for skin olive oil. Houses for cooking moisturizing masks can also be used honey, sour cream, cottage cheese.
A dull complexion, usually speaks of insufficient skin cleansing. In this case, exfoliating masks, for example with fruit acids, are suitable. It is desirable to use mask-film.
Normal skin does not cause happy owners such a special problem, but still for this type of recommended a couple of times a week to do cleansing and moisturizing mask. This will help restore water balance and get rid of dead particles that eventually make the complexion dull, lifeless.
For mature skin, moistening, even very intense, will no longer have the desired effect. Here you need to use special products that contain substances that help in the production of collagen. Such masks will increase elasticity, smooth out fine wrinkles. For greater effect, you can use home masks two or three times a week.
Recipes of beauty masks for face
Beauty mask for the face, which will be prepared at home from natural ingredients, will help for many years to keep your skin young and beautiful. Masks for the face are necessary even in cases where you have normal skin, for this type of moisturizing and nutrition will not be superfluous.
For normal skin, you can use the following masks: - 2 - 3 walnut kernels thoroughly crushed, add a teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of cream (preferably home). Keep this mask for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
- squeeze out the juice of black or red currant (about 1 tablespoon), add a little starch for the density (1 tablespoon). The resulting mixture is applied for 10 minutes and rinsed off with warm water.
- pour the crumb of white bread with milk, give a good soak, crush, to get a thick paste, apply on face and wash off after 15 minutes.
Dry skin is very in need of hydration, and the main effect of these masks is aimed at restoring the water balance in the skin:
- yolk mixed with oatmeal flour (you can grind cereal in a coffee grinder), so that it looks like a thick sour cream. Evenly apply on face and leave for 15 minutes, wash with warm, then with cold water.
- Prepare an infusion of chamomile (a glass of water and 2 tablespoons of dried flowers, insist 2 hours, strain). Triturate with a tablespoon of butter 2 tbsp. Spoons of chamomile infusion, neatly applied to the skin of the face, leave for 15 minutes, remove the remnants of the mask with a damp napkin. The mask is well suited for redness and small irritations.
- in puree from potatoes and beans, add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and a tablespoon of olive oil, stir and place on your face, leave the mixture for 20 minutes, then wash with lukewarm water. After the mask, the complexion and skin condition are improved.
Rejuvenating masks smooth the first wrinkles, nourish the skin, increase elasticity. Aloe juice has a good anti-aging effect, but for this purpose, the leaf of the plant needs to be kept in a dark cool place (a refrigerator will work well) for two weeks, and then squeeze the juice out of it and use it in masks:
- a tablespoon of aloe juice mix well with the egg yolk, apply to the face and leave for 15 minutes, wash with warm, then cool water for toning effect.
- bake the apple in the oven, cool a bit and rasstolkite in gruel, add about the same amount of olive oil, as well as a teaspoon of honey. The resulting mixture should be applied to the skin and leave for 15 minutes, then wash with water. The mask slows the aging process, increases elasticity.
- with a tablespoon of black or red caviar to mix the egg yolk, to slightly thicken the mixture, you can add crumb white bread. The mask should be applied to the face and left for 15 minutes, then rinse well with water.
Any mask should be applied only to well-cleaned and prepared skin. Do not apply the mask to the skin with the remains of makeup or any cream, as this will prevent the penetration of nutrients into the deeper layers of the skin and the mask simply will not bring any result. To wash off cosmetics it is possible usual means which you always use (molochko, soap, penka). After cleansing, it is good to perform an exfoliating procedure using scrub or peeling.
Face mask is a great way to deeply moisturize, cleanse and nourish the skin. A woman who aspires to look good and young needs several times a week to make a mask appropriate to her needs. Our skin on the face is not protected by anything, it is exposed to wind, dust, sun, rain and harmful substances. That's why she needs not only a standard cream lubrication in the morning and in the evening (even the best and most expensive), but in additional care in the form of a variety of masks that penetrate deep layers of the skin and prevent aging, moisturize, soften, tone, improve the complexion, etc.