
Healthy Eating - Top 100

From the standpoint of the theory of adequate nutrition, elemental diets are defective for many reasons and, in particular, because they disrupt the properties and the ratio of nutrient (trophic) and toxic fluxes due to loss of protective functions of membrane digestion and changes in endoecology.
There are indisputable proofs of the influence of food and nutrition on many of the most important biological characteristics of the organism, in particular, on the length of life, aging, and the time of optimal functioning of its physiological systems.
As shown by the special analysis carried out in various countries, the sufficient production of food in itself does not ensure the maintenance of human health at the optimal level. A high culture of nutrition is needed.

The errors that are associated with feeding newborns are amazing and are based on the theory of balanced nutrition. As is known, in higher organisms, including humans, food is digested due to cavity and membrane digestion.

It is becoming increasingly clear that ideal food should be sufficiently individualized.
The idea to design the ideal food and make food ideal, to give food to all the hungry, to prevent numerous diseases and ultimately to change the nature of man seemed extremely attractive.
Additives are chemicals mixed with food to facilitate processing, storage or enhancement of their organoleptic properties. Only those supplements that have undergone certain laboratory tests are allowed to use as food.
Deficiency of essential fatty acids (EFA) is rare, most often in infants, whose nutrition is deficient in EFA. Symptoms include flaky dermatitis, alopecia, thrombocytopenia and growth retardation in children. The diagnosis is established clinically. Replenishment of EFA from food completely eliminates the deficit.
Anorexia or loss of appetite is often found among dying patients. Behavioral approaches (for example, a flexible meal schedule, slow feeding, small portions, favorite or very fragrant dishes) often increase food intake through the mouth.
Proper nutrition is aimed at achieving and maintaining the desired body composition, as well as maintaining a high potential for physical and mental work. The balance of energy with consumed energy is necessary to maintain body weight.


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