
Child - Top 100

Colic is probably the first problem that the mother of a newborn child faces. The appearance of colic in a child is accompanied by crying, motor anxiety, sleep disturbance, increased release of gases from the intestine.
Around of what can and can not be done to a nursing mother, there are many prejudices. Some women follow only the advice of grandmothers, despite the obvious absurdity of some of them.
A child is born with an imperfect and sufficiently vulnerable immune system. Immunity strengthens over time and is a reflection of the health of the baby. How to increase immunity in a child, to protect him from possible diseases?
Before weaning the child at hand, we need to ask ourselves the question: in what cases does the baby ask for his hands? Because not in all cases the child must be weaned from the hands, sometimes the mother's or father's hands are real salvation for the baby. For example, when a child is sick.
Overload of a schoolboy is the hottest topic on forums and in parental disputes. According to the research of the Scientific Center of Health, today only 3-4% of schoolchildren (one or two children for a whole class!) Leave after grade 11 with healthy children. All other doctors diagnose certain deviations in health. And the reason for this - many hours of school overload. How to protect the student from training overload? And what is considered an overload, and what is the usual norm, without which - anywhere?
You never heard your child complain: "Nobody loves me!" Or "They do not let me play with them!" Do you know how painful it is for a child to feel lonely? What if the child has no friends "How can I help him find them?"
Let's find out about the gross mistakes of parents in talking with teenagers.
If you recently divorced, and the child is offended by you, then he misses the parent, who will now live separately, your communication with the child can become tense. If there is an alienation between you, there are several effective ways to fix it. You can strengthen your relationship with the child like this.
To teach a child to be happy, you need to experience this feeling yourself. Up to 7 years old the child is emotionally attached to the mother by 90%, till the age of 14 he continues to feel this connection by 40%. But anyway, the child tries to copy the sensations and behavior of the parents. Therefore, you need to learn a few simple truths about how to be happy.
Very often, adolescents complain that parents control their every step, they do not allow them to breathe freely, and their lives become unbearable. In this article there are important ways that will help to better understand the behavior of the father and mother and cope with the parents' hyper control.


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