If it was possible to lower the temperature before the arrival of the doctor or the arrival of the ambulance, it is necessary to clearly tell the doctors when the temperature appeared, to what extent it rose and how long it kept in such a state.
Medications for the treatment of streptoderma are prescribed only by a medical specialist. It can be drugs and local, and systemic exposure, which is determined by the severity of streptoderma and some features of the disease.
Nitroxoline is the international non-proprietary name of the drug. That is, it is a pure active substance that can be used by various manufacturers, and is part of many drugs.
Antibiotics are the main therapeutic agent for streptoderma in both children and adults. A distinctive feature of the use of antibiotics for streptoderma in children is that they should be given as early as possible when the first signs of the disease appear.
The nitroimidazole antibiotic Metronidazole has a detrimental effect on peptostreptokokki, clostridia, fuzobakterii, porphyromonads, a large group of bacteroids and, as it turned out, even on helicobacter.
The means to get rid of this scourge, we know a lot. Among the most common are ointments, caustic and cauterizing solutions, creams. However, the most comfortable in the application of many consider a special wart patch.
Sodium thiosulfate is a combined pharmaceutical agent that belongs to a group of antidote drugs (specific antidotes, anti-toxic drugs). Thiosulfate helps rid the body of harmful and toxic compounds.
The pharmaceutical market is represented by a variety of drugs, both antibacterial and antimicrobial profile, which are not inferior in their effectiveness to the monural. Consider the popular analogues of monural cystitis.
Recently, the problem of sweating and unpleasant odor of armpits has been decided with the help of special cosmetics in the form of antiperspirant deodorants. But these remedies for sweating underarms are far from as safe as we would like.
The bottom line is that often the ear lays with dangerous diseases - it can become not only a sulfur plug or runny nose, but also an otitis, a tumor, a furuncle, vascular pathologies, etc.